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HxImageRep HxUniform (HxImageRep img, HxSizes sizes)


HxImageRep img
The image you want to convolve with a uniform filter.

HxSizes sizes
The size of the uniform filter.

Return value

The result of convolving the input image with the a uniform filter as described by `sizes'.


The function HxUniform convolves the input image with a uniform filter with sizes as given by the input parameter `sizes'. If the input image is a 2D image, `sizes' should have 2 components. In case of a 3D image, `sizes' should have 3 components. For vector images, each channel is convolved separately. Note that the sizes of the filter may not exceed the corresponding sizes of the image. The output image has double (vector) values.


Valid image types
All types of images are allowed for this function. For vector images, each channel is treated separately.

Border handling
This function uses MIRRORED border handling, see the section on Border handling.

See also

HxGauss, anchor_HxPercentile,


Filter, Convolution,

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:28 2004 for GlobalFunctionGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001