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Function documentation
HxImageRep HxGauss (HxImageRep img, double sigma, double truncation = 3.0)
HxImageRep img
- The image you want to convolve with a Gaussian.
double sigma
- The sigma of the Gaussian, used in the convolution.
double truncation
- The truncation determines at how many sigma the Gaussian filter is clipped.
Return value
- The result of convolving the input image img with a Gaussian. The result has double precision pixels.
The function HxGauss convolves the input image with a Gaussian filter funtion that has a sigma `sigma'. The truncation determines the size of the filter in sigma, where the filter size, in sigma, is 2 times the truncation plus 1. HxGauss convolves the image with a 1 dimensional Gaussian kernel in every dimension. For vector images, each channel is convolved separately with the Guassian kernel.
- Valid image types
- All types of images are allowed for this function. For vector images, each channel is treated separately.
- Valid values for the parameters
- sigma and truncation should both be greater than zero.
- Border handling
- This function uses MIRRORED border handling, see the section on Border handling.
See also
HxGaussDerivative2d, HxConvolution,
Filter, Convolution, Gauss,
Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:26 2004 for GlobalFunctionGuide by
1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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