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HxImageRep HxGaussDerivative3d (HxImageRep img, double sigma, int orderDerivx, int orderDerivy, int orderDerivz, double truncation = 3.0)
HxImageRep img
- The image you want to convolve with a Gaussian kernel.
double sigma
- The sigma of the Gaussian kernel (in both directions).
int orderDerivx
- The order of the derivative of the Gaussian kernel in the x-direction.
int orderDerivy
- The order of the derivative of the Gaussian kernel in the y-direction.
int orderDerivz
- The order of the derivative of the Gaussian kernel in the z-direction.
double truncation
- This parameter determines at how many sigma the Gaussian filter is clipped.
Return value
- The result of convolving the input image with a Gaussian kernel as described by the parameters sigma, orderDerivx, orderDerivy, orderDerivz and truncation.
The function HxGaussDerivative3d convolves 2D-images with a Gaussian filter function. The filter function is separated in the x- , y- and z-direction, where the order of the derivative in all directions can be given seperately. The truncation (in all directions) determines the size of the filter in sigma (of the particular direction), where the filter size, in sigma, is 2 times the truncation plus 1. Sigma is equal for all directions and is given by `sigma'. For vector images, each channel is convolved separately with the Gaussian kernel.
- Valid image types
- All 3D types of images are allowed for this function.
- Valid values for the parameters
- sigma and truncation should both be greater than zero. orderDerivx, orderDerivy and orderDerivz should be larger or equal to zero.
- Border handling
- This function uses MIRRORED border handling, see the section on Border handling.
See also
HxGauss, HxConvGauss3d, HxGaussDerivative2d,
Filter, Convolution, Gauss, Gaussian derivative,
Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:26 2004 for GlobalFunctionGuide by
1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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