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HxImageRepRgbSource Class Reference

Servant for the ImageRepRgbSource interface. More...

#include <HxImageRepRgbSource.h>

Inheritance diagram for HxImageRepRgbSource::

POA_HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource POA_HxCorba::RgbSource List of all members.

Public Methods

 HxImageRepRgbSource (const HxImageRep &img)
 ~HxImageRepRgbSource ()
virtual HxCorba::RgbSeqgetRgb () throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void fillRgb (HxCorba::RgbBuffer_ptr buf) throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void setDisplayMode (const char *displayMode) throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual char * getDisplayMode () throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void setSize (const HxCorba::Sizes &newSize) throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void setMaxSize (const HxCorba::Sizes &maxSize) throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void scale (CORBA::Float factor) throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void setTransferSize (CORBA::Long nLines) throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual CORBA::Long getTransferSize () throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void setTransferPos (CORBA::Long line) throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual CORBA::Long getTransferPos () throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual HxCorba::Sizes getSizes () throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual HxCorba::Sizes getOriginalSizes () throw (CORBA::SystemException)
virtual void close () throw (CORBA::SystemException)

Detailed Description

Servant for the ImageRepRgbSource interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HxImageRepRgbSource::HxImageRepRgbSource const HxImageRep   img

00017     : _img(img), _displayMode("Direct"), _resWidth(-1), _resHeight(-1)
00018 {
00019     _nPixels = _img.numberOfPixels();
00020     _data = new CORBA::Long[_nPixels];
00022     _transPos = 0;   //for partial transfer
00023     _transSize = -1; //for partial transfer
00024 }


00027 {
00028     delete [] _data;
00029 }

Member Function Documentation

HxCorba::RgbSeq * HxImageRepRgbSource::getRgb   throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Reimplemented from POA_HxCorba::RgbSource.

00043 {
00044     if(_transSize == -1) {
00045         _img.getRgbPixels2d((int*)_data, _displayMode, _resWidth, _resHeight);
00046         return new HxCorba::RgbSeq(_nPixels, _nPixels, _data, false);
00047     }
00048     else if(_transPos >= getSizes().y) { // exceeded end 
00049         return new HxCorba::RgbSeq(); 
00050     }
00051     else {
00052         int remainingLines = (getSizes().y - _transPos);
00053         int nLines = (remainingLines > _transSize)? _transSize : remainingLines;
00054         int nPixels = nLines * getSizes().x;
00055         CORBA::Long* dataPiece = _data + (_transPos * getSizes().x);
00056         _transPos += _transSize;
00058         return new HxCorba::RgbSeq(nPixels, nPixels, dataPiece, false);
00059     }
00060 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::fillRgb HxCorba::RgbBuffer_ptr    buf throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

00065 {
00066     if(_transSize == -1) {
00067         HxRgbBuffer tmpBuf(buf, _nPixels);
00068         _img.getRgbPixels2d(tmpBuf.getBuffer(), _displayMode, _resWidth, _resHeight);
00069     }
00070     else if(_transPos >= getSizes().y) { // exceeded end 
00071     }
00072     else {
00073         int remainingLines = (getSizes().y - _transPos);
00074         int nLines = (remainingLines > _transSize)? _transSize : remainingLines;
00075         int nPixels = nLines * getSizes().x;
00076         CORBA::Long* dataPiece = _data + (_transPos * getSizes().x);
00077         _transPos += _transSize;
00079         HxRgbBuffer tmpBuf(buf, nPixels);
00080         int n = nPixels * sizeof(CORBA::Long);
00081         memcpy(tmpBuf.getBuffer(), dataPiece, n);
00082     }
00083 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::setDisplayMode const char *    displayMode throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

00088 {
00089     _displayMode = displayMode;
00091     if(_transSize != -1)
00092         _img.getRgbPixels2d((int*)_data, _displayMode, _resWidth, _resHeight);
00093 }

char * HxImageRepRgbSource::getDisplayMode   throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Reimplemented from POA_HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource.

00098 {
00099     return CORBA::string_dup(_displayMode.c_str());
00100 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::setSize const HxCorba::Sizes   newSize throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

00105 {
00106     _nPixels = newSize.x * newSize.y;
00108     _resWidth = (newSize.x == _img.dimensionSize(1))? -1 : newSize.x;
00109     _resHeight = (newSize.y == _img.dimensionSize(2))? -1 : newSize.y;
00111     delete [] _data;
00112     _data = new CORBA::Long[_nPixels];
00114     if(_transSize != -1)
00115         _img.getRgbPixels2d((int*)_data, _displayMode, _resWidth, _resHeight);
00116 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::setMaxSize const HxCorba::Sizes   maxSize throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

00121 {
00122     double factorX = (double)maxSize.x / (double)_img.dimensionSize(1);
00123     double factorY = (double)maxSize.y / (double)_img.dimensionSize(2);
00124     double factor = (factorX < factorY)? factorX : factorY;
00126     HxCorba::Sizes sizes = { _img.dimensionSize(1)*factor, 
00127         _img.dimensionSize(2)*factor, 1 };
00129     setSize(sizes);
00130 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::scale CORBA::Float    factor throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

00135 {
00136 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::setTransferSize CORBA::Long    nLines throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

00161 {
00162     _transPos = 0;
00163     if((nLines < 0) || (nLines >  getSizes().y))
00164         _transSize = -1;
00165     else {
00166         _transSize = nLines;
00167         // Retrieve data
00168         _img.getRgbPixels2d((int*)_data, _displayMode, _resWidth, _resHeight);
00169     }
00171 }

CORBA::Long HxImageRepRgbSource::getTransferSize   throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Reimplemented from POA_HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource.

00176 {
00177     return (_transSize < 0)? getSizes().y : _transSize;
00178 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::setTransferPos CORBA::Long    line throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

00183 {
00184     _transPos = (line < 0)? 0 : line;
00185 }

CORBA::Long HxImageRepRgbSource::getTransferPos   throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Reimplemented from POA_HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource.

00190 {
00191     return _transPos;
00192 }

HxCorba::Sizes HxImageRepRgbSource::getSizes   throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Reimplemented from POA_HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource.

00142 {
00143     HxCorba::Sizes result = { _resWidth, _resHeight, 1 };
00144     if(result.x == -1) result.x = _img.dimensionSize(1);
00145     if(result.y == -1) result.y = _img.dimensionSize(2);
00147     return result;
00148 }

HxCorba::Sizes HxImageRepRgbSource::getOriginalSizes   throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Reimplemented from POA_HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource.

00153 {
00154     HxCorba::Sizes result = { _img.dimensionSize(1), _img.dimensionSize(2), 1};
00155     return result;
00156 }

void HxImageRepRgbSource::close   throw (CORBA::SystemException) [virtual]

Reimplemented from POA_HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource.

00034 {
00035     PortableServer::ObjectId_var myOid = 
00036         HxServer::instance()->getCurrentObjectId();
00037     HxServer::instance()->unregisterServant(myOid);
00038 }

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Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:16 2004 for CorbaReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001