Compounds | |
interface | HxCorba::App |
An interface for applications to exchange data objects. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Blob2d |
A blob in 2D (HxBlob2d in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::BSplineCurve |
BSplineCurve (HxBSplineCurve in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::SampledBSplineCurve |
A sampled BSplineCurve (HxSampledBSplineCurve in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::BSplineFactory |
A factory for BSplineCurve's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ObjectUsage |
Interface to configure object management in the Horus server. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Configure |
Interface to configure the Horus server. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Constructor |
Construct Horus related CORBA objects. More... | |
exception | HxCorba::DatabaseException |
An exception in the database. More... | |
struct | HxCorba::SegmentQueryResult |
A segment as query result. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::DatabaseSession |
A database session. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Database |
An interface to a database. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxSegmentBuilder |
A VxSegment builder. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxSegmentationBuilder |
A VxSegmentation builder. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::StoreSession |
A database session for storing data. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxMutableSegment |
A VxSegment builder and modifier. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxMutableSegmentation |
A VxSegmentation builder and modifier. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::UpdateSession |
A database session for modifying data. More... | |
union | HxCorba::DBData |
XML database data. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::XMLSession |
Am XML database session. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::HistogramSession |
A database session for Histogram's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxSimilarityBuilder |
A VxSimilarity builder. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxSimilaritySession |
A database session for VxSimilatiry's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::FullSession |
A full featured database session. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::GlobalOps |
Global operations. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::HistogramData |
All histogram data related functionality. More... | |
struct | HxCorba::HistogramMode |
HistogramMode. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Histogram |
A histogram (HxHistogram in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::HistogramFactory |
A factory for Histogram's. More... | |
struct | HxCorba::Sizes |
Size specification in Z3 (HxSizes in C++). More... | |
struct | HxCorba::Point |
A point in R3 (HxPoint in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ImageRepRgbSource |
An RgbSource for display of ImageRep's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ImageData |
All image data related functionality. More... | |
exception | HxCorba::ImageException |
An exeception in an ImageRep operation. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ImageRep |
An image representation (HxImageRep in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ImageFactory |
A factory for ImageRep's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ImageSeqDisplayer |
Deprecated. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ImageSeq |
An image sequence (HxImageSeq in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::ImageSeqFactory |
A factory for ImageSeq's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Matrix |
A matrix (HxMatrix in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::MatrixFactory |
A factory for Matrix's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::NJet |
An Njet (HxNJet in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::NJetFactory |
A factory for NJet's. More... | |
struct | HxCorba::Vec2I |
Vector of 2 integers (HxVec2Int in C++). More... | |
struct | HxCorba::Vec2D |
Vector of 2 doubles (HxVec2Double in C++). More... | |
struct | HxCorba::Vec3I |
Vector of 3 integers (HxVec3Int in C++). More... | |
struct | HxCorba::Vec3D |
Vector of 3 doubles (HxVec3Double in C++). More... | |
struct | HxCorba::Complex |
Complex value (HxComplex in C++). More... | |
union | HxCorba::PixValue |
A pixel value (HxValue in C++). More... | |
struct | HxCorba::PointR2 |
A point in R2 (HxPointR2 in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Polyline2dData |
All polyline data related functionality. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Polyline2d |
A polyline in 2D (HxPolyline2d in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::PolylineFactory |
A factory for Polyline2d's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::RefCountBase |
Base class for all reference counted objects. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Registry |
The registry (HxRegistry in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::RgbBuffer |
A buffer for transfer of RGB data. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::RgbBufferFactory |
Factory for RgbBuffer's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::RgbSource |
Base class for objects that deliver Rgb data. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::SF |
A structuring function (HxSF in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::SFFactory |
A factory for SF's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::TagList |
A list of tags (HxTagList in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::TagListFactory |
Factory for TagList's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::Test |
A testing interface. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::TVCapture |
A TV capture device. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VideoPlayer |
A video player device. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VideoPlayerFactory |
A factory for VideoPlayer's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VideoWriter |
A video file writer device. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VideoWriterFactory |
A factory for VideoWriter's. More... | |
struct | HxCorba::VxTimeSpan |
A time span in a video. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxSegment |
A video segment (VxSegment in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxSegmentation |
A video segmentation. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxSegmentationFactory |
A factury for VxSegmentation's. More... | |
struct | HxCorba::VxStructureEval |
A video structure evaluation. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxStructure |
A video structure (VxStructure in C++). More... | |
interface | HxCorba::VxStructureFactory |
A factory for VxStructure's. More... | |
interface | HxCorba::WebImageFactory |
A factory for ImageData's from web images. More... | |
struct | HxCorba::MyMessage |
struct | HxCorba::Color |
struct | HxCorba::AapFeatures |
interface | HxCorba::UserOps |
Global operations defined by the user. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef long | ContourCode |
A code in a contour definition. More... | |
typedef sequence< ContourCode > | ContourCodeSeq |
A sequence of ContourCode's. More... | |
typedef sequence< Blob2d > | Blob2dSet |
A set of Blob2d's. More... | |
typedef sequence< SegmentQueryResult > | SegmentQueryResultSeq |
A sequence of SegmentQueryResult's. More... | |
typedef sequence< DBDataTag > | DBDataTagSeq |
A sequence of DBDataTag's. More... | |
typedef sequence< DBData > | DBDataRow |
A sequence of DBData's. More... | |
typedef sequence< DBDataRow > | DBDataRowSeq |
A sequence of DBDataRow's. More... | |
typedef sequence< double > | BinDataSequence |
Data of the bins of a histogram. More... | |
typedef sequence< HistogramMode > | HistogramModeSeq |
A sequence of HistogramMode's. More... | |
typedef sequence< Histogram > | HistogramList |
A sequence of Histogram's. More... | |
typedef sequence< ImageRep > | ImageList |
A sequence of ImageRep's. More... | |
typedef sequence< PointR2 > | PointR2Seq |
A sequence of PointR2's. More... | |
typedef sequence< string > | NameList |
A list of names (strings). More... | |
typedef sequence< long > | RgbSeq |
A sequence (array) of RGB values stored in 32-bit integers. More... | |
typedef sequence< string > | StringSeq |
A sequence of string's. More... | |
typedef sequence< octet > | OctetSeq |
A sequence of octet's. More... | |
typedef sequence< short > | ShortSeq |
A sequence of short's. More... | |
typedef sequence< long > | LongSeq |
A sequence of long's. More... | |
typedef sequence< float > | FloatSeq |
A sequence of float's. More... | |
typedef sequence< double > | DoubleSeq |
A sequence of double's. More... | |
typedef sequence< DoubleSeq > | DoubleSeqSeq |
A sequence of sequences of double's. More... | |
typedef sequence< VxTimeSpan > | VxTimeSpanSeq |
A sequence of VxTimeSpan's. More... | |
typedef sequence< VxSegment > | VxSegmentSeq |
A sequence of VxSegment's. More... | |
Enumerations | |
BSpline type. More... | |
XML database data tag. More... | |
enum | ColorModel { RGB, CMY, XYZ, Lab, Luv, OOO, HSI } |
Color model (HxColorModel in C++. More... | |
Pixel type. More... | |
Image signature (HxImageSignature in C++). More... | |
enum | GeoIntType { LINEAR, NEAREST } |
Geometric interpolation type. More... | |
enum | GeoTransType { FORWARD, BACKWARD } |
Geometric transformation type. More... | |
enum | ResultPrecision { SOURCE_PREC, ARITH_PREC, SMALL_PREC } |
Specification of precision in result value. More... | |
enum | PixValueTag { SI, SD, V2I, V2D, V3I, V3D, CPL } |
Tag for type stored in PixValue. More... | |
enum | TrecFaceT { Whatever, None, One, Two, Many } |
enum | TrecYesNoT { Yes, No } |
enum | TrecCameraT { Whatsoever, Static, Pan, Tilt, PanTilt, Zoom, ZoomIn, ZoomOut } |
A code in a contour definition.
A sequence of ContourCode's.
A set of Blob2d's.
A sequence of SegmentQueryResult's.
A sequence of DBDataTag's.
A sequence of DBData's.
A sequence of DBDataRow's.
Data of the bins of a histogram.
A sequence of HistogramMode's.
A sequence of Histogram's.
A sequence of ImageRep's.
A sequence of PointR2's.
A list of names (strings).
A sequence (array) of RGB values stored in 32-bit integers.
A sequence of string's.
A sequence of octet's.
A sequence of short's.
A sequence of long's.
A sequence of float's.
A sequence of double's.
A sequence of sequences of double's.
A sequence of VxTimeSpan's.
A sequence of VxSegment's.
BSpline type.
XML database data tag.
Color model (HxColorModel in C++.
Pixel type.
Image signature (HxImageSignature in C++).
Geometric interpolation type.
Geometric transformation type.
Specification of precision in result value.
Tag for type stored in PixValue.