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HxWatershedMarkers.h File Reference


#include "HxImageRep.h"

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HxImageRep L_HXIMAGEREP HxWatershedMarkers (HxImageRep input, HxImageRep mask, int conn=4, bool doLabelMask=false)
 Watershed from markers. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

HxImageRep L_HXIMAGEREP HxWatershedMarkers HxImageRep    input,
HxImageRep    mask,
int    conn = 4,
bool    doLabelMask = false

Watershed from markers.

  • im is the input image (HxImageRep)
  • mask is the marker image (HxImageRep)
  • conn is the connectivity (4 or 8)
  • doLabelMask (bool) indicate whether the marker images needs to be labeled before, or not
the watershed Image, ImageRep
this version of watershed does not consider a cost function. See HxWatershedMarker2, for a cost-based implementation
R. Lotufo and A. Falcao. "The ordered queue and the optimality of the watershed approaches." In Mathematical Morphology and its Application to Image and Signal Processing, pages 341-350, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2000.

00200 {
00201     HxTagList tags;
00202     HxAddTag(tags, "connectivity", conn);
00203     HxAddTag(tags, "doLabelPlusPlus", doLabelMask);
00205     return input.queueBasedOp(mask, "qWatershedMarkers", tags);
00206 }

Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:48:56 2003 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001