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HxRegionalMinima.h File Reference


#include "HxSF.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


HxImageRep L_HXIMAGEREP HxRegionalMinima (HxImageRep im, int conn)
 function y=mmregmin_equ( f, bc) fminus = mmsubm(f,1); g = mmsubm(mmsuprec(f,fminus,bc),fminus); y = mmunion(mmthreshad(g,1),mmthreshad(f,0,0));. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

HxImageRep L_HXIMAGEREP HxRegionalMinima HxImageRep    im,
int    conn

function y=mmregmin_equ( f, bc) fminus = mmsubm(f,1); g = mmsubm(mmsuprec(f,fminus,bc),fminus); y = mmunion(mmthreshad(g,1),mmthreshad(f,0,0));.

00055 {
00056     HxImageRep res;
00058     //in this list I put the labels representing regional maxima
00059     //this list will be used for LUT
00060     std::vector<int> regMinList;
00061     //regMinList.clear();
00063     BasicFeaturesList bfl=HxGetBlobFeatures(im, res, conn, 0);
00064     //printf("bfl size=%d\n", bfl.size());
00065     for(int ix=0;ix<bfl.size();ix++)
00066     {   
00067         //this function works for gray images, not for color
00068         int cval = bfl[ix]->val.x();
00069         //now check if the the current value is the minimum among the neighbours
00070             //now find the gray value of that neighbor
00071         int nval;
00072         int minnval=INT_MAX;
00073         for(int i=0;i<bfl[ix]->neighbors.size();i++)
00074         {
00075             nval=bfl[ix]->neighbors[i]->val.x();
00076             if(nval<minnval)
00077                 minnval=nval;
00078         }
00079         if(cval < minnval && minnval<INT_MAX)
00080         {
00081             regMinList.push_back(bfl[ix]->label);
00082 //          printf("cval=%3d, maxN=%3d\n",cval,maxnval);
00083         }   
00084     }
00086 //now make the LUT from the list of regional minima
00087     std::map<int,int> lut;
00088     int i;
00089     //lut is zero everywhere except the regional maxima position
00090     //here should be from minVal to MaxVal, not from 0 to 255
00091     for(i=0;i<256;i++)
00092         lut[i]=0;
00094     for(i=0;i<regMinList.size();i++)
00095         lut[regMinList[i]] = 255;
00098     res = HxLUT(res, &lut);
00102     HX_COUT << "nr of regional Minima blobs=" << regMinList.size() << STD_ENDL;
00103     return res;
00104 }

Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:48:55 2003 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001