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template<class ArrayT>
void Impala::Application::Im::DoTestEqualTem ( ArrayT  dummy,
String  name1,
String  name2,
double  eps 

Definition at line 212 of file mainIm.cpp.

References Impala::Core::Array::ArrayListDelete(), Impala::Util::Database::GetInstance(), ILOG_INFO, ILOG_VAR, Impala::Core::Array::ReadRawListVar(), and Impala::Core::Array::TestEqual().

Referenced by DoTestEqual().

00213 {
00214     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Im.DoTestEqualTem);
00215     Util::Database* db = &Util::Database::GetInstance();
00216     std::vector<ArrayT*> src1;
00217     std::vector<ArrayT*> src2;
00218     ReadRawListVar(src1, name1, db);
00219     ReadRawListVar(src2, name2, db);
00221     if (src1.size() != src1.size())
00222     {
00223         ILOG_INFO("Number of array's differs");
00224     }
00225     else
00226     {
00227         if (src1.size() == 0)
00228             ILOG_INFO("List is empty");
00229         for (size_t i=0 ; i<src1.size() ; i++)
00230         {
00231             Array2dScalarReal64* res = 0;
00232             if (! TestEqual(res, src1[i], src2[i], eps))
00233                 ILOG_INFO("Arrays " << i << " differ");
00234             delete res;
00235         }
00236     }
00237     ArrayListDelete(&src1);
00238     ArrayListDelete(&src2);
00239 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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