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OGLVIEW* ViewReadImage ( OGLWND *  oglWnd,
int  n 

Definition at line 31 of file mainConceptSupport.cpp.

References OglImageReadJpg().

00032 {
00033     char    buf[256];
00034     sprintf(buf, "/map176x120/image%d.jpg", n);
00035     OGLIMAGE* im = OglImageReadJpg(buf);
00036     OGLVIEW* view = viewSys.View2D(oglWnd, im, 0,0,6,6);
00037     viewSys.SetTags(view, FlexViewTags);
00038     //viewSys.ClearTags(view, deletableTag);
00039     view->borderCol = oglRED;
00040     //viewSys.SetTexturing(view, 1);
00041     viewSys.ClearTags(view, visibleTag);
00042     oglSys.ReleaseOglImage(im);
00043     return view;
00044 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:05:29 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1