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void Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableFilter::SetTextFilter ( String  substring  )  [inline]

Definition at line 21 of file TableFilter.h.

References Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableFilterUpdateListener::ApplyFilters(), Disable(), ILOG_SYSTEM, mColumn, mSource, mSubstring, and mType.

Referenced by Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableWindowColumn::OpenConfigWindow(), and Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableWindowColumn::TextFieldChangedEvent().

00022     {
00023         if (substring == "")
00024         {
00025             Disable(true);
00026             return;
00027         }
00028         ILOG_SYSTEM("SetTextFilter for "<< mColumn << ": " << substring);
00029         mType = 1;
00030         mSubstring = substring;
00031         mSource->ApplyFilters();
00032     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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