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void OglGui::Button::Init ( int  borderType,
bool  isRect 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 237 of file Button.h.

References OglGui::Window::GuiGeneralName(), mButtonListener, OglGui::Window::mDoStateFeedback, mDownBorderType, mIsPressed, mIsSelected, mRepeatMode, mSelectedColor, mShowCancelState, OglGui::OglWindow::SetBorderFillOpacity(), SetBorderFillShaded(), SetBorderType(), OglGui::Window::SetDisableOGLViewKeys(), OglGui::Window::SetDisableOGLViewMouse(), OglGui::Window::SetForeground(), OglGui::RepeatTimer::SetRepeatDelays(), and OglGui::OglWindow::SetRoundness().

00238     {
00239         GuiGeneralName("Button");
00241         mButtonListener = 0;
00242         mRepeatMode = false;
00243         SetRepeatDelays( 400, 20 );
00245         mDoStateFeedback = true;
00246         mShowCancelState = true;
00247         mIsPressed = false;
00248         mIsSelected = false;
00249         SetForeground( oglBLACK );
00251         mSelectedColor = 0xffff0000;
00253         SetBorderType( borderType );
00254         mDownBorderType = BEV_SUNKEN;
00256         SetBorderFillShaded(2);
00257         SetBorderFillOpacity( 0.5f );
00258         if( !isRect )
00259             SetRoundness( 200, 200, 200, 200 );
00261         SetDisableOGLViewKeys( true );
00262         SetDisableOGLViewMouse( true );
00263     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:26:07 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1