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Impala::Persistency::ImageArchiveLocator::ImageArchiveLocator ( CString  protocolAndHost,
CString  dataSet,
bool  frames,
CString  container,
CString  name,
Quid  quid 
) [inline]

Typically, container is either empty or based on fileId.

In case fileId refers to an ImageSet, the container is Section+Dir. In case fileId refers to a VideoSet, the container is Section+Dir+File. Quid is used in mapi interface.

Definition at line 38 of file ImageArchiveLocator.h.

References mContainer, mFrames, mIsFset, mName, mQuid, and mUseOnlyName.

00040         : Locator(protocolAndHost, dataSet)
00041     {
00042         mUseOnlyName = false;
00043         mFrames = frames;
00044         mContainer = container;
00045         mName = name;
00046         mQuid = quid;
00047         mIsFset = false;
00048     }

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:22:58 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1