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void Impala::Application::Video::UpdateStatusBuf (  ) 

Definition at line 52 of file mainVideo.cpp.

References Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::FrameNr(), gFramesDone, gSrc, gStatusBuf, gTimer, and Impala::Timer::SplitTime().

Referenced by DemoVideo().

00053 {
00054     double timeVal = gTimer.SplitTime();
00055     double fps = (double) gFramesDone / timeVal;
00056     std::ostrstream statusStream;
00057     statusStream << "FrameNr = " << gSrc->FrameNr() << ", did "
00058                  << gFramesDone << " frames in " << timeVal << " sec = "
00059                  << fps << " fps" << std::ends;
00060     strcpy(gStatusBuf, statusStream.str());
00061     statusStream.freeze(false);
00062 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:16:33 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1