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void Impala::Application::VideoExcel::SelectionCollection::ProcessHighlights (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file SelectionCollection.h.

References Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableDataSource::GetMarkFilter(), mItems, and mSource.

Referenced by AddCollectionToSelectionEvent(), RemoveCollectionFromSelectionEvent(), SelectCollectionEvent(), and SelectCollectionInvertedEvent().

00140     {
00141         int id = mSource->GetMarkFilter();
00142         for (int x=0; x<mItems.size(); x++)
00143             mItems[x]->SetHighlighted(false);
00145         if (id==-1)
00146             mItems[0]->SetHighlighted(true);
00147         else
00148         {
00149             if (id== 0)  mItems[1]->SetHighlighted(true);
00150             if (id & 1)  mItems[2]->SetHighlighted(true);
00151             if (id & 2)  mItems[3]->SetHighlighted(true);
00152             if (id & 4)  mItems[4]->SetHighlighted(true);
00153             if (id & 8)  mItems[5]->SetHighlighted(true);
00154             if (id & 16) mItems[6]->SetHighlighted(true);
00155             if (id & 32) mItems[7]->SetHighlighted(true);
00156             if (id & 64) mItems[8]->SetHighlighted(true);
00157             if (id & 128) mItems[9]->SetHighlighted(true);
00158         }
00159    }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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