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void OglGui::ScrollBar::SetPosition ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 
) [inline]

Definition at line 253 of file ScrollBar.h.

References cSbW, mHorizontal, OglGui::OglWindow::mOglWnd, mPixelRange, mScrollPage, mScrollRange, and SetRange().

Referenced by OglGui::WindowScrollBar::WindowScrollBar().

00254     {
00255         // RvB: Michiel vragen
00256         // SetAllowReposition(false);
00257         mOglWnd->x = x;
00258         mOglWnd->y = y;
00259         mOglWnd->height = h;
00260         mOglWnd->width = w;
00261         if (mHorizontal)
00262             mPixelRange = mOglWnd->width - (2*cSbW);
00263         else
00264             mPixelRange = mOglWnd->height - (2*cSbW);
00265         SetRange(mScrollRange, mScrollPage);
00266     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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