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String Impala::Persistency::KernelMatrixRepository::ExposeFilePath ( const KernelMatrixLocator loc,
bool  toWrite 
) [inline]

Definition at line 24 of file KernelMatrixRepository.h.

References ExposeFile(), Impala::Persistency::File::GetPath(), Impala::Persistency::Locator::GetProtocol(), and ILOG_ERROR.

Referenced by Impala::Core::Training::PrecomputeTask::GetWritableMatrix().

00025     {
00026         String protocol = loc.GetProtocol();
00027         if ((protocol == "file") || (protocol == "dataServer"))
00028         {
00029             File file = ExposeFile(loc, toWrite);
00030             return file.GetPath();
00031         }
00032         ILOG_ERROR("ExposeFilePath: unknown protocol: [" << loc.GetProtocol()
00033                    << "] in " << loc);
00034         return "";
00035     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:23:09 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1