Reimplemented from OglGui::Window. Definition at line 144 of file Slider.h. References OglGui::Window::DisplayFunc(), OglGui::Window::GetState(), HorBackDrawing(), mDrawBlendedThumb, mHorizontal, mIsPressed, mMaxVal, mMinVal, OglGui::OglWindow::mOglWnd, mPrecisionIdx, mShowVal, mShowValNeedle, OglGui::Window::mStateFeedbackColor, mThumbH, mThumbR, mThumbW, mTickInterval, mUpsideDown, mVal, and VerBackDrawing(). 00145 { 00146 int wndW = mOglWnd->width, wndH = mOglWnd->height; 00147 int x, y, tW, tH; 00148 INT bInfo[3]; 00149 char buf[25], format[10]; 00150 00151 Window::DisplayFunc(); 00152 00153 OGC oldOGC; 00154 00155 if (GetState() == 0) return; 00156 OGCSave(&oldOGC); 00157 00158 if (mTickInterval < 1) 00159 mTickInterval = 1; 00160 00161 if (mHorizontal){ 00162 x = (int) (mThumbW/2 + ((mVal-mMinVal) / (float) (mMaxVal-mMinVal)) 00163 * (wndW-mThumbW)); 00164 y = (int) (mUpsideDown ? wndH - mThumbH / 2 - 2: mThumbH / 2 + 2); 00165 HorBackDrawing(y, wndW, wndH); 00166 } 00167 else { 00168 y = (int) (mThumbH/2 + ((mVal-mMinVal) / (float) (mMaxVal-mMinVal)) 00169 * (wndH-mThumbH)); 00170 x = (int) (mUpsideDown ? wndW - mThumbW / 2: mThumbW / 2); 00171 VerBackDrawing(x, wndW, wndH); 00172 } 00173 00174 if (mDrawBlendedThumb) oglSys.StartBlend(bInfo); 00175 00176 if (mShowValNeedle){ 00177 SetSolidLineColor(oglTrDARKGREY); 00178 if (mHorizontal) 00179 DrawLine(x, 3, x, wndH - 2); 00180 else 00181 DrawLine(3, y, wndW - 2, y); 00182 } 00183 00184 if (mShowVal){ 00185 ULONG col = mIsPressed ? oglTrGREY : oglTrLIGHTGREY; 00186 col |= (GetState()==2) ? mStateFeedbackColor : 0; 00187 SetSolidFillColor(col); 00188 00189 if (mThumbR != 0.0f){ 00190 FillRoundRectExt(x-mThumbW/2, y-mThumbH/2, mThumbW, mThumbH, 00191 mThumbR, mThumbR, mThumbR, mThumbR); 00192 DrawBevRoundRectExt(mIsPressed ? BEV_SUNKEN : BEV_RAISED, 00193 x-mThumbW/2, y-mThumbH/2, mThumbW, mThumbH, 00194 mThumbR, mThumbR, mThumbR, mThumbR); 00195 } 00196 else { 00197 FillRectangle(x - mThumbW/2, y - mThumbH/2, mThumbW, mThumbH); 00198 DrawBevRect(mIsPressed ? BEV_SUNKEN : BEV_RAISED, 00199 x-mThumbW/2, y - mThumbH/2, mThumbW, mThumbH); 00200 } 00201 } 00202 00203 if (mDrawBlendedThumb) 00204 oglSys.EndBlend(bInfo); 00205 00206 if (mShowVal) 00207 { 00208 sprintf(format, "%%.%df", mPrecisionIdx); 00209 sprintf(buf, format, mVal / pow(10.0,mPrecisionIdx)); 00210 oglSys.GetTextExtent(mOglWnd, buf, &tW, &tH); 00211 oglSys.ShadowPrintf(mOglWnd, x - tW/2 - 1, y - tH/2 + 2, 00212 oglWHITE, oglBLACK, "%s", buf); 00213 } 00214 00215 OGCRestore(&oldOGC); 00216 }
Here is the call graph for this function: ![]()