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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_Array_Pattern_PatGenConv2dSep_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_Array_Pattern_PatGenConv2dSep_h
00004 #include "Core/Array/CheckBorderSize.h"
00005 #include "Core/Array/Pattern/PatSetBorder.h"
00006 #include "Core/Array/Pattern/FuncGenConv2dSep.h"
00007 #include "Util/TimePlot.h"
00009 #ifdef PX_HORUS_USED
00010 #include "Core/Array/Pattern/PxArrayFunc.h"
00011 #include "Core/Array/Pattern/PxStateTrans.h"
00012 #endif
00014 namespace Impala
00015 {
00016 namespace Core
00017 {
00018 namespace Array
00019 {
00020 namespace Pattern
00021 {
00024 template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT,
00025          class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
00026 inline void
00027 PatGenConv2dSep(DstArrayT*& dst, SrcArrayT* src, KerArrayT* ker1,
00028                 KerArrayT* ker2, PixOpT& pixOp, RedOpT& redOp,
00029                 int vType, Util::TimePlot* plotter)
00030 {
00031     if (vType == 6) // the default has not been implemented yet
00032         vType = 0;
00034     int numX = ArrayCW(ker1) / 2;
00035     int numY = ArrayCW(ker2) / 2;
00036     SrcArrayT* checkedSrc = CheckBorderSize(src, numX, numY);
00038     if ((dst == 0) || (dst == checkedSrc))
00039         dst = ArrayClone<DstArrayT>(checkedSrc);
00041 #ifdef PX_HORUS_USED
00042     if (!PxRunParallel()) {                         // run sequential
00043 #endif
00044         if (plotter)
00045             plotter->SplitTime();
00046         if ((vType == 0) || (vType == 1) || (vType == 2))
00047         {
00048             PatSetBorder(checkedSrc, numX, 0);
00049             if (plotter)
00050                 plotter->SplitTime();
00051             KerArrayT* scratch = ArrayClone<KerArrayT>(checkedSrc);
00052             if (plotter)
00053                 plotter->SplitTime();
00054             FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch_H(scratch, checkedSrc,
00055                                          ker1, pixOp, redOp, vType);
00056             if (plotter)
00057                 plotter->SplitTime();
00058             PatSetBorder(scratch, 0, numY);
00059             if (plotter)
00060                 plotter->SplitTime();
00061             FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch_V(dst, scratch,
00062                                          ker2, pixOp, redOp, vType);
00063             delete scratch;
00064         }
00065         else
00066         {
00067             PatSetBorder(checkedSrc, numX, numY);
00068             if (plotter)
00069                 plotter->SplitTime();
00070             if (plotter)
00071                 plotter->SplitTime();
00072             if (plotter)
00073                 plotter->SplitTime();
00074             if (plotter)
00075                 plotter->SplitTime();
00076             //FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch(dst, checkedSrc, ker1,
00077             //                           ker2, pixOp, redOp, vType);
00078         }
00080 #ifdef PX_HORUS_USED
00081     } else {                                        // run parallel
00082         PxArrayPreStateTrans(checkedSrc, PAR_PART, STRONG);
00083         PxArrayPreStateTrans(dst, PAR_PART, WEAK);
00084         if ((vType == 0) || (vType == 1) || (vType == 2)) {
00085             PatSetBorder(PxArrayPD(checkedSrc), numX, 0);
00086             KerArrayT* scratch =
00087                         ArrayClone<KerArrayT>(PxArrayPD(checkedSrc));
00088             FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch_H(scratch, PxArrayPD(checkedSrc),
00089                                          ker1, pixOp, redOp, vType);
00090             PatSetBorder(scratch, 0, numY);
00091             FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch_V(PxArrayPD(dst), scratch,
00092                                          ker2, pixOp, redOp, vType);
00093             delete scratch;
00094         } else {
00095             PatSetBorder(PxArrayPD(checkedSrc), numX, numY);
00096             //FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch(PxArrayPD(dst),
00097             //                           PxArrayPD(checkedSrc), ker1,
00098             //                           ker2, pixOp, redOp, vType);
00099         }
00100         if (PxArrayPD(checkedSrc) != PxArrayPD(src))
00101             PxArrayDeletePD(checkedSrc);
00102         PxArrayPostStateTrans(dst);
00104         if (!PxRunLazyParallel()) {
00105             PxArrayForceNonDistributed(src);
00106             PxArrayForceNonDistributed(dst);
00107         }
00108     }
00109 #endif
00111     if (checkedSrc != src)
00112         delete checkedSrc;
00113 }
00115 } // namespace Pattern
00116 } // namespace Array
00117 } // namespace Core
00118 } // namespace Impala
00120 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:50 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1