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void svm_binary_svc_probability ( const svm_problem prob,
const svm_parameter param,
double  Cp,
double  Cn,
double &  probA,
double &  probB 

Definition at line 1729 of file svm.cpp.

References svm_problem::l, svm_model::label, Malloc, svm_parameter::probability, svm_destroy_model(), svm_destroy_param(), svm_predict_values(), svm_train(), swap(), svm_problem::x, and svm_problem::y.

01732 {
01733         int i;
01734         int nr_fold = 5;
01735         int *perm = Malloc(int,prob->l);
01736         double *dec_values = Malloc(double,prob->l);
01738         // random shuffle
01739         for(i=0;i<prob->l;i++) perm[i]=i;
01740         for(i=0;i<prob->l;i++)
01741         {
01742                 int j = i+rand()%(prob->l-i);
01743                 std::swap(perm[i],perm[j]);
01744         }
01745         for(i=0;i<nr_fold;i++)
01746         {
01747                 int begin = i*prob->l/nr_fold;
01748                 int end = (i+1)*prob->l/nr_fold;
01749                 int j,k;
01750                 struct svm_problem subprob;
01752                 subprob.l = prob->l-(end-begin);
01753                 subprob.x = Malloc(struct svm_node*,subprob.l);
01754                 subprob.y = Malloc(double,subprob.l);
01756                 k=0;
01757                 for(j=0;j<begin;j++)
01758                 {
01759                         subprob.x[k] = prob->x[perm[j]];
01760                         subprob.y[k] = prob->y[perm[j]];
01761                         ++k;
01762                 }
01763                 for(j=end;j<prob->l;j++)
01764                 {
01765                         subprob.x[k] = prob->x[perm[j]];
01766                         subprob.y[k] = prob->y[perm[j]];
01767                         ++k;
01768                 }
01769                 int p_count=0,n_count=0;
01770                 for(j=0;j<k;j++)
01771                         if(subprob.y[j]>0)
01772                                 p_count++;
01773                         else
01774                                 n_count++;
01776                 if(p_count==0 && n_count==0)
01777                         for(j=begin;j<end;j++)
01778                                 dec_values[perm[j]] = 0;
01779                 else if(p_count > 0 && n_count == 0)
01780                         for(j=begin;j<end;j++)
01781                                 dec_values[perm[j]] = 1;
01782                 else if(p_count == 0 && n_count > 0)
01783                         for(j=begin;j<end;j++)
01784                                 dec_values[perm[j]] = -1;
01785                 else
01786                 {
01787                         svm_parameter subparam = *param;
01788                         subparam.probability=0;
01789                         subparam.C=1.0;
01790                         subparam.nr_weight=2;
01791                         subparam.weight_label = Malloc(int,2);
01792                         subparam.weight = Malloc(double,2);
01793                         subparam.weight_label[0]=+1;
01794                         subparam.weight_label[1]=-1;
01795                         subparam.weight[0]=Cp;
01796                         subparam.weight[1]=Cn;
01797                         struct svm_model *submodel = svm_train(&subprob,&subparam);
01798                         for(j=begin;j<end;j++)
01799                         {
01800                                 svm_predict_values(submodel,prob->x[perm[j]],&(dec_values[perm[j]])); 
01801                                 // ensure +1 -1 order; reason not using CV subroutine
01802                                 dec_values[perm[j]] *= submodel->label[0];
01803                         }               
01804                         svm_destroy_model(submodel);
01805                         svm_destroy_param(&subparam);
01806                         free(subprob.x);
01807                         free(subprob.y);
01808                 }
01809         }               
01810         sigmoid_train(prob->l,dec_values,prob->y,probA,probB);
01811         free(dec_values);
01812         free(perm);
01813 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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