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The first reason to develop a CORBA server to access a Database was to be able to store video segmentations in an Oracle Database. The data structures of the video segmentations was ideal to be stored in a relational database, and Oracle was choosen. And a CORBA server was develop to be able to access this data from any other component of the framework. OracleServer was born.

One of the important points in the development of OracleServer was the query functionality. Relational databases are queried via SQL, but SQL is not easy to map to CORBA. Some functions has been introduced to perform easy queries without the complexity of SQL, and other mechanisms have been proved to allow users use the full potential of SQL to query the database. These functions and mechanisms will be described in detail in the IDL Definitions section.

Oracle is not the only database available, and it's not the most suitable for all platforms. We wanted to be able to develop a CORBA server for any other database, so the components of the OracleServer (DatabaseServer classes) were designed such a way that they can be reused for the development of a server for another database, like MySQL. Section Java Structure explains the components (Java classes) that have been created for developing a CORBA server for a Database and how to use these componets to build the OracleServer or the MySQLServer.

Finally, in the development of the DatabaseServer was taken into account the possibility of handle other data different to video segmentations, as will be shown in the IDL Definitions section.

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Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:11:57 2003 for DatabaseReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001