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Java Structure of MySQLServer

MySQLServer is the main class. It inherits from DatabaseServer and redefines makeDatabaseSessionServant to return a MySQLSessionServant as a servant for DatabaseSession. It also instantiates the JDBC driver for MySQL.

MySQLSessionServant extends DatabaseSessionServant. It doesn't implement any other kind of session (XML, Histogram and Similarity stuff still haven't been ported to MySQL) but it redefines some methods of DatabaseSessionServant to adapt it to MySQL (there are some things missed in the SQL implementation in MySQL, so the way DatabaseSessionServant implement some functions doesn't work for MySQL).

For the same reason, MySQLSegmentationServant and MySQLSegmentServant have been implemented. They just redefine some methods of VxSegmentationServant and VxSegmentServant to implement them in the "MySQL way".

MySQLSessionServant redefines makeSegmentationDefSvt and makeSegmentDefSvt to set MySQLSegmentationServant and MySQLSegmentServant as default servants.

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Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:11:57 2003 for DatabaseReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001