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int Impala::Application::Videolympics::VideolympicsClient::SendShot ( std::string  shotname  )  [inline]

Definition at line 27 of file VideolympicsClient.h.

References Impala::Util::StringParser::GetString(), ILOG_DEBUG, ILOG_ERROR, mBuffer, mVidolPort, mVidolServer, mVidolTeamNo, CommunicatingSocket::recv(), RET_CHEATER, RET_INVALID, RET_NOCONNECTION, RET_NOREPLY, RET_OK, RET_TOOLATE, RET_TOOSOON, RET_UNKNOWNREPLY, and CommunicatingSocket::send().

Referenced by Impala::Application::WindowTrecSearch::BookmarkEvent(), and Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataViewController::SetMarkById().

00028     {
00029         std::ostringstream o;
00030         o << "GET /team=" << mVidolTeamNo << "/" << shotname << std::endl << std::endl;
00031         TCPSocket *s = 0;
00032         try
00033         {
00034             s = new TCPSocket(mVidolServer, mVidolPort);
00035         } 
00036         catch (SocketException e)
00037         {
00038             ILOG_ERROR("SendShot " << shotname << " FAILED: could not connect to server.");
00039             if (s) delete s;
00040             return RET_NOCONNECTION;
00041         }
00042         if (s == 0)
00043         {
00044             ILOG_ERROR("SendShot " << shotname << " FAILED: could not initialize server object.");
00045             return RET_NOCONNECTION;
00046         }
00048         std::string call = o.str();
00049         s->send(call.c_str(), (int)call.length());
00050         int length = s->recv(mBuffer, 2048);
00051         if (length <= 0)
00052         {
00053             ILOG_ERROR("SendShot " << shotname << " FAILED: No reply from server.");
00054             delete s;
00055             return RET_NOREPLY;
00056         }
00057 //        ILOG_DEBUG("Read " << length<< " bytes from server.");
00058         mBuffer[length] = 0;
00059         Util::StringParser p = Util::StringParser(mBuffer);
00061         std::string r = p.GetString('\n');
00062         int replycode = RET_UNKNOWNREPLY;
00064         if (r == "OK")                           replycode = RET_OK;
00065         else if (r == "ERROR INVALID")           replycode = RET_INVALID;
00066         else if (r == "ERROR TOOSOON")           replycode = RET_TOOSOON;
00067         else if (r == "ERROR TOOLATE")           replycode = RET_TOOLATE;
00068         else if (r == "ERROR CHEATING DETECTED") replycode = RET_CHEATER;
00070         if (replycode != 0)
00071         {
00072             ILOG_ERROR("SendShot " << shotname << ": FAILED with error code " << replycode << ": " << r);
00073         } else {
00074             ILOG_DEBUG("SendShot " << shotname << ": OK");
00075         }
00077         delete s;
00078         return replycode;
00079     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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