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void Impala::Application::Util::DoScoreConceptsVideo (  ) 

Definition at line 1414 of file mainUtil.cpp.

References Impala::atol(), Impala::Core::Table::AveragePrecision(), Impala::Core::Table::AveragePrecisionJudged(), Impala::Core::Table::TableTem< Col1T, Col2T, Col3T, Col4T, Col5T, Col6T, Col7T, Col8T, Col9T >::Get1(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetArg(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInstance(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetNrArg(), ILOG_ERROR, ILOG_VAR, Impala::Core::Database::MakeRawDataSet(), Impala::MakeString(), Impala::QuidClass(), and Impala::Core::Table::Select().

Referenced by mainUtil().

01415 {
01416     typedef Core::Database::RawDataSet RawDataSet;
01417     typedef Core::Table::SimilarityTableSet SimilarityTableSet;
01418     typedef Core::Table::SimilarityTableSet::RankTableType RankTableType;
01419     typedef Core::Table::AnnotationTable AnnotationTable;
01420     using Impala::Core::Table::AveragePrecision;
01422     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Util.DoScoreConceptVideo);
01423     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
01424     if (options.GetNrArg() < 5)
01425     {
01426         ILOG_ERROR("Need more parameters");
01427         return;
01428     }
01429     String dataSetName = options.GetArg(1);
01430     String conceptSet = options.GetArg(2);
01431     String model = options.GetArg(3);
01432     String feature = options.GetArg(4);
01433     int vidStart = atol(options.GetArg(5));
01434     int vidEnd = atol(options.GetArg(6));
01436     RawDataSet* dataSet = Core::Database::MakeRawDataSet(dataSetName);
01437     SimilarityTableSetLocator simLoc(dataSet->GetLocator(), true, "",
01438                                      conceptSet, model, feature, "");
01439     SimilarityTableSet* simSet = SimilarityTableSetRepository().Get(simLoc);
01441     Core::Table::QuidTable* qTable = simSet->GetQuidTable();
01442     int qClass = QuidClass(qTable->Get1(0));
01443     Real64 mapJ = 0;
01444     int nrMap = 0;
01445     std::cout << simLoc << ", size = " << simSet->TableSize() << std::endl;
01446     std::vector<int> videos;
01447     std::cout << "videos: ";
01448     for (int i=vidStart ; i<vidEnd ; i++)
01449     {
01450         videos.push_back(i);
01451         std::cout << i << " ";
01452     }
01453     std::cout << std::endl;
01454     for (int c=0 ; c<simSet->NrTables() ; c++)
01455     {
01456         String concept = simSet->GetName(c);
01457         AnnotationTableLocator annoLoc(dataSet->GetLocator(), qClass,
01458                                        conceptSet, concept);
01459         if (!AnnotationTableRepository().Exists(annoLoc))
01460         {
01461             ILOG_ERROR("No groundtruth for " << concept);
01462             continue;
01463         }
01464         AnnotationTable* truth = AnnotationTableRepository().Get(annoLoc);
01465         truth->UpdateQuidMap();
01466         RankTableType* rank = simSet->GetRankTable(c);
01467         if (videos.size() > 0)
01468         {
01469             Core::Table::CriterionQuidObjectInSet<RankTableType> crit(videos);
01470             Core::Table::Select(rank, rank, crit, true);
01471         }
01472         Real64 apJ = AveragePrecisionJudged(rank, truth, false, -1, true);
01473         mapJ += apJ;
01474         std::cout << MakeString(concept, 25) << " " << apJ << std::endl;
01475         nrMap++;
01476         delete truth;
01477     }
01478     std::cout << "mapJudged=" << mapJ/nrMap << std::endl;
01479     std::cout << std::endl;
01480     delete simSet;
01481     delete dataSet;
01482 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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