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virtual void OglGui::DirectionButton::DisplayFunc (  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from OglGui::Button.

Definition at line 66 of file DirectionButton.h.

References OglGui::Button::DisplayFunc(), OglGui::Window::GetState(), OglGui::Button::IsPressed(), mDirection, mDirectionFeedback, mDoDrawDirection, mFeedbackColor, mFixedArrowSize, OglGui::Window::mForeGroundColor, mIsClosed, mIsFilled, mMargin, OglGui::OglWindow::WndHeight(), and OglGui::OglWindow::WndWidth().

00067     {
00068         float   coords[6];
00069         float   hW = WndWidth()/2.0f;
00070         float   hH = WndHeight()/2.0f;
00071         ULONG   col = mForeGroundColor;
00072         int     marginW = mMargin;
00073         int     marginH = mMargin;
00074         OGC     myOGC;
00076         Button::DisplayFunc();
00078         if (!mDoDrawDirection)   // Enable the user to choose text instead
00079             return;
00081         marginW = (int) ((marginW < hW/2) ? marginW : hW/2);
00082         marginH = (int) ((marginH < hH/2) ? marginH : hH/2);
00084         OGCSave(&myOGC);
00085         glPushMatrix();
00087         OGCSetPolyFillMode(theOGC,3);
00089         glTranslatef(hW+(IsPressed()?1:0), hH+(IsPressed()?-1:0), 0.0f);
00090         if ((mDirection%4) != 0)
00091             glRotatef(mDirection*90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
00093         if (mDirection%2)
00094         {
00095             hH = hW;
00096             hW = WndHeight()/2.0f;
00097         }
00098         if (mFixedArrowSize>0)
00099         {
00100             hH = hW = mFixedArrowSize/2;
00101             marginH = marginW = 0;
00102         }
00103         coords[0] = -hW+marginH;
00104         coords[1] = -hH+marginW;
00106         coords[2] = hW-marginH;
00107         coords[3] = 0;
00109         coords[4] = -hW+marginH;
00110         coords[5] = hH-marginW;
00112         if (mIsFilled || (mDirectionFeedback && GetState()==2))
00113         {
00114             col = (mDirectionFeedback && GetState()==2) ?
00115                    mFeedbackColor : mForeGroundColor;
00116             if (!GetState())
00117                 col = oglLIGHTGREY;
00118             SetSolidFillColor(col);
00119             FillTriangles(coords,3);
00120         }
00121         else
00122         {
00123             if (!GetState())
00124                 col = oglLIGHTGREY;
00125             SetSolidLineColor(col);
00126             if (mIsClosed)
00127                 DrawTriangles(coords,3);
00128             else
00129                 DrawLineStrip(coords,3);
00130         }
00132         glPopMatrix();
00133         OGCRestore(&myOGC);
00134     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Fri Mar 19 12:00:39 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1