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00001 #include "Core/Geometry/PointZList.h"
00002 #include "Core/Stream/RgbDataSrcFactory.h"
00003 #include "Core/Stream/RgbDataSrcWindow.h"
00004 #include "Core/Stream/SeqConvKernel.h"
00005 #include "Core/Array/ColorSegmentation.h"
00006 #include "Core/Array/Percentile.h"
00007 #include "Core/Array/GreaterThanVal.h"
00008 #include "Core/Array/Abs.h"
00009 #include "Core/Array/WritePgm.h"
00010 #include "Core/Array/WritePng.h"
00011 #include "Core/Array/WriteJpg.h"
00012 #include "Core/Array/Rotate.h"
00013 #include "Core/Array/MakeFromData.h"
00014 #include "Core/Array/RGB2Intensity.h"
00015 #include "Core/Array/GetRgbPixels.h"
00016 #include "Core/Array/Set.h"
00017 #include "Core/Array/WriteRaw.h"
00018 #include "Core/Array/ReadRaw.h"
00019 #include "Core/Array/Erosion.h"
00020 #include "Core/Array/Dilation.h"
00021 #include "Core/Array/Threshold.h"
00022 #include "Core/Array/Label.h"
00023 #include "Core/Array/Watershed.h"
00024 #include "Core/Array/GeodesicDistanceTransform.h"
00025 #include "Core/Array/SKIZ.h"
00026 #include "Core/Array/ProjectRange.h"
00027 #include "Core/Array/GaussDerivative.h"
00028 #include "Core/Array/RecGauss.h"
00029 #include "Core/Array/Trait/BpoEqual.h"
00030 #include "Core/Array/Harris.h"
00031 #include "Core/Array/InvCompDer.h"
00032 #include "Core/Array/KeypointsLowe.h"
00034 #include "Visualization/Window.h"
00035 #include "Visualization/AppControlSrc.h"
00036 #include "Visualization/ViewListenerWithCircles.h"
00037 #include "Visualization/ViewListenerWithArrows.h"
00039 // since we are not using libraries:
00040 #include "OglGui/OglLib.cpp"
00041 #include "Link/ImpalaLib.cpp"
00043 namespace Impala
00044 {
00045 namespace Application
00046 {
00047 namespace Src
00048 {
00051 using namespace Impala::Visualization;
00052 using namespace Impala::Core::Array;
00053 using namespace Impala::Core::Stream;
00054 using namespace Impala::Core::Geometry;
00056 // command line parameters
00057 String gCmd;
00058 int    gVerbose = 0;
00059 Real64 gSigma = 1.0;
00060 Real64 gPrecision = 3.0;
00061 Real64 gLogScale = 32.0;
00062 String gDispMode("LogMagnitude");
00063 Real64 gSigmaA = 3.0;
00064 Real64 gK = 0.00; // 0.04 ?
00065 bool   gUseRecGauss = false;
00066 int    gBorderSize = 19;
00068 class BpoSwiss
00069 {
00070 public:
00072     typedef Pattern::TagTransInVar TransVarianceCategory;
00075     typedef Pattern::TagCallValue CallCategory;
00077     BpoSwiss(Real64 theMax, int dimension)
00078     {
00079         mTheMax = theMax;
00080         mDimension = dimension;
00081     }
00083     Element::Vec3Real64
00084     DoIt(const Element::Vec3Real64& v, const Real64& s)
00085     {
00086         Real64 f = (s > 0) ? (s / mTheMax) * 255 : 0;
00087         if (f < 32)
00088             return v;
00089         /* blend
00090         if (mDimension == 1)
00091             return Element::Vec3Real64(f, v.y(), v.z());
00092         else if (mDimension == 2)
00093             return Element::Vec3Real64(v.x(), f, v.z());
00094         return Element::Vec3Real64(v.x(), v.y(), f);
00095         */
00097         // saturate
00098         if (mDimension == 1)
00099             return Element::Vec3Real64(255, v.Y(), v.Z());
00100         else if (mDimension == 2)
00101             return Element::Vec3Real64(v.X(), 255, v.Z());
00102         return Element::Vec3Real64(v.X(), v.Y(), 255);
00104         /* force
00105         if (mDimension == 1)
00106             return Element::Vec3Real64(f, 0, 0);
00107         else if (mDimension == 2)
00108             return Element::Vec3Real64(0, f, 0);
00109         return Element::Vec3Real64(0, 0, f);
00110         */
00111     }
00113 private:
00114     Real64 mTheMax;
00115     int    mDimension;
00116 };
00118 class ExportPoints
00119 {
00120 public:
00121     typedef Pattern::TagPixOpOut       DirectionCategory;
00122     typedef Pattern::TagTransVar       TransVarianceCategory;
00123     typedef Pattern::Tag1Phase         PhaseCategory;
00125     ExportPoints(Real64 theMax, PointZListBI pListBI) :
00126         mPListBI(pListBI), mTheMax(theMax)
00127     {
00128     }
00130     void
00131     DoIt(const Real64& s, int x, int y)
00132     {
00133         Real64 f = (s > 0) ? (s / mTheMax) * 255 : 0;
00134         if (f < 32)
00135             return;
00136         *mPListBI++ = PointZ(x, y);
00137     }
00139 private:
00141     Real64 mTheMax;
00142     PointZListBI mPListBI;
00143 };
00145 // finds max points and stores result in dst as well as pList
00146 void
00147 DoMaxPoints(Array2dVec3Real64* dst, Array2dScalarReal64* src, int dimension,
00148             PointZListBI pListBI)
00149 {
00150     int cw = 2*gSigmaA + 1;
00151     int ch = 2*gSigmaA + 1;
00152     Array2dScalarReal64* ker = ArrayCreate<Array2dScalarReal64>(cw, ch);
00153     Core::Matrix::MatSet(ker, 0);
00155     Array2dScalarReal64* tmp1 = 0;
00156     Dilation(tmp1, src, ker);
00157     Trait::BpoEqual<Array2dScalarReal64, Array2dScalarReal64,
00158                     Array2dScalarReal64> bpo(0.0000000000000001);
00159     Pattern::PatBinaryPixOp(tmp1, tmp1, src, bpo); // src == dilated implies local max
00160     Mul(tmp1, tmp1, src); // obtain orignal values for local max from src
00161     Real64 theMax = PixMax(tmp1);
00162     //std::cout << "theMax : " << theMax << std::endl;
00164     ExportPoints expPoints(theMax, pListBI); // obtain coordinates
00165     Pattern::PatInOutOp(tmp1, expPoints);
00167     Array2dScalarReal64* tmp2 = 0;
00168     Dilation(tmp2, tmp1, ker); // "blow up" points for visibility
00169     delete ker;
00171     BpoSwiss bpoSwiss(theMax, dimension); // insert colored points in original
00172     Pattern::PatBinaryPixOp(dst, dst, tmp2, bpoSwiss);
00173     delete tmp1;
00174     delete tmp2;
00175 }
00179 class WindowSrc : public Window, public AppControlSrc
00180 {
00181 public:
00183     WindowSrc(RgbDataSrc* src) :
00184         Window(0, 0, SuggestWndWidth(3, src->FrameWidth()),
00185                SuggestWndHeight(2, src->FrameHeight()) + 25, true),
00186         AppControlSrc(1)
00187     {
00188         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00189         SetSrc(src); // tell AppControlSrc about src
00190         AppController::Instance().AddControl((AppControlSrc*) this, true);
00191         mViewScale = options.GetDouble("viewScale");
00192         mCircleView1 = 0;
00193         mCircleView2 = 0;
00194         mCircleView4 = 0;
00195         mCircleView5 = 0;
00196         mArrowView = 0;
00197         if (gCmd == "tgauss")
00198         {
00199             mTGauss = MakeGaussian1d(gSigma, 1, gPrecision, 100);
00200             //WindowPrepCopyToVec3Real64* tmp = new WindowPrepCopyToVec3Real64();
00201             //mSrcWindow = new RgbDataSrcWindow<WindowPrepCopyToVec3Real64>
00202             WindowPrepGaussDerivative* tmp = new WindowPrepGaussDerivative
00203                 (3.0, 1, 0, 3.0);
00204             mSrcWindow = new RgbDataSrcWindow<WindowPrepGaussDerivative>
00205                 (GetSrc(), mTGauss->CW(), tmp);
00206         }
00208 #ifdef OGL_USING_GLUT
00209 //        SetAlwaysDraw(); // UpdateScene() doesn't work.
00210 #endif
00211         AppController::Instance().MainLoop();
00212     }
00214     // specialization of base classes
00216     void
00217     HandleCycleSrc()
00218     {
00219 //        mOglWnd->updateScene = 1;
00220         SetStatusStr((char*) GetFpsString().c_str());
00221     }
00223     void
00224     HandleNewFrame()
00225     {
00226         UpdateView(0, GetSrc()->DataPtr(), GetSrc()->FrameWidth(),
00227                    GetSrc()->FrameHeight(), mViewScale);
00229         Util::Database* db = &Util::Database::GetInstance();
00230         ArraySystem& aSys = ArraySystem::Instance();
00231         aSys.MarkMemoryUsage(gVerbose > 0);
00233         Array2dVec3UInt8* srcWrap = ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>
00234             (GetSrc()->FrameWidth(), GetSrc()->FrameHeight(), 0, 0,
00235              GetSrc()->DataPtr(), true);
00236         Array2dVec3Real64* srcV3R64 = ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3Real64>
00237             (GetSrc()->FrameWidth(), GetSrc()->FrameHeight(), gBorderSize,
00238              gBorderSize);
00239         MakeFromData2<Array2dVec3Real64,Array2dVec3UInt8>(srcV3R64,
00240                                                           GetSrc()->DataPtr());
00241         Array2dScalarReal64* srcSR64 = 0;
00242         RGB2Intensity(srcSR64, srcV3R64);
00245         if (gCmd == "keypoints")
00246         {
00247             if (gVerbose > 0)
00248                 std::cout << "doing keypoints" << std::endl;
00249             mAList.clear();
00250             Array2dScalarReal64* points = 0;
00251             Array2dScalarUInt8* featVecs = 0;
00252             KeypointsLowe(points, featVecs, srcWrap, false);
00253             for (int r=0 ; r<points->CH() ; r++)
00254             {
00255                 Real64* pointPtr = points->CPB(0, r);
00256                 ArrowR a;
00257                 a.mPX = *pointPtr++;
00258                 a.mPY = *pointPtr++;
00259                 //a.mLen = 6 * *pointPtr++; // produces proper length?
00260                 a.mLen = *pointPtr++;
00261                 a.mDir = *pointPtr++;
00262                 mAList.push_back(a);
00263             }
00264             delete points;
00265             delete featVecs;
00266             if (mArrowView == 0)
00267                 mArrowView = new ViewListenerWithArrows(&mAList, oglRED);
00268             UpdateView(1, srcSR64, "Stretch", mViewScale, mArrowView);
00269         }
00271         if (gCmd == "tgauss")
00272         {
00273             if (gVerbose > 0)
00274                 std::cout << "doing tgauss" << std::endl;
00275             mSrcWindow->FollowSrc();
00276             Array2dVec3Real64* res = 0;
00277             SeqConvKernel(res, mSrcWindow, mTGauss);
00278             int v = 1;
00279             UpdateView(v++, res, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00280             for (int d=1 ; d<=3 ; d++)
00281             {
00282                 Array2dScalarReal64* p = 0;
00283                 ProjectRange(p, res, d);
00284                 UpdateView(v++, p, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00285                 delete p;
00286             }
00287             delete res;
00288             for (int i=0 ; i<mSrcWindow->WindowSize() ; i++)
00289                 UpdateView(v++, mSrcWindow->DataArrayWindow(i), "Direct",
00290                            mViewScale);
00291         }
00293         if (gCmd == "segment")
00294         {
00295             if (gVerbose > 0)
00296                 std::cout << "doing segment" << std::endl;
00297             ColorSegmentationAlgorithm segAlg = TextureAddZero;
00298             ColorSegmentationInvariant invariantType = C;
00299             //ColorSegmentationAlgorithm segAlg = Texture;
00300             //ColorSegmentationInvariant invariantType = E;
00301             //double minRegionFraction = 0.05;
00302             double minRegionFraction = 0.01;
00303             //double threshold = 7.5;
00304             double threshold = 6.0;
00305             bool gUseGauss = false;
00306             std::cout << "segAlg = " << MakeString(segAlg) << ", invariantType = "
00307                     << MakeString(invariantType) << std::endl;
00308             std::cout << "minRegionFraction = " << minRegionFraction
00309                     << ", threshold = " << threshold << std::endl;
00310             Array2dVec3UInt8* dst = 0;
00311             std::vector<Array2dVec3UInt8*> dispList;
00312             ColorSegmentation(dst, srcV3R64, segAlg, invariantType,
00313                               minRegionFraction, threshold, gUseGauss,
00314                               &dispList);
00315             UpdateView(1, dst, "Direct", mViewScale);
00316             for (int i=0 ; i<dispList.size() ; i++)
00317                 UpdateView(2+i, dispList[i], "Direct", mViewScale);
00318             delete dst;
00319             ArrayListDelete(&dispList);
00320         }
00322         if (gCmd == "inv")
00323         {
00324             if (gVerbose > 0)
00325                 std::cout << "doing inv" << std::endl;
00326             Array2dVec3Real64* srcCopy = 0;
00327             Set(srcCopy, srcV3R64);
00329             std::vector<Array2dScalarReal64*> rgbList;
00330             rgbList = InvCompDer(srcV3R64, gSigma, gPrecision, gUseRecGauss);
00331             Array2dScalarReal64* im = 0;
00333             HarrisObj<Array2dScalarReal64>(im, rgbList, gSigmaA, gK,
00334                                                gUseRecGauss);
00335             mPList1.clear();
00336             DoMaxPoints(srcV3R64, im, 1, std::back_inserter(mPList1));
00337             if (mCircleView1 == 0)
00338                 mCircleView1 = new ViewListenerWithCircles(&mPList1, 5,
00339                                                                oglRED);
00340             UpdateView(1, im, gDispMode, mViewScale, mCircleView1);
00342             HarrisSperical<Array2dScalarReal64>(im, rgbList, gSigmaA, gK,
00343                                                     gUseRecGauss);
00344             mPList2.clear();
00345             DoMaxPoints(srcV3R64, im, 2, std::back_inserter(mPList2));
00346             if (mCircleView2 == 0)
00347                 mCircleView2 = new ViewListenerWithCircles(&mPList2, 5,
00348                                                                oglGREEN);
00349             UpdateView(2, im, gDispMode, mViewScale, mCircleView2);
00351             UpdateView(0, srcV3R64, "Direct", mViewScale);
00352             UpdateView(3, srcCopy, "Direct", mViewScale); // dummy to init viewer
00354             HarrisRGB<Array2dScalarReal64>(im, rgbList, gSigmaA, gK,
00355                                                gUseRecGauss);
00356             mPList4.clear();
00357             DoMaxPoints(srcCopy, im, 2, std::back_inserter(mPList4));
00358             if (mCircleView4 == 0)
00359                 mCircleView4 = new ViewListenerWithCircles(&mPList4, 5,
00360                                                                oglGREEN);
00361             UpdateView(4, im, gDispMode, mViewScale, mCircleView4);
00363             HarrisOpponent<Array2dScalarReal64>(im, rgbList, gSigmaA, gK,
00364                                                     gUseRecGauss);
00365             mPList5.clear();
00366             DoMaxPoints(srcCopy, im, 1, std::back_inserter(mPList5));
00367             if (mCircleView5 == 0)
00368                 mCircleView5 = new ViewListenerWithCircles(&mPList5, 5,
00369                                                                oglRED);
00370             UpdateView(5, im, gDispMode, mViewScale, mCircleView5);
00372             UpdateView(3, srcCopy, "Direct", mViewScale);
00374             delete srcCopy;
00375             delete im;
00376             ArrayListDelete(&rgbList);
00377         }
00379         if (gCmd == "write")
00380         {
00381             if (gVerbose > 0)
00382                 std::cout << "doing write" << std::endl;
00383             bool binary = true;
00384             WriteRaw(srcV3R64, "v3r64.raw", db, binary);
00385             WriteRaw(srcSR64, "sr64.raw", db, binary);
00386             UpdateView(1, srcSR64, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00387         }
00389         if (gCmd == "erosion")
00390         {
00391             if (gVerbose > 0)
00392                 std::cout << "doing erosion" << std::endl;
00393             int cw = 5;
00394             int ch = 9;
00395             Array2dScalarReal64* ker = ArrayCreate<Array2dScalarReal64>(cw, ch);
00396             Core::Matrix::MatSet(ker, 0);
00397             Array2dScalarReal64* res = 0;
00398             Erosion(res, srcSR64, ker);
00399             //Percentile(res, srcSR64, 5, 0.95);
00400             UpdateView(1, res, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00401             delete ker;
00402             delete res;
00403         }
00405         if (gCmd == "dilation")
00406         {
00407             if (gVerbose > 0)
00408                 std::cout << "doing dilation" << std::endl;
00409             int cw = 5;
00410             int ch = 9;
00411             Array2dScalarReal64* ker = ArrayCreate<Array2dScalarReal64>(cw, ch);
00412             Core::Matrix::MatSet(ker, 0);
00413             Array2dScalarReal64* res = 0;
00414             Dilation(res, srcSR64, ker);
00415             UpdateView(1, res, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00416             delete ker;
00417             delete res;
00418         }
00420         if (gCmd == "threshold")
00421         {
00422             if (gVerbose > 0)
00423                 std::cout << "doing threshold" << std::endl;
00424             Array2dScalarUInt8* binIm = 0;
00425             Threshold(binIm, srcSR64, 128);
00426             UpdateView(1, binIm, "Binary", mViewScale);
00427             delete binIm;
00428         }
00430         if (gCmd == "label")
00431         {
00432             if (gVerbose > 0)
00433                 std::cout << "doing label" << std::endl;
00434             Array2dScalarUInt8* binIm = 0;
00435             Threshold(binIm, srcSR64, 128);
00436             UpdateView(1, binIm, "Binary", mViewScale);
00437             Array2dScalarInt32* labIm = ArrayClone<Array2dScalarInt32>(binIm);
00438 Timer tim(1);
00439         Label(labIm, binIm, 8);
00440 std::cout << "time: " << tim.SplitTime() << std::endl;
00441             UpdateView(2, labIm, "Label", mViewScale);
00442             delete binIm;
00443             delete labIm;
00444         }
00446         if (gCmd == "watershed")
00447         {
00448             if (gVerbose > 0)
00449                 std::cout << "doing watershed" << std::endl;
00450             Array2dScalarInt32* srcIm = 0;
00451             Set(srcIm, srcSR64);
00452             Array2dScalarInt32* dstIm = 0;
00453             Watershed(dstIm, srcIm, 8);
00454             UpdateView(1, dstIm, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00455             delete srcIm;
00456             delete dstIm;
00457         }
00459         if (gCmd == "geodesic")
00460         {
00461             if (gVerbose > 0)
00462                 std::cout << "doing geodesic" << std::endl;
00463             Array2dScalarInt32* srcIm = 0;
00464             Set(srcIm, srcSR64);
00465             Array2dScalarInt32* dstIm = 0;
00466             GeodesicDistanceTransform(dstIm, srcIm, 8);
00467             UpdateView(1, dstIm, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00468             delete srcIm;
00469             delete dstIm;
00470         }
00472         if (gCmd == "skiz")
00473         {
00474             if (gVerbose > 0)
00475                 std::cout << "doing skiz" << std::endl;
00476             Array2dScalarInt32* srcIm = 0;
00477             Set(srcIm, srcSR64);
00478             Array2dScalarInt32* dstIm = 0;
00479             SKIZ(dstIm, srcIm, 8);
00480             UpdateView(1, dstIm, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00481             delete srcIm;
00482             delete dstIm;
00483         }
00485         if (gCmd == "rotate")
00486         {
00487             if (gVerbose > 0)
00488                 std::cout << "doing rotate" << std::endl;
00489             Array2dScalarReal64* res = 0;
00490             Rotate(res, srcSR64, 45.0, NEAREST, false, 0);
00491             UpdateView(1, res, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00492             delete res;
00493         }
00495         if (gCmd == "jpg")
00496         {
00497             if (gVerbose > 0)
00498                 std::cout << "doing jpg" << std::endl;
00499             Array2dVec3UInt8* buf = ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>
00500                 (GetSrc()->FrameWidth(), GetSrc()->FrameHeight());
00501             GetRgbPixels(srcV3R64, buf->CPB(), "Direct");
00502             char fileName[50];
00503             sprintf(fileName, "frame_%06d.jpg", GetSrc()->FrameNr());
00504             WriteJpg(buf, String(fileName), db);
00505             delete buf;
00506         }
00508         if (gCmd == "png")
00509         {
00510             if (gVerbose > 0)
00511                 std::cout << "doing png" << std::endl;
00512             Array2dVec3UInt8* buf = ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>
00513                 (GetSrc()->FrameWidth(), GetSrc()->FrameHeight());
00514             GetRgbPixels(srcV3R64, buf->CPB(), "Direct");
00515             char fileName[50];
00516             sprintf(fileName, "frame_%06d.png", GetSrc()->FrameNr());
00517             WritePng(buf, String(fileName), db);
00518             delete buf;
00519         }
00521         if (gCmd == "pgm")
00522         {
00523             if (gVerbose > 0)
00524                 std::cout << "doing pgm" << std::endl;
00525             Array2dVec3UInt8* buf = ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>
00526                 (GetSrc()->FrameWidth(), GetSrc()->FrameHeight());
00527             GetRgbPixels(srcSR64, buf->CPB(), "Direct");
00528             char fileName[50];
00529             sprintf(fileName, "frame_%06d.pgm", GetSrc()->FrameNr());
00530             WritePgm(buf, String(fileName));
00531             delete buf;
00532         }
00534         if (gCmd == "stretch")
00535         {
00536             if (gVerbose > 0)
00537                 std::cout << "doing stretch" << std::endl;
00538             UpdateView(1, srcSR64, "Stretch", mViewScale);
00539         }
00541         delete srcV3R64;
00542         delete srcSR64;
00543         delete srcWrap;
00544         aSys.CheckMemoryUsageSinceMark(gVerbose > 0);
00545     }
00547     virtual void
00548     MouseFunc(INT msg, INT but, INT state, INT x, INT y)
00549     {
00550         Window::MouseFunc(msg, but, state, x, y);
00552         if ((msg == oglMouseDown) && (but == oglRightButton))
00553         {
00554             OGLMENU menu = oglSys.MenuCreate();
00555             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "fps reset", 0, 2);
00557             int choice = oglSys.MenuPopUp(mOglWnd, menu);
00559             switch (choice)
00560             {
00561             case 2:
00562                 FpsReset();
00563                 break;
00564             }
00566             oglSys.MenuDestroy(menu);
00567             oglSys.UpdateSceneFlag(mOglWnd, 1);
00568         }
00569     }
00572     // RvB: Test PP-Def APP_CONTROLLER_ALT
00573     virtual void DisplayFunc()
00574     {
00575         SetAlwaysDraw(GetDoContinuous());
00576         AppControlSrc::ComputeCycle(0.04);
00577         // RvB: Next does not work as getAllDone is private
00578         //if (AppController::Instance().GetAllDone())
00579         //  exit(0);
00580         if (AppControlSrc::Done())
00581             exit(0);
00582         Window::DisplayFunc();
00583     }
00584 #endif
00586 private:
00588     double        mViewScale;
00590     PointZList mPList1;
00591     PointZList mPList2;
00592     PointZList mPList4;
00593     PointZList mPList5;
00595     ViewListenerWithCircles* mCircleView1;
00596     ViewListenerWithCircles* mCircleView2;
00597     ViewListenerWithCircles* mCircleView4;
00598     ViewListenerWithCircles* mCircleView5;
00599     ArrowRList                 mAList;
00600     ViewListenerWithArrows*  mArrowView;
00602     // for tgauss
00603     //RgbDataSrcWindow<WindowPrepCopyToVec3Real64>* mSrcWindow;
00604     RgbDataSrcWindow<WindowPrepGaussDerivative>* mSrcWindow;
00605     Array2dScalarReal64*                         mTGauss;
00607 };
00609 int
00610 mainSrc(int argc, char* argv[])
00611 {
00612     OglInit(&argc, &argv[0]);
00613     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00614     options.Initialise(true, true);
00615     String usageStr = "cmd camera|filename\n\n";
00616     usageStr += "  cmd = stretch|pgm|png|jpg|rotate|skiz|geodesic|watershed|\n";
00617     usageStr += "        label|threshold|dilation|erosion|write|inv|segment|\n";
00618     usageStr += "        tgauss|keypoints\n";
00619     if (! options.ParseArgs(argc, argv, usageStr, 2))
00620         return 1;
00622     gCmd = options.GetArg(0);
00623     String srcName = options.GetArg(1);
00625     gVerbose = options.GetInt("verb");
00626     gSigma = options.GetDouble("sigma");
00627     gPrecision = options.GetDouble("precision");
00628     gUseRecGauss = options.GetBool("recGauss");
00629     gDispMode = options.GetString("disp");
00630     gLogScale = options.GetDouble("logScale");
00632     Array2dScalarReal64* g = 0;
00633     if (gUseRecGauss)
00634         g = MakeGaussIIR1d(Max(gSigma,gSigmaA), 1, gPrecision);
00635     else
00636         g = MakeGaussian1d(Max(gSigma,gSigmaA), 1, gPrecision, 100);
00637     int gw = g->CW();
00638     if (gw > gBorderSize)
00639     {
00640         std::cout << "Adjusting bordersize to " << gw << std::endl;
00641         gBorderSize = gw;
00642     }
00643     delete g;
00645     RgbDataSrcFactory& factory = RgbDataSrcFactory::Instance();
00646     RgbDataSrc* src = factory.Construct(srcName, options.GetString("src"));
00647     if (! src->Valid())
00648     {
00649         std::cout << "RgbDataSrc failed" << std::endl;
00650         return 0;
00651     }
00652     std::cout << src->LastFrame()+1 << " frames of " << src->FrameWidth() 
00653             << " x " << src->FrameHeight() << std::endl;
00655     WindowSrc* oglWnd = new WindowSrc(src);
00656     if (! oglWnd->Valid())
00657     {
00658         std::cout << "WindowSrc failed" << std::endl;
00659         return 0;
00660     }
00662     return 1;
00663 }
00665 } // namespace Src
00666 } // namespace Application
00667 } // namespace Impala
00669 int
00670 main(int argc, char* argv[])
00671 {
00672     return Impala::Application::Src::mainSrc(argc, argv);
00673 }

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:30 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1