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void sigmoid_train ( int  l,
const double *  dec_values,
const double *  labels,
double &  A,
double &  B 

Definition at line 1541 of file svm.cpp.

References info(), Malloc, and Impala::Application::DemoCamera2d::sigma.

01544 {
01545         double prior1=0, prior0 = 0;
01546         int i;
01548         for (i=0;i<l;i++)
01549                 if (labels[i] > 0) prior1+=1;
01550                 else prior0+=1;
01552         int max_iter=100;       // Maximal number of iterations
01553         double min_step=1e-10;  // Minimal step taken in line search
01554         double sigma=1e-3;      // For numerically strict PD of Hessian
01555         double eps=1e-5;
01556         double hiTarget=(prior1+1.0)/(prior1+2.0);
01557         double loTarget=1/(prior0+2.0);
01558         double *t=Malloc(double,l);
01559         double fApB,p,q,h11,h22,h21,g1,g2,det,dA,dB,gd,stepsize;
01560         double newA,newB,newf,d1,d2;
01561         int iter; 
01563         // Initial Point and Initial Fun Value
01564         A=0.0; B=log((prior0+1.0)/(prior1+1.0));
01565         double fval = 0.0;
01567         for (i=0;i<l;i++)
01568         {
01569                 if (labels[i]>0) t[i]=hiTarget;
01570                 else t[i]=loTarget;
01571                 fApB = dec_values[i]*A+B;
01572                 if (fApB>=0)
01573                         fval += t[i]*fApB + log(1+exp(-fApB));
01574                 else
01575                         fval += (t[i] - 1)*fApB +log(1+exp(fApB));
01576         }
01577         for (iter=0;iter<max_iter;iter++)
01578         {
01579                 // Update Gradient and Hessian (use H' = H + sigma I)
01580                 h11=sigma; // numerically ensures strict PD
01581                 h22=sigma;
01582                 h21=0.0;g1=0.0;g2=0.0;
01583                 for (i=0;i<l;i++)
01584                 {
01585                         fApB = dec_values[i]*A+B;
01586                         if (fApB >= 0)
01587                         {
01588                                 p=exp(-fApB)/(1.0+exp(-fApB));
01589                                 q=1.0/(1.0+exp(-fApB));
01590                         }
01591                         else
01592                         {
01593                                 p=1.0/(1.0+exp(fApB));
01594                                 q=exp(fApB)/(1.0+exp(fApB));
01595                         }
01596                         d2=p*q;
01597                         h11+=dec_values[i]*dec_values[i]*d2;
01598                         h22+=d2;
01599                         h21+=dec_values[i]*d2;
01600                         d1=t[i]-p;
01601                         g1+=dec_values[i]*d1;
01602                         g2+=d1;
01603                 }
01605                 // Stopping Criteria
01606                 if (fabs(g1)<eps && fabs(g2)<eps)
01607                         break;
01609                 // Finding Newton direction: -inv(H') * g
01610                 det=h11*h22-h21*h21;
01611                 dA=-(h22*g1 - h21 * g2) / det;
01612                 dB=-(-h21*g1+ h11 * g2) / det;
01613                 gd=g1*dA+g2*dB;
01616                 stepsize = 1;           // Line Search
01617                 while (stepsize >= min_step)
01618                 {
01619                         newA = A + stepsize * dA;
01620                         newB = B + stepsize * dB;
01622                         // New function value
01623                         newf = 0.0;
01624                         for (i=0;i<l;i++)
01625                         {
01626                                 fApB = dec_values[i]*newA+newB;
01627                                 if (fApB >= 0)
01628                                         newf += t[i]*fApB + log(1+exp(-fApB));
01629                                 else
01630                                         newf += (t[i] - 1)*fApB +log(1+exp(fApB));
01631                         }
01632                         // Check sufficient decrease
01633                         if (newf<fval+0.0001*stepsize*gd)
01634                         {
01635                                 A=newA;B=newB;fval=newf;
01636                                 break;
01637                         }
01638                         else
01639                                 stepsize = stepsize / 2.0;
01640                 }
01642                 if (stepsize < min_step)
01643                 {
01644                         info("Line search fails in two-class probability estimates\n");
01645                         break;
01646                 }
01647         }
01649         if (iter>=max_iter)
01650                 info("Reaching maximal iterations in two-class probability estimates\n");
01651         free(t);
01652 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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