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Starting applications

A C++ console application

Well, starting a console application is easy : just type the name of the executable at the command prompt :-)

Windows The Horus distribution contains a sample workspace to compile and execute the first demo application in Microsoft Visual Studio 6. The workspace is located in horus/worksp/hxconsoleUserDll. You can execute the application via 'execute' from the 'Build' menu or via 'Ctrl-F5'. End Windows

Unix The Horus distribution contains a makefile to compile the first demo application. Go to $HXSRC/HxSamples/ConsDemo and type make. The application is executed via mainDemoImageOps. End Unix

Corba applications

The Java GUI's, CorbaScript, and Matlab are CORBA clients in that they execute C++ functions via CORBA. In general, CORBA clients require several CORBA applications to run before they are started : the Interface Repository (IR), the Naming Service (NS), and the server (HxServer) itself.

Windows The Horus distribution contains shortcuts to start the CORBA facilities with the proper parameters. The shortcuts are located in horus/toolbar . End Windows

Unix The Horus distribution contains a script called ss to start the CORBA facilities with the proper parameters. Type ss ir to start the Interface Repository, ss ns and ss hxserver for the other services. End Unix

Note : the Naming Service is based upon a database file that has to be created upon first use. You can do this by starting NSS instead of NS the first time you start the Naming Service.

Java GUI's

With the Interface Repository, the Naming Service, and the HxServer running we can start the Java applications by typing java MidApp or java VideoApp at the command prompt.


The Horus toolbar contains a shortcut to start the CorbaScript shell. You can also type cssh at the command prompt.


For starting Matlab, consult the Matlab documentation (and make sure you followed the installation instructions in Installation).

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Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:51 2004 for UserGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001