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Reading images from file

Reading images from file is done by calling HxMakeFromFile or HxMakeFromFileSI. Both use the HxImageFactory to construct an HxImageRep. HxMakeFromFile uses the Horus HxImgFileIo dll while HxMakeFromFileSI uses Image2.1.

As typing file names is cumbersome the MidApp also supports the typical opening of files via the 'File' menu. Currently, images can be read both via Horus ('Open Server Image') and Java ('Open Image Java'). Be aware that images read via Java are not present in C++. So, you can not use them in the demo functions unless you convert them to Horus images via 'Java image to HxImageRep' in the 'Object' menu.

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Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:51 2004 for UserGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001