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On Windows 98/2000/NT/XP

Other software

Horus depends upon/coorporates with several other software packages. Whether you need to install these depends upon the way you use Horus.

Java 1.4 (and Java3D 1.3)
Either from http://www.science.uva.nl/~horus/third/java/ or the Java site (http://java.sun.com). In this document we assume Java to be installed in d:\jdk.

Visual C++ 6.0
You have to buy this one :-( If you don't have it, you can still run the applications by putting msvcp60.dll and msvcrt.dll from HXOBJ\lib\vc60 on your path.

Matlab 6 (release 12)
In this document we assume Matlab to be installed in c:\matlabr12.

The release

The latest Horus release can be obtained from http://www.science.uva.nl/~horus/release/ . There are 4 zip-files in a distribution:

Contains libraries and other essentials to run Horus. In this document we assume this zip-file to be extracted to d:\hx.
Contains the source code. In this document we assume this zip-file to be extracted to n:\horus\src.
Contains third party libraries needed by Horus. In this document we assume this zip-file to be extracted to d:\hx.
Contains third party include files needed by Horus. In this document we assume this zip-file to be extracted to n:\horus\src.
The "number" of the third party software may not be in sync with the horus number. In that case, use the latest version of the third party software.


You have to make the source directory known as a logical drive x with:

subst x: n:\horus\src

You can, for example, do this by putting the statement in a batch file which is executed at startup, i.e. put the batch file in the startup menu.

You have to set (or add to) the following environment variables:

set HXJDK=d:/jdk
set PLATFORM=gnu
set HXOBJ=d:\hx (pay attention to the ONLY backslash!)
set HXROOT=d:/hx
set HXSRC=x:
set HXUSER=x:/HxUser
set ORBACUS_CONFIG=x:/HxCorba/cfg/orbacus.cfg
set CLASSPATH=.;%HXROOT%/lib/classes;%HXROOT%/lib/third
set PATH=%HXJDK%/bin;%HXSRC%/HxBin;%HXROOT%/lib;%HXROOT%/lib/third

For CorbaScript the following are handy:

set CS_CONFIG_HOMEDIR=x:/HxCorba/cfg
set CSPATH=x:/HxSamples/Scripts

In case you want to recompile .idl or .java files you will need to configure GNU make (only once, e.g. at the command prompt):

md c:\cygwin
mount -u c:\cygwin /
sh -c "gnu_mkdir /bin"
mount -u d:\hx\lib\third /bin

In case you use Matlab you have to add

to c:\matlabr12\toolbox\local\classpath.txt . Also handy :
copy x:\HxSamples\Matlab\startup.m c:\matlabr12\toolbox\local


If all went well you are now ready to run Horus. For some examples, read chapter Getting Started.

Good luck.

Go to the next section or return to the index.

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:51 2004 for UserGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001