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Overview of the registry

The registry (HxRegistry) is a structured set of named values.


Class diagram HxRegistry

A registry value (represented by HxRegValue) is a pair of a name (represented by HxString) and a data object (represented by HxRegData). The data of a value is an integer or a string. Values are grouped in sets, each set is associated with a key (HxRegKey). Keys are structured in the sense that keys have sub keys and form a tree structure. The uniquely identifying name of a key is determined by its path from the root key of the containing tree. In a key name the components of its path are separated by ``/''. A registry contains one tree of keys, shown in the class diagram as a 1-1 relationship between classes HxRegistry and HxRegKey.

An example of the contents of a registry:


Note that each value is uniquely identified by the path of its containing key and its name. A tree of registry keys and their associated values has its analogy in a directory tree with files. Keys (directories) can contain both keys as sub keys (subdirectories) and values (files). Both keys and values have a name that is not necessarily unique. Both have a path that uniquely identifies them within the key tree.

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