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Color operations on pixel values

The supported color models are enumerated in HxColorModel. Color semantics are defined in HxColor.


Color spaces

Functions for conversion of colors from one color space to another

RGB <-> CMY : HxColRGB2CMY and HxColCMY2RGB.

RGB <-> XYZ : HxColRGB2XYZ and HxColXYZ2RGB.

CMY <-> XYZ : HxColCMY2XYZ and HxColXYZ2CMY.

Lab <-> XYZ : HxColLab2XYZ and HxColXYZ2Lab.

Luv <-> XYZ : HxColLuv2XYZ and HxColXYZ2Luv.

RGB <-> OOO : HxColRGB2OOO and HxColOOO2RGB.

XYZ <-> OOO : HxColXYZ2OOO and HxColOOO2XYZ.

RGB <-> HSI : HxColRGB2HSI and HxColHSI2RGB.

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Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:19:11 2004 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001