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Function documentation
bool HxWriteFile (HxImageRep img, HxString fileName)
HxImageRep img
- The image you want to save.
Return value
- The function HxWriteFile returns true if the image was succesfully written to file, otherwise it returns false.
The function HxWriteFile writes an image to file. The file extension you use in the filename determines the image format of the file. The supported file formats are: tif, jpg, ppm . The format of the filename itself, accepts slashes as well as backslashes.
- Valid file formats
- Allthough the different standards for image file formats allow for instance doubles as pixel types, a number of paint programs only accept integer or byte types for the pixel values. When a program fails to load the image you wrote to file with the Horus library, try converting it to byte values first.
See also
HxMakeFromFile, anchor_HxImagesToFile,
File I/O, Export,
Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:28 2004 for GlobalFunctionGuide by
1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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