HxImageRep HxRotate (HxImageRep img, double alpha, HxGeoIntType gi = LINEAR, int adjustSize = 1, HxValue background = HxValue(0));
HxImageRep img
double alpha
HxGeoIntType gi
int adjustSize
HxValue background
Return value
The function HxRotate rotates the image over the center of the image, over an angle of alpha degrees. A positive angle stands for a counterclockwise rotation.
Pixels in the result image are calculated by interpolating between the rotated pixels of the input image. The type of interpolation is determined by HxGeoIntType gi, see the section on Interpolation. Pixels in the result image that do not originate from pixels in the input image, will get the value as given by HxValue background.
Since the rotated image will normally not fit its original rectangle, you can choose to adjust the size of the output image, such that the complete rotated version fits in (adjustSize = 1). When adjustSize does not equal 1, the size of the result image will be the same as the input image, as is the scale of the rotated image, resulting in `chopped of corners' in the result image.
See also
anchor_HxReflect, HxScale,