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HxImageRep HxRestrict (HxImageRep img, HxPoint begin, HxPoint end)


HximageRep img
The image you want to restrict to a part of the image.

HxPoint begin
The begin point of the area that should be cut out of the input image.

HxPoint end
The end point of the area that should be cut out of the input image.

Return value

An image containing the area (as described by `begin' and `end') from the input image.


The function HxRestrict cuts an area from the input image and returns that area as an image. This rectangular area is characterized by `begin' and `end', where every component of `end' should be larger or equal to the corresponding component of `begin'. `begin' and `end' should be valid positions in the input image.


Valid image types
This function accepts all types of images.

Valid parameters
`begin' and `end' should have the same dimensionality as the pixel domensionality of the input image. Both points should be valid positions in the input image. Every component of `end' should be larger or equal to the corresponding component of `begin'.

See also

HxExtend, HxExtendVal,



Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:27 2004 for GlobalFunctionGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001