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HxImageRep HxDotVal(HxImageRep img, HxValue val)


HxImageRep img
The input image

HxValue val
The input value

Return value

The dot product of the input image and the input value.


The function HxDotVal takes the dot product of the HxValue val with every pixel value in the input image and stores the result in the corresponding pixel of the output image. The dimensionality of `val' and the pixeldimensionality of the input image must be the same. If `val' is a scalar and the pixels of the input image are scalars, the values are multiplied.


Admissable image and value types
The dimensionality of `val' and the pixeldimensionality of the input image must be the same.

Overflow error
The function HxDotVal can result in an overflow error.

See also

HxDot, HxAddVal, HxDivVal, HxMulVal,


Binary value, Arithmetic,

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:26 2004 for GlobalFunctionGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001