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HxImageRep HxDistanceTransform (HxImageRep img)

Return value

The distance transform of the input image.


The function HxDistanceTransform calculates the shortest distance (approximately) to the background for every object pixel, through a recursive morphological operation. Background pixels are defined as pixels with value 0, while object pixels are defined as pixels with value 1. The input image should be a 2D scalar image of the type short, byte or integer. The image should also contain at least one background pixel. The resulting image is a scalar double 2D image.


Valid image types
This function only accepts 2D scalar image, with short, byte or integer types, containing solely pixel with value 0 or value 1. The input image should at least contain one pixel with value 0.

See also

anchor_HxParabolicErosion, anchor_HxParabolicDilation,



Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:26 2004 for GlobalFunctionGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001