HxImageRep HxCannyThreshold (HxImageRep img, double sigma, double level)
HxImageRep img
double sigma
double level
Return value
The function HxCannyThresholds computes the magnitude of the gradient of img in the X- and Y-direction. Then the Euclidean norm of these gradient vectors is determined, after which it is thresholded with the double `level'.
The magnitudes of the gradient in the X- and Y-direction are calculated by convolving img with the derivative of a 1D-Gaussian in both directions. The used Gaussians have a standard deviation of sigma.
Finding edges with HxCannyThreshold
#include "HxImageRepGlobalFuncs.h" #include "HxImageRep.h" HxImageRep HxCannyThresholdExample1(HxImageRep img) { img = HxImageAsDouble(img); img = HxCannyThreshold(img, 3.0, 5.0); img = HxContrastStretch(img, 255); img = HxImageAsByte(img); return img; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HxImageRep im1 = HxMakeFromFile(argv[1]); im1 = HxCannyThresholdExample1(im1); HxWriteFile(im1, argv[2]); return 0; }
Input image for the HxCannyThreshold example.
Output image of the HxCannyThreshold example.
In this example we use HxCannyThreshold to determine the edges in a 2D scalar image. For sigma we take 3.0, for the level we take 5.0. The resulting image is stretched for proper visualisation (HxContrastStretch).
See also
HxCannyEdgeMap, HxCannyThresholdAlt,
Edge detection, Filter, Canny,