HxImageRep HxAdd(HxImageRep im1, HxImageRep im2)
HxImageRep im1
HxImageRep im2
Return value
The function HxAdd adds two images on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Vector pixel types of the same dimension are summed component wise, while pixel types of different dimensions cannot be summed.
Adding two images
#include "HxImageRepGlobalFuncs.h" #include "HxImageRep.h" HxImageRep HxAddExample1(HxImageRep im1, HxImageRep im2) { im1 = HxImageAsDouble(im1); im2 = HxImageAsDouble(im2); im1 = HxAdd(im1, im2); im1 = HxContrastStretch(im1, 255); im1 = HxImageAsByte(im1); return im1; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HxImageRep im1 = HxMakeFromFile(argv[1]); HxImageRep im2 = HxMakeFromFile(argv[2]); im1 = HxAddExample1(im1, im2); HxWriteFile(im1, argv[3]); return 0; }
First input image for the HxAdd example.
Second input image for the HxAdd example.
Output image of the HxAdd example.
In this example we add two (scalar) images. First we convert the image to double images to prevent overflow as much as possible. After adding the images, we stretch the result and convert it to byte for visualization purposes.
See also
Binary, Arithmetic,