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Tables VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab and VxSegmentIntFeature_tab

CREATE TABLE VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab (
    SegmentId         NUMBER         NOT NULL,
    FieldName         VARCHAR2(20)   NOT NULL,
    Value             NUMBER         NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT VxSegmentDoubleFeat_pk PRIMARY KEY(SegmentId, FieldName),
  CONSTRAINT VxSegmentDoubleFeat_fk FOREIGN KEY(SegmentId)

CREATE TABLE VxSegmentIntFeature_tab (
    SegmentId         NUMBER         NOT NULL,
    FieldName         VARCHAR2(20)   NOT NULL,
    Value             NUMBER         NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT VxSegmentIntFeat_pk PRIMARY KEY(SegmentId, FieldName),
  CONSTRAINT VxSegmentIntFeat_fk FOREIGN KEY(SegmentId)

VxSegmentIntFeature_tab and VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab are similar to VxSegmentStringFeature_tab. The only difference is the type of the Value column.

Query examples:

Get "zoom" segments of "cam" segmentation of "friends418" with positive factor:

SQL> SELECT s.segIndex, s.startPos, s.endPos, factorFeat.value factor 
FROM VxSegmentation_tab seg, VxSegment_tab s, 
  VxSegmentStringFeature_tab typeFeat, VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab factorFeat WHERE (seg.videoName = 'friends418') AND (seg.name = 'cam') 
  AND (seg.id = s.segmentationId) AND (typeFeat.segmentId = s.id) 
  AND (typeFeat.fieldName = 'type') AND (typeFeat.value = 'zoom') 
  AND (factorFeat.segmentId = s.id) AND (factorFeat.fieldName = 'factor') 
  AND (factorFeat.value >= 0.0);

Get "zoom" segments of "cam" segmentation of "friends418" with positive factor, only in scenes with "description" beginning with "Ross":

SQL> SELECT sCam.segIndex, sCam.startPos, sCam.endPos
FROM VxSegment_tab sCam, VxSegmentation_tab segCam,
  VxSegmentStringFeature_tab fType, VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab fFactor, 
  VxSegment_tab sScenes, VxSegmentation_tab segScenes, 
  VxSegmentStringFeature_tab fDescr
WHERE (segCam.videoName = 'friends418') 
  AND (sCam.segmentationId = segCam.id) AND (segCam.name = 'cam') 
  AND (fType.segmentId = sCam.id) AND (fType.fieldName = 'type') 
  AND (fType.value = 'zoom') AND (fFactor.segmentId = sCam.id) 
  AND (fFactor.fieldName = 'factor') AND (fFactor.value >= 0.0) 
  AND (segScenes.videoName = 'friends418') 
  AND (sScenes.segmentationId = segScenes.id) AND (segScenes.name = 'scenes')
  AND (fDescr.segmentId = sScenes.id) AND (fDescr.fieldName = 'description')
  AND (fDescr.value LIKE 'Ross%') 
  AND (sCam.startPos >= sScenes.startPos) AND (sCam.endPos <= sScenes.endPos);

Go to the next section or return to the index.

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:24 2004 for DatabaseReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001