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Creating the "demoweb" user

This appendix shows how to create a user that has read-only access to data on oracle. A user like this can be used for demos published on the web.

Our demoweb user will have read-only access to the data of the demodata user.

Enter SQL*Plus with system privileges (sys or oracle user) and execute the following statements:

SQL> GRANT VxUser TO demoweb;

The UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege is not granted, so demoweb will have a disk quota of zero. That's enough because demoweb doesn't add any data to the database.

Next we have to grant demoweb with privileges of reading demodata tables:

Connect to oracle as demodata:

SQL> CONNECT demodata@csys

Grant read access:

SQL> GRANT SELECT ON VxSegmentation_tab TO demoweb;
SQL> GRANT SELECT ON VxSegment_tab TO demoweb;
SQL> GRANT SELECT ON VxSegmentStringFeature_tab TO demoweb;
SQL> GRANT SELECT ON VxSegmentIntFeature_tab TO demoweb;
SQL> GRANT SELECT ON VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab TO demoweb;

Now, demoweb has read access on demodata tables. But the schema name has to be specified ("demodata" schema):

SQL> SELECT * FROM demodata.VxSegmentation_tab;

It would be better if we can avoid specifying the "demodata" schema. We will do it through views:

Connect to oracle as demoweb:

SQL> CONNECT demoweb@csys

Create views to access demodata tables transparently:

CREATE VIEW VxSegmentation_tab AS SELECT * FROM demodata.VxSegmentation_tab;
CREATE VIEW VxSegment_tab AS SELECT * FROM demodata.VxSegment_tab;
CREATE VIEW VxSegmentStringFeature_tab AS SELECT * FROM demodata.VxSegmentStringFeature_tab;
CREATE VIEW VxSegmentIntFeature_tab AS SELECT * FROM demodata.VxSegmentIntFeature_tab;
CREATE VIEW VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab AS SELECT * FROM demodata.VxSegmentDoubleFeature_tab;

Now, demoweb user can just type:

SQL> SELECT * FROM VxSegmentation_tab;

to access demodata tables.

Go to the next section or return to the index.

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:24 2004 for DatabaseReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001