Horus depends upon/coorporates with several other software packages. Whether you need to install these depends upon the way you use Horus.
The release
The latest Horus release can be obtained from http://www.science.uva.nl/~horus/release/ . There are 4 zip-files in a distribution:
You have to make the source directory known as a logical drive x with:
subst x: n:\horus\src
You can, for example, do this by putting the statement in a batch file which is executed at startup, i.e. put the batch file in the startup menu.
You have to set (or add to) the following environment variables:
set HXJDK=d:/jdk set PLATFORM=gnu set HXOBJ=d:\hx (pay attention to the ONLY backslash!) set HXROOT=d:/hx set HXSRC=x: set HXUSER=x:/HxUser set ORBACUS_CONFIG=x:/HxCorba/cfg/orbacus.cfg set CLASSPATH=.;%HXROOT%/lib/classes;%HXROOT%/lib/third set PATH=%HXJDK%/bin;%HXSRC%/HxBin;%HXROOT%/lib;%HXROOT%/lib/third
For CorbaScript the following are handy:
set CS_CONFIG_HOMEDIR=x:/HxCorba/cfg set CSPATH=x:/HxSamples/Scripts
In case you want to recompile .idl or .java files you will need to configure GNU make (only once, e.g. at the command prompt):
md c:\cygwin mount -u c:\cygwin / sh -c "gnu_mkdir /bin" mount d:\hx\lib\third /bin
In case you use Matlab you have to add
d:/hx/lib/classes d:/hx/lib/third
copy x:\HxSamples\Matlab\startup.m c:\matlabr12\toolbox\local
If all went well you are now ready to run Horus. For some examples, read chapter Getting Started.
Good luck.