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HxMediatorPeer Member List

This is the complete list of members for HxMediatorPeer, including all inherited members.
callMethod(String className, String objectName, String methodName, String resultName, String[] args)HxMediatorPeer
callStaticMethod(String className, String methodName, String resultName, String[] args)HxMediatorPeer
checkSaObjectName(String className, String objName, int warn)HxMediatorPeer
getKeyNames(String cursorKey)HxMediatorPeer
getSaObjectNames(String className)HxMediatorPeer
getValueData(String cursorKey)HxMediatorPeer
getValueNames(String cursorKey)HxMediatorPeer
hxBlob2dGetChainCodes(String blobName, int[] codes)HxMediatorPeer
hxBlob2dGetRgbPixels(String blobName, int[] pix)HxMediatorPeer
hxHistogramGetDataDouble(String name, double[] data)HxMediatorPeer
hxHistogramGetDataInt(String name, int[] data)HxMediatorPeer
hxHistogramRender3d(String name, int[] data, int dataWidth, int dataHeight, double elevation, double alpha, double threshold)HxMediatorPeer
hxImageGetPixels(String imName, int[] pixels, String displayMode, int dimension, int coordinate, int resWidth, int resHeight, int interpType)HxMediatorPeer
hxImageGetPixels2d(String imName, int[] pixels, String displayMode, int bufWidth, int bufHeight, int VX, int VY, int VW, int VH, double OX, double OY, double scaleX, double scaleY, int interpType)HxMediatorPeer
HxMediatorPeer()HxMediatorPeer [inline]
hxPolyline2dGetPoints(String name, double[] xpoints, double[] ypoints)HxMediatorPeer
initHxMediator() (defined in HxMediatorPeer)HxMediatorPeer [private]
makeHxImage(int imageDimensionality, int pixelDimensionality, int pixelType, int pixelPrecision, int dim1Size, int dim2Size, int dim3Size, int[] pixels)HxMediatorPeer
makeHxImageByte(int imageDimensionality, int pixelDimensionality, int pixelType, int pixelPrecision, int dim1Size, int dim2Size, int dim3Size, byte[] pixels)HxMediatorPeer
makeHxPolyline2d(double[] xpoints, double[] ypoints, int npoints, boolean closed)HxMediatorPeer

Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:11:20 2003 for JavaReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001