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Display RGB operation for 2D images

The pattern loops over all pixels in the image and converts the pixel value to an integer in ARGB formats for display purposes. The result is written to the given integer buffer.

Instantiations of the pattern are invoked via

Instantiation is done via the HxImgFtorRgb2d functor, with the following template parameters: The requirements on the RgbT template parameter expressed as a class definition are:

template<class ValT, class ValDoubleT>
class RgbT
                        RgbT(HxTagList& tags);

    int                 doIt(const ValT& pixV);

    int                 doItDouble(const ValDoubleT& pixV);

    static HxString     className();

Depending on the display parameters set by the GUI the function doIt will be called with 1 parameter of type ImgSigT::ArithType or the doItDouble function will be called with 1 parameter of type ImgSigT::ArithTypeDouble.


For further reference :
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Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:49:13 2003 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001