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Image functor keys
A key consists of a list of strings corresponding to the name of an image functor and its template parameters. Concatenating the list of strings results in a string that resembles the "real" image functor declaration, e.g. "HxImgFtorBpo<Image2dInt8, Image2dInt32, Image2dInt32, greaterEqual>"
Construction of a key is initiated by the leaves in the tree. Strings know to the base classes are passed to the corresponding constructor. The remainder is added via HxImgFtorKey::addArgument.
The image functor key tree
Note that there is not a one-on-one mapping between keys and functors. Functors that differ only in the dimensionality of the algorithm typically use the same key.
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Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:49:12 2003 for C++Reference by
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