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HxNJet Member List

This is the complete list of members for HxNJet, including all inherited members.
_order (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet [private]
_pointee (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet [private]
_scale (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet [private]
getJidx(int i) constHxNJet
getJList() constHxNJet
getJw() constHxNJet
getLidx(int i) constHxNJet
getList() constHxNJet
getLList() constHxNJet
getLw() constHxNJet
getMidx(int i) constHxNJet
getMList() constHxNJet
getMw() constHxNJet
HxNJet(HxImageRep im, int N, double scale, double precision=3)HxNJet
HxNJet(HxString fileName)HxNJet
HxNJet(const HxNJet &rhs)HxNJet
ident() constHxNJet
isColor() constHxNJet
normalize() (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet
nrComponents() constHxNJet
operator=(const HxNJet &rhs)HxNJet
ord2idx(int i, int j) constHxNJet [inline]
ord2idx(int i, int j, int k) constHxNJet [inline]
order() constHxNJet
pointee() const (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet [private]
put(STD_OSTREAM &os) constHxNJet
resample(double fac) (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet
rotate(double phi) (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet
rotate(HxImageRep phi) (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet
rotateDeg(double phi) (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet [inline]
scale() constHxNJet
toFile(HxString fileName) constHxNJet
truncate(int order) (defined in HxNJet)HxNJet
xy(int x, int y) constHxNJet
xyl(int x, int y, int l) constHxNJet
xyz(int x, int y, int z) constHxNJet
xyzl(int x, int y, int z, int l) constHxNJet
~HxNJet()HxNJet [virtual]

Generated on Mon Jan 27 15:49:08 2003 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001