DeviceEnumerator | Enumerates system devices (that can be used as filters) |
HxArrowR2 | Class definition for arrows in R2 |
HxBlob2d | Class definition for a blob in a 2D image |
HxBlob2dFeature | Base class for blob features |
HxBlob2dFeatureTem< ValT > | Template specialization of HxBlob2dFeature to store any type as a feature |
HxBlob2dList | A list of HxBlob2dPtr's, that is pointers to HxBlob2d's |
HxBlob2dPtrLess | Class definition for ordering of HxBlob2d* based on getLabel for use in STL containers |
HxBlob2dRelation | A relation in a set of blobs in 2D |
HxBoundingBox | Definition of a bounding box |
HxBpoAdd< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition |
HxBpoAddAssign< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition assignment |
HxBpoAddSat< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of saturated addition |
HxBpoAnd< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of and |
HxBpoBind2Val< DstValT, SrcValT, BpoOpT > | Pixel functor for binding of second value of a binary pixel operation |
HxBpoCross< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of cross product |
HxBpoDiv< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of division |
HxBpoDot< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of dot product |
HxBpoEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of equal |
HxBpoGreaterEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of greater equal |
HxBpoGreaterThan< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of greater than |
HxBpoHighlightRegion< DstValT, SrcValT, LabelValT > | Pixel functor for region highlighting |
HxBpoInf< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of infimum |
HxBpoInfAssign< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of infimum assignment |
HxBpoLeftShift< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of left shift |
HxBpoLessEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of less equal |
HxBpoLessThan< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of less than |
HxBpoMax< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of maximum |
HxBpoMaxAssign< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of maximum assignment |
HxBpoMin< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of minimum |
HxBpoMinAssign< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of minimum assignment |
HxBpoMod< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of modulo |
HxBpoMul< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of multiplication |
HxBpoMulAssign< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of multiplication assignment |
HxBpoNotEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of not equal |
HxBpoOr< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of or |
HxBpoPow< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of power |
HxBpoRightShift< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of right shift |
HxBpoSqrDst< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of squared distance |
HxBpoSub< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of subtraction |
HxBpoSubAssign< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of subtraction assignment |
HxBpoSubSat< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of saturated addition |
HxBpoSup< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of supremum |
HxBpoSupAssign< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of supremum assignment |
HxBpoXor< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT > | Pixel functor for computation of exclusive or |
HxBSplineBasis | Class definition for basis for BSpline curves |
HxBSplineCurve | Class definition for BSpline curves |
HxBSplineInterval | Class definition for HxBSplineInterval to facilitate manipulation of path intervals in open and closed curves |
HxClassName< Type > | Class to convert a static type (i.e |
HxCnum | Basic coordinate enumerator |
HxColor | Class definition color semantics |
HxComplex | Class definition complex |
HxCoord | Representation for integer coordinates (x,y,z) |
HxDataPtr2dScalarTem< PixelT, ArithT > | Template class for data pointers to 2D images with scalar values |
HxDataPtr2dTem< PixelT, ArithT > | Template class for data pointers to 2D images with vector values |
HxDataPtr3dScalarTem< PixelT, ArithT > | Template class for data pointers to 3D images with scalar values |
HxDiyTranspose< DstDataPtrT, SrcDataPtrT > | Functor for transpose |
HxExportExtraIdentMaskCentralMoments< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT > | Functor for computation of the central moments up to order N of all values in an image identified by a mask |
HxExportExtraIdentMaskMean< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT > | Functor for computation of the mean of all values in an image identified by a mask |
HxExportExtraIdentMaskMedian< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT > | Functor for computation of the median of all values in an image identified by a mask |
HxExportExtraIdentMaskMoments< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT > | Functor for computation of the moments up to order N of all values in an image identified by a mask |
HxExportExtraIdentMaskStdev< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT > | Functor for computation of the standard deviation of all values in an image identified by a mask |
HxExportExtraIdentMaskSum< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT > | Functor for computation of the sum of all values in an image identified by a mask |
HxExportExtraWeightMaskSum< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT > | Functor for computation of the sum of all values in an image weighed by a mask |
HxHistogram | Class definition of histogram |
HxIfRbPair | Representation for the result of a query of the rule base |
HxImageData | Root in the cpp image hierarchy |
HxImageFactory | Factory for HxImageRep objects |
HxImageList | A list of images |
HxImageRep | Class definition of Horus image representation |
HxImageSeq | Class definition for a sequence of HxImageRep's |
HxImageSeqData | Base class for storage of image sequence data |
HxImageSeqDXMedia | Read image sequence files using DirectMedia library |
HxImageSeqIter | Class definition for an iterator over an HxImageSeq |
HxImageSeqMDC | Read mpg files using MPEG Developing Classes (MDC) library |
HxImageSig2dByte | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxByte |
HxImageSig2dComplex | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxComplex |
HxImageSig2dDouble | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by a double |
HxImageSig2dFloat | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by a float |
HxImageSig2dInt | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an int |
HxImageSig2dShort | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by a short |
HxImageSig2dVec2Byte | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Byte |
HxImageSig2dVec2Double | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Double |
HxImageSig2dVec2Float | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Float |
HxImageSig2dVec2Int | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Int |
HxImageSig2dVec2Short | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Short |
HxImageSig2dVec3Byte | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Byte |
HxImageSig2dVec3Double | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Double |
HxImageSig2dVec3Float | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Float |
HxImageSig2dVec3Int | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Int |
HxImageSig2dVec3Short | Signature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Short |
HxImageSig3dByte | Signature for a 3D image with pixels represented by an HxByte |
HxImageSig3dDouble | Signature for a 3D image with pixels represented by a double |
HxImageSig3dFloat | Signature for a 3D image with pixels represented by a float |
HxImageSig3dInt | Signature for a 3D image with pixels represented by an int |
HxImageSig3dShort | Signature for a 3D image with pixels represented by a short |
HxImageSignature | Class definition image signature |
HxImageTem< ImageSigT > | Template class for operations that are independent of image dimensionality |
HxImageTem2d< ImageSigT > | Template class for operations on 2D images |
HxImageTem3d< ImageSigT > | Template class for operations on 3D images |
HxImgFtorBpo< DstImgSigT, Src1ImgSigT, Src2ImgSigT, BpoT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for binary pixel operations on images |
HxImgFtorBpoKey | Key for HxImgFtorBpo |
HxImgFtorDescription | Image functor description |
HxImgFtorDiy< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, DiyT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for do it yourself operations on images |
HxImgFtorDiyKey | Key for HxImgFtorDiy |
HxImgFtorExportExtra< ImgSigT, ExtraImgSigT, ExportExtraT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for export operation with an extra image |
HxImgFtorExportExtraKey | Key for HxImgFtorExportExtra |
HxImgFtorGenConv2d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 2d images |
HxImgFtorGenConv2dK1d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 2d images with a 1d kernel |
HxImgFtorGenConv2dSep< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for separable generalized convolution operations on 2d images |
HxImgFtorGenConv2dSepKey | Key for HxImgFtorGenConv2dSep |
HxImgFtorGenConv3d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 3d images |
HxImgFtorGenConv3dK1d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 3d images with a 1d kernel |
HxImgFtorGenConvK1dKey | Key for HxImgFtorGenConvK1d |
HxImgFtorGenConvKey | Key for HxImgFtorGenConv |
HxImgFtorI1 | Base class for image functors with one image parameter |
HxImgFtorI1Cast< ImgSigT > | Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI1 to (statically typed) image data pointers |
HxImgFtorI1CastKey | Key for HxImgFtorI1Cast |
HxImgFtorI1Key | Key for HxImgFtorI1 |
HxImgFtorI2 | Base class for image functors with two image parameters |
HxImgFtorI2Cast< Img1SigT, Img2SigT > | Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI2 to (statically typed) image data pointers |
HxImgFtorI2CastKey | Key for HxImgFtorI2Cast |
HxImgFtorI2Key | Key for HxImgFtorI2 |
HxImgFtorI3 | Base class for image functors with three image parameters |
HxImgFtorI3Cast< Img1SigT, Img2SigT, Img3SigT > | Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI3 to (statically typed) image data pointers |
HxImgFtorI3CastKey | Key for HxImgFtorI3Cast |
HxImgFtorI3Key | Key for HxImgFtorI3 |
HxImgFtorI4 | Base class for image functors with four image parameters |
HxImgFtorI4Cast< Img1SigT, Img2SigT, Img3SigT, Img4SigT > | Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI4 to (statically typed) image data pointers |
HxImgFtorI4CastKey | Key for HxImgFtorI4Cast |
HxImgFtorI4Key | Key for HxImgFtorI4 |
HxImgFtorIM | Base class for image functors with 1 + M image parameters |
HxImgFtorIMCast< DstImgSigT, SrcImgsSigT > | Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorIM to (statically typed) image data pointers |
HxImgFtorIMCastKey | Key for HxImgFtorIMCast |
HxImgFtorIMKey | Key for HxImgFtorIM |
HxImgFtorIMN | Base class for image functors with M + N image parameters |
HxImgFtorIMNCast< DstImgsSigT, SrcImgsSigT > | Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorIMN to (statically typed) image data pointers |
HxImgFtorIMNCastKey | Key for HxImgFtorIMNCast |
HxImgFtorIMNKey | Key for HxImgFtorIMN |
HxImgFtorInOut< ImgSigT, InOutT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for in/out pixel operations on images |
HxImgFtorInOutKey | Key for HxImgFtorInOut |
HxImgFtorKernelNgb2d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, NgbT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for kernel based neighborhood operations on 2D images |
HxImgFtorKernelNgbKey | Key for HxImgFtorKernelNgb |
HxImgFtorKey | Base class for keys for image functors |
HxImgFtorKeyNameTable | Name table for class and type names that occur in image functor keys |
HxImgFtorMNpo< DstImgsSigT, SrcImgsSigT, MNpoT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for M output, N input pixel operations on images |
HxImgFtorMNpoKey | Key for HxImgFtorMNpo |
HxImgFtorMpo< DstImgSigT, SrcImgsSigT, MpoT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for multi pixel operations on images |
HxImgFtorMpoKey | Key for HxImgFtorMpo |
HxImgFtorNgb2d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, NgbT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for neighborhood operations on 2D images |
HxImgFtorNgb2dExtra< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, ExtraImgSigT, NgbT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for neighborhood operations on 2D images with an extra image |
HxImgFtorNgb2dExtra2< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, ExtraImgSigT, ExtraImg2SigT, NgbT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for neighborhood operations on 2D images with two extra images |
HxImgFtorNgbExtra2Key | Key for HxImgFtorNgbExtra2 |
HxImgFtorNgbExtraKey | Key for HxImgFtorNgbExtra |
HxImgFtorNgbKey | Key for HxImgFtorNgb |
HxImgFtorObserver | Image functor observer |
HxImgFtorQueueBased< ImgSigT, ExtraSigT, AnotherSigT, FunctorT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for queue based operations on 2d images |
HxImgFtorQueueBasedKey | Key for HxImgFtorQueueBased |
HxImgFtorRecGenConv2d< ImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for recursive generalized convolution on 2D images |
HxImgFtorRecGenConv2dK1d< ImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for recursive generalized convolution on 2D images with a 1d kernel |
HxImgFtorRecGenConvK1dKey | Key for HxImgFtorRecGenConvK1d |
HxImgFtorRecGenConvKey | Key for HxImgFtorRecGenConv |
HxImgFtorRgb2d< ImgSigT, RgbT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for display of 2d images |
HxImgFtorRgb3d< ImgSigT, RgbT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for display of 3d images |
HxImgFtorRgbKey | Key for HxImgFtorRgb |
HxImgFtorRuleBase | Rule base for storage and retrieval of existing image types in instantiated image functors |
HxImgFtorSet< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for set operations on images |
HxImgFtorSetBorder2d< ImgSigT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for border operations on 2D images |
HxImgFtorSetBorder3d< ImgSigT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for border operations on 3D images |
HxImgFtorSetBorderKey | Key for HxImgFtorSetBorder |
HxImgFtorSetKey | Key for HxImgFtorSet |
HxImgFtorTable | Table with (HxImgFtorKey, HxImgFunctor*) pairs |
HxImgFtorTableTem< FunctorType > | Template for typed access to the HxImgFtorTable |
HxImgFtorUpo< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, UpoT > | Instantiation of generic algorithm for unary pixel operations on images |
HxImgFtorUpoKey | Key for HxImgFtorUpo |
HxImgFunctor | The base class of all image functors |
HxInstantiatorAbs< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with absolute value |
HxInstantiatorAcos< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc cosine |
HxInstantiatorAdd< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with addition |
HxInstantiatorAddReduce< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for reduce operation with addition |
HxInstantiatorAddSat< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with squared distance |
HxInstantiatorAddV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with addition with a value |
HxInstantiatorAnd< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with and |
HxInstantiatorAndV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with and |
HxInstantiatorArg< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with argument |
HxInstantiatorAsin< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc sine |
HxInstantiatorAtan< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc tangent |
HxInstantiatorAtan2< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc tangent |
HxInstantiatorCeil< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with ceiling |
HxInstantiatorColSpace< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with color space conversion |
HxInstantiatorComplement< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with complement |
HxInstantiatorConjugate< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with conjugate |
HxInstantiatorCos< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with cosine |
HxInstantiatorCosh< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with hyperbolic cosine |
HxInstantiatorCross< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with cross product |
HxInstantiatorCrossV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with cross product |
HxInstantiatorDiv< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with division |
HxInstantiatorDivV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with division |
HxInstantiatorDot< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with dot product |
HxInstantiatorDotV< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with dot product |
HxInstantiatorEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with equal |
HxInstantiatorEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with equal |
HxInstantiatorExp< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with exponent |
HxInstantiatorExpPix< ImgSigT, DataT > | Instantiator for export operation to native arrays |
HxInstantiatorFloor< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with floor |
HxInstantiatorGpi< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with get pixel element |
HxInstantiatorGreaterEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater equal |
HxInstantiatorGreaterEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater equal |
HxInstantiatorGreaterThan< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater than |
HxInstantiatorGreaterThanV< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater than |
HxInstantiatorHighlightRegion< ImgSigT, LblSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with region highlighting |
HxInstantiatorImpPix< ImgSigT, DataT > | Instantiator for import operation from native array |
HxInstantiatorInf< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with infimum |
HxInstantiatorInfReduce< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for reduce operation with infimum |
HxInstantiatorInfV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with infimum |
HxInstantiatorLeftShift< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with left shift |
HxInstantiatorLeftShiftV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with left shift |
HxInstantiatorLessEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less equal |
HxInstantiatorLessEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less equal |
HxInstantiatorLessThan< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less than |
HxInstantiatorLessThanV< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less than |
HxInstantiatorLog< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with natural logarithm |
HxInstantiatorLog10< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with base 10 logarithm |
HxInstantiatorMax< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with maximum |
HxInstantiatorMaxReduce< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for reduce operation with maximum |
HxInstantiatorMaxV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with maximum |
HxInstantiatorMin< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with minimum |
HxInstantiatorMinReduce< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for reduce operation with minimum |
HxInstantiatorMinV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with minimum |
HxInstantiatorMod< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with modulo |
HxInstantiatorModV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with modulo |
HxInstantiatorMul< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with multiplication |
HxInstantiatorMulReduce< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for reduce operation with multiplication |
HxInstantiatorMulV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with multiplication |
HxInstantiatorNegate< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with negation |
HxInstantiatorNorm1< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with L1 norm |
HxInstantiatorNorm2< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with L2 norm |
HxInstantiatorNorm2Sqr< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with squared L2 norm |
HxInstantiatorNormInf< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with L inf norm |
HxInstantiatorNotEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with not equal |
HxInstantiatorNotEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with not equal |
HxInstantiatorOr< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with or |
HxInstantiatorOrV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with or |
HxInstantiatorPow< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with power |
HxInstantiatorPowV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with power |
HxInstantiatorProduct< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with product |
HxInstantiatorRGB2Intensity< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with RGB2Intensity |
HxInstantiatorRightShift< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with right shift |
HxInstantiatorRightShiftV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with right shift |
HxInstantiatorRound< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with round |
HxInstantiatorSet< SrcSigT > | Instantiator for set operation |
HxInstantiatorSetPartImg< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation |
HxInstantiatorSetVal< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for inout operation to set values |
HxInstantiatorSin< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with sine |
HxInstantiatorSinh< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with hyperbolic sine |
HxInstantiatorSpi< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with set pixel element |
HxInstantiatorSqrDst< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with squared distance |
HxInstantiatorSqrt< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with square root |
HxInstantiatorSub< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with subtraction |
HxInstantiatorSubSat< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with squared distance |
HxInstantiatorSubV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with subtraction |
HxInstantiatorSum< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with sum |
HxInstantiatorSup< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with supremum |
HxInstantiatorSupReduce< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for reduce operation with supremum |
HxInstantiatorSupV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with supremum |
HxInstantiatorTan< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with tangent |
HxInstantiatorTanh< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with hyperbolic tangent |
HxInstantiatorTriStateThreshold< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with tri state threshold |
HxInstantiatorUpoMax< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with unary maximum |
HxInstantiatorUpoMin< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with unary minimum |
HxInstantiatorUpoThreshold< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for unary pixel operation with threshold |
HxInstantiatorVec2< DstSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with vec2 |
HxInstantiatorVec3< DstSigT, SrcsSigT > | Instantiator for multi pixel operation with vec3 |
HxInstantiatorXor< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with exclusive or |
HxInstantiatorXorV< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for binary pixel operation with exclusive or |
HxInstDiyTranspose< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for DIY operation with transpose |
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskCentralMoments< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT > | Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask central moments |
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskMean< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT > | Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask mean |
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskMedian< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT > | Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask median |
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskMoments< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT > | Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask moments |
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskStdev< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT > | Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask standard deviation |
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskSum< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT > | Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask summation |
HxInstExportExtraWeightMaskSum< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT > | Instantiator for export extra operation with weight mask summation |
HxInstExpPpm< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for export operation to ppm format |
HxInstGenConv2dAddInf< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and infimum as basic operations using a 2d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dAddMax< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and maximum as basic operations using a 2d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations using a 2d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dAddSup< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and supremum as basic operations using a 2d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddInf< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and infimum as basic operations using a 1d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddMax< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and maximum as basic operations using a 1d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations using a 1d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddSup< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and supremum as basic operations using a 1d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dK1dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 1d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 2d kernel |
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddInf< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and infimum as basic operations using two 1d kernels |
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddMax< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and maximum as basic operations using two 1d kernels |
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations using two 1d kernels |
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddSup< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and supremum as basic operations using two 1d kernels |
HxInstGenConv2dSepMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using two 1d kernels |
HxInstGenConv3dK1dMulAdd< DstSigT, SrcSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 3d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 1d kernel |
HxInstGenConv3dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 3d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 3d kernel |
HxInstGeneratePix< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for inout operation to generate pixels |
HxInstImpBytes< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for import operation from bytes |
HxInstImpPackRgb< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for import operation from rgb array |
HxInstImpPpm< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for import operation from ppm format |
HxInstInOutGetPoints< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for inout operation to get points |
HxInstKerNgb2dNormCorrelation< DstSigT, SrcSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for kernel based neighbourhood operation with normalized correlation |
HxInstNgb2dMean< ResSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with mean |
HxInstNgbIsMaxGradDir2d< DstSigT, SrcSigT > | Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with non maximum suppression based on maximum detection |
HxInstNgbLWshed2d< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with LWshed |
HxInstNgbNonMaxSuppression2d< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with non maximum suppression |
HxInstNgbPercentile2d< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with percentile |
HxInstRecGenConv2dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations |
HxInstRecGenConv2dK1dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations |
HxInstRecGenConv2dK1dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations |
HxInstRecGenConv2dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT > | Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations |
HxInstRgb2dBinary< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using binary display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dCMY< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using CMY display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dDirect< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using direct display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dDirectNC< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using direct display mapping without clipping |
HxInstRgb2dHSI< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using HSI display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dLab< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using Lab display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dLabel< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using label display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dLogMag< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using log magnitude display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dLuv< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using Luv display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dOOO< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using OOO display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dStretch< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using stretched display mapping |
HxInstRgb2dXYZ< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using XYZ display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dBinary< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using binary display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dCMY< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using CMY display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dDirect< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using direct display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dHSI< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using HSI display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dLab< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using Lab display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dLabel< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using label display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dLogMag< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using log magnitude display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dLuv< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using Luv display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dOOO< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using OOO display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dStretch< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using stretched display mapping |
HxInstRgb3dXYZ< ImgSigT > | Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using XYZ display mapping |
HxKernel1d< KerDataPtrT, ArithT > | Standard 1d kernel definition |
HxKernel2d< KerDataPtrT, ArithT > | Standard 2d kernel definition |
HxKernel3d< KerDataPtrT, ArithT > | Standard 3d kernel definition |
HxKerNgbNormCorrelation< ArithT, ResultT > | Neighbourhood functor for normalized (cross) correlation filter |
HxLocalInterpol | Class definition of a functor that interpolates data points to compute knots and control points for a cubic BSpline |
HxMatrix | Class definition for matrices |
HxMfBpo | Class definition of method frame for binary pixel operations |
HxMfDiy | Class definition of method frame for do it yourself operations |
HxMfExportExtra | Class definition of a method frame for export operations using an extra image |
HxMfGenConv | Class definition of method frame for generalized convolution operations |
HxMfIdentity | Class definition of method frame for identity |
HxMfKernelNgb | Class definition of a method frame for neighbourhood operations using a kernel |
HxMfMNpo | Class definition of method frame for M output N input pixel pixel operations |
HxMfMpo | Class definition of method frame for multi pixel operations |
HxMfNgb | Class definition of method frame for neighbourhood operations |
HxMfQueueBased | Class definition of a method frame for queue based operations |
HxMfResize | Class definition of method frame for resizing of image |
HxMfUpo | Class definition of method frame for unary pixel operations |
HxNameTable | Class definition of a name table |
HxNgbBernsen< ArgType, ResType > | Neighbourhood functor for bernsen thresholding |
HxNgbDefuz< ArgType, ResType > | Neighbourhood functor for Defuz |
HxNgbHilditch< ArgType, ResType > | Neighbourhood functor for Hilditch |
HxNgbIsMaxGradDir2d< ResultT, ArithT > | Non maximum suppression in the direction of the gradient |
HxNgbKuwahara< ArgType, ResType > | Neighbourhood functor for Kuwahara thresholding |
HxNgbLocalMode< DstT, SrcT > | Neighbourhood functor for local mode filter |
HxNgbLocalModeInst< InOutT > | Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with local mode |
HxNgbLWshed2d< ArgType, ResType > | Neighbourhood functor for watershed segmentation this look in a vecinity and decides if there is a border The smallest neighbour (if not wshed) is replaced by wshed value |
HxNgbNonMaxSuppression2d< ArithT > | Neighbourhood functor for non maximum suppression in the gradient direction |
HxNgbOpticalFlowInst< ResSigT, ImgSigT > | Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with TalkNgbExtra2P1Cnum |
HxNgbPercentile2d< ArithT > | Neighbourhood functor for percentile filter |
HxNJet | Class definition for NJet |
HxPixelAllocator< PixelT > | Class for (logged) allocation and deallocation of pixel data |
HxPointAndValue | This is used to make the image as alist that can be sorted by pixel values |
HxPointList | Class definition for list of HxPoint's |
HxPointR2 | Class definition for points in R2 (real-value coordinates) |
HxPointZ | Definition of a point in Z3 space using integer coordinates |
HxPointZList | Class definition for list of HxPointZ's |
HxPolyline2d | A simple class for storing polylines and polygons |
HxRcObject | Base class for reference counted objects |
HxRcPtr< T > | Template class for (smart) pointers to reference counted objects, i.e |
HxRegData | A registry value |
HxRegistry | The registry |
HxRegistryImporter | Class for importing stuff into the HxRegistry at program startup via declaration of static variables |
HxRegKey | A registry key |
HxRegKeyList | A list of HxRegKeyPtr's, that is pointers to HxRegKey's |
HxRegValue | A registry value |
HxRegValueList | A list of HxRegValuePtr's, that is pointers to HxRegValue's |
HxRgbBinary< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Binary display |
HxRgbCMY< ValT, ValDoubleT > | CMY display |
HxRgbDirect< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Direct display mapping |
HxRgbDirectNC< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Direct display mapping pixV is RGB value in the range 0-255 |
HxRgbHSI< ValT, ValDoubleT > | HSI display |
HxRgbLab< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Lab display |
HxRgbLabel< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Labeled display |
HxRgbLogMag< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Log manitude display |
HxRgbLuv< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Luv display |
HxRgbOOO< ValT, ValDoubleT > | OOO display |
HxRgbStretch< ValT, ValDoubleT > | Stretched display |
HxRgbXYZ< ValT, ValDoubleT > | XYZ display |
HxSampledBSplineCurve | Class definition for sampled BSpline curves |
HxSampledBSplineInterval | Class definition for path interval in sampled curves (oriented) |
HxScalarDouble | Class definition scalar double |
HxScalarInt | Class definition scalar integer |
HxSegmentation2d | A segmentation of a 2D image |
HxSF | Class definition of the structuring function used for Mathematical Morphology operations |
HxSFFactory | Copyright (c) 2002, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
HxStringList | Class definition for list of HxString's |
HxTag | Base class for tags |
HxTag1Phase | 1 phase pixel operation |
HxTag2Phase | 2 phase pixel operation |
HxTagCnum | Coordinate enumerated neighbourhood iterator |
HxTagList | A list of tags |
HxTagLoop | Loop neighbourhood iterator |
HxTagNPhase | N phase pixel operation |
HxTagPixOpIn | In pixel operation |
HxTagPixOpOut | Out pixel operation |
HxTagTem< ValT > | Template specialization of HxTag to store any type of value as a tag |
HxTagTransInVar | Translation invariant pixel operation |
HxTagTransVar | Translation variant pixel operation |
HxUpoAbs< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of absolute value |
HxUpoAcos< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of arc cosine |
HxUpoArg< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of argument |
HxUpoAsin< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of arc sine |
HxUpoAtan< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of arc tangent |
HxUpoAtan2< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of arc tangent |
HxUpoCeil< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of ceiling |
HxUpoColSpace< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for color space conversion |
HxUpoComplement< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of comlement |
HxUpoConjugate< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of conjugate |
HxUpoCos< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of cosine |
HxUpoCosh< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of hyperbolic consine |
HxUpoExp< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of exponent |
HxUpoFloor< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of floor |
HxUpoLog< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of natural logarithm |
HxUpoLog10< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of base 10 logarithm |
HxUpoMax< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of maximum |
HxUpoMin< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of minimum |
HxUpoNegate< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of negation |
HxUpoNorm1< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of L1 norm |
HxUpoNorm2< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of L2 norm |
HxUpoNorm2Sqr< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of squared L2 norm |
HxUpoNormInf< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of L inf norm |
HxUpoProduct< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of unary product |
HxUpoRound< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of round |
HxUpoSin< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of sine |
HxUpoSinh< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of hyperbolic sine |
HxUpoSqrt< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of square root |
HxUpoSum< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of unary sum |
HxUpoTan< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of tangent |
HxUpoTanh< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of hyperbolic tangent |
HxUpoTriStateThreshold< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of tri state threshold |
HxValue | Class definition of a value as used in Horus |
HxValueList | Class definition for list of HxValue's |
HxVec2Double | Class definition vector of 2 doubles |
HxVec2Int | Class definition vector of 2 integers |
HxVec2Tem< T > | Template class for representation of vector of 2 scalars of type T |
HxVec3Double | Class definition vector of 3 doubles |
HxVec3Int | Class definition vector of 3 integers |
HxVec3Tem< T > | Template class for representation of vector of 3 scalars of type T |
HxVector | Class definition for vectors |
HxVectorR2 | Class definition for vectors in R2 (real-value coordinates) |
QThinning< ArithT, ImgT, MaskT > | This should be implemented (Rein) as repetitive substraction from the image of result of HitOrMiss |
RGB2Intensity< DstValT, SrcValT > | Pixel functor for computation of RGB2Intensity |
VideoReader | Read frames from a video file |
VxStructureEval | Result type of comparing two structured video's Truth and Found |