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00001 #include "Persistency/RepositoryInFileSystem.h"
00002 #include "Core/Array/Arrays.h"
00003 #include "Persistency/ImageArchiveRepository.h"
00004 #include "Persistency/ImageRepository.h"
00005 #include "Core/Array/ImageArchiveFile.h"
00006 #include "Core/Array/ImageArchiveFileFset.h"
00007 #include "Visualization/Window.h"
00009 #include "Visualization/DirImViewerScroller.h"
00011 // since we are not using libraries:
00012 #include "OglGui/OglLib.cpp"
00013 //#include "Link/ImpalaLib.cpp"
00015 namespace Impala
00016 {
00017 namespace Application
00018 {
00021 using namespace Impala::Util;
00022 using namespace Impala::Persistency;
00023 using namespace Impala::Core::Array;
00025 template <class ArrayT>
00026 class WindowShow : public Visualization::Window
00027 {
00028 public:
00030     WindowShow(String locString, String setName, String fileName,
00031                String dispMode) :
00032         Visualization::Window(0, 0, 400, 400 + 25, true)
00033     {
00034         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00035         bool fset = options.GetBool("fset");
00036         mArchive = 0;
00037         mDispMode = dispMode;
00038         if (fset || (FileNameExt(fileName) == "fset"))
00039         {
00040             ImageArchiveLocator loc(locString, setName, fileName);
00041             loc.SetIsFset(true);
00042             mArchive = ImageArchiveRepository().Get(loc);
00043             mFileIm = 0;
00044             UpdateFileImage(0);
00045             SetDimensions(0, 0, mFileIm->CW() + 2, mFileIm->CH() + 25);
00046         }
00047         else if (FileNameExt(fileName) != "raw")
00048         {
00049             /*
00050             Locator loc(locString, setName);
00051             RepositoryInFileSystem& rep = RepositoryInFileSystem::GetInstance();
00052             Persistency::File f = rep.GetFile(loc, "", fileName, false, false);
00053             ArrayT* im = 0;
00054             ReadFile(im, f);
00055             */
00056             ImageLocator loc(locString, setName, "", fileName);
00057             Array2dVec3UInt8* im = ImageRepository().Get(loc);
00058             mImages.push_back((ArrayT*) im);
00059             SetDimensions(0, 0, im->CW() + 2, im->CH() + 25);
00060         }
00061         else if ((mDispMode == "jpg") || (mDispMode == "png"))
00062         {
00063             ImageArchiveLocator loc(locString, setName, fileName);
00064             mArchive = ImageArchiveRepository().Get(loc);
00065             mFileIm = 0;
00066             UpdateFileImage(0);
00067             SetDimensions(0, 0, mFileIm->CW() + 2, mFileIm->CH() + 25);
00068         }
00069         else
00070         {
00071             Locator loc(locString, setName);
00072             RepositoryInFileSystem& rep = RepositoryInFileSystem::GetInstance();
00073             Persistency::File f = rep.GetFile(loc, "", fileName, false, false);
00074             ReadRawList(mImages, f);
00075             SetDimensions(0, 0, mImages[0]->CW() + 2, mImages[0]->CH() + 25);
00076         }
00077         mCurNr = -1;
00078         RequestNext(1);
00079         Visualization::AppController::Instance().MainLoop();
00080     }
00082     int
00083     NrImages()
00084     {
00085         if (mArchive)
00086             return mArchive->NrImages();
00087         return mImages.size();
00088     }
00090     void
00091     RequestNext(int inc)
00092     {
00093         int newNr = mCurNr + inc;
00094         if (newNr < 0)
00095             newNr = 0;
00096         if (newNr >= NrImages())
00097             newNr = NrImages() - 1;
00098         if (newNr != mCurNr)
00099         {
00100             mCurNr = newNr;
00101             ShowCurImage("");
00102         }
00103     }
00105     void
00106     UpdateStatusBuf()
00107     {
00108         std::ostrstream statusStream;
00109         statusStream << "At nr " << mCurNr+1 << " of " << NrImages() 
00110                      << ", display : " << mDispMode << std::ends;
00111         SetStatusStr(statusStream.str());
00112         statusStream.freeze(false);
00113     }
00115     void
00116     ShowCurImage(String dispMode)
00117     {
00118         if (!dispMode.empty())
00119             mDispMode = dispMode;
00120         ArrayT* im = 0;
00121         if (mArchive)
00122         {
00123             UpdateFileImage(mCurNr);
00124             UpdateView(0, mFileIm, "Direct");
00125             im = mFileIm;
00126         }
00127         else
00128         {
00129             UpdateView(0, mImages[mCurNr], mDispMode);
00130             im = mImages[mCurNr];
00131         }
00132         ILOG_INFO("image size = " << im->CW() << " x " << im->CH());
00133         UpdateStatusBuf();
00134     }
00136 protected:
00138     virtual void
00139     MouseFunc(INT msg, INT but, INT state, INT x, INT y)
00140     {
00141         Visualization::Window::MouseFunc(msg, but, state, x, y);
00143         if ((mDispMode == "jpg") || (mDispMode == "png"))
00144         {
00145             return;
00146         }
00148         if ((msg == oglMouseDown) && (but == oglRightButton))
00149         {
00150             OGLMENU menu = oglSys.MenuCreate();
00151             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "Direct", 0, 11);
00152             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "Stretch", 0, 12);
00153             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "Sigma", 0, 13);
00154             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "StrMax", 0, 14);
00155             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "LogMagnitude", 0, 15);
00156             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "Binary", 0, 16);
00157             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "Label", 0, 17);
00158             oglSys.MenuAdd(menu, "Label60", 0, 18);
00160             int choice = oglSys.MenuPopUp(mOglWnd, menu);
00162             switch (choice)
00163             {
00164             case 11: ShowCurImage("Direct"); break;
00165             case 12: ShowCurImage("Stretch"); break;
00166             case 13: ShowCurImage("Sigma"); break;
00167             case 14: ShowCurImage("StrMax"); break;
00168             case 15: ShowCurImage("LogMagnitude"); break;
00169             case 16: ShowCurImage("Binary"); break;
00170             case 17: ShowCurImage("Label"); break;
00171             case 18: ShowCurImage("Label60"); break;
00172             }
00174             oglSys.MenuDestroy(menu);
00175             oglSys.UpdateSceneFlag(mOglWnd, 1);
00176         }
00177     }
00179     virtual void
00180     KeyboardFunc(INT c, int state)
00181     {
00182         if (c == oglRIGHT)
00183             RequestNext(1);
00184         if (c == oglLEFT)
00185             RequestNext(-1);
00186         if (c == 'Q')
00187             exit(0);
00189         Visualization::Window::KeyboardFunc(c, state);
00190     }
00192 private:
00194     void
00195     UpdateFileImage(int nr)
00196     {
00197         if (mFileIm)
00198             delete mFileIm;
00199         if (mArchive)
00200             mFileIm = (ArrayT*) mArchive->ReadImage(nr);
00201     }
00203     std::vector<ArrayT*>  mImages;
00204     int                   mCurNr;
00205     String                mDispMode;
00207     ImageArchive*         mArchive;
00208     ArrayT*               mFileIm;
00210     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00211 };
00213 ILOG_VAR_INIT_TEMPL_1(WindowShow, ArrayT, Application);
00216 int
00217 mainShow(int argc, char* argv[])
00218 {
00219     OglInit(&argc, &argv[0]);
00220     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00221     options.Initialise(false, false, true);
00222     options.AddOption(0, "grid", "", "0");
00223     options.AddOption(0, "png", "", "0");
00224     options.AddOption(0, "fset", "", "0");
00225     options.AddOption(0, "wndWidth", "width", "1260");
00226     options.AddOption(0, "wndHeight", "height", "950");
00227     String usageStr = "location dataset filename\n\n";
00228     usageStr += "  location = file:|dataServer:host:port|mapi:host:port:[db]\n";
00229     usageStr += "  dataset = dot|abs|dataset.txt\n";
00230     usageStr += "  filename = file.{raw,jpg,png,fset}\n";
00231     if (! options.ParseArgs(argc, argv, usageStr, 3))
00232         return 1;
00234     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.mainShow);
00236     int verb = options.GetInt("verb");
00237     bool png = options.GetBool("png");
00239     bool grid = options.GetBool("grid");
00240     int reqWndWidth = options.GetInt("wndWidth");
00241     int reqWndHeight = options.GetInt("wndHeight");
00243     String loc = options.GetArg(0);
00244     String setName = options.GetArg(1);
00245     String fileName = options.GetArg(2);
00247     if (FileNameExt(fileName) != "raw")
00248     {
00249         ILOG_DEBUG("new WindowShow<Array2dVec3UInt8>(direct)");
00250         new WindowShow<Array2dVec3UInt8>(loc, setName, fileName, "Direct");
00251         return 0;
00252     }
00254     ArrayType arrayType = ARRAY2DSCALARUINT8; // assume this for mapi:
00255     if (loc != "mapi:")
00256     {
00257         arrayType = ARRAY2DUNKNOWN;
00258         RepositoryInFileSystem& repFS = RepositoryInFileSystem::GetInstance();
00259         Locator locator(loc, setName);
00260         Persistency::File f = repFS.GetFile(locator, "", fileName, false, true);
00261         if (f.Valid())
00262             arrayType = ReadRawArrayType(f);
00263         else
00264             ILOG_ERROR("Unable to open " << fileName << " at " << locator);
00265     }
00267     switch (arrayType)
00268     {
00269     case ARRAY2DSCALARUINT8:
00270         if (grid)
00271         {
00272             ILOG_INFO("new DirImViewerScroller");
00273             Visualization::DirImViewerScroller *gridViewer =
00274                 new Visualization::DirImViewerScroller(4, 4, reqWndWidth,
00275                                                        reqWndHeight);
00276             Persistency::RgbDataSrcLocator srcLoc(loc, setName, fileName);
00277             gridViewer->OpenSrc(srcLoc);
00278             gridViewer->SetBackground(oglGUI_BG);
00279             gridViewer->Start();
00280             OglEventLoop();
00281             return 1;
00282         }
00283         ILOG_DEBUG("new WindowShow<Array2dVec3UInt8>(jpg/png)");
00284         if (png)
00285             new WindowShow<Array2dVec3UInt8>(loc, setName, fileName, "png");
00286         else
00287             new WindowShow<Array2dVec3UInt8>(loc, setName, fileName, "jpg");
00288         return 0; // assume all was well
00289     case ARRAY2DSCALARINT32:
00290         ILOG_DEBUG("new WindowShow<Array2dScalarInt32>(stretch)");
00291         new WindowShow<Array2dScalarInt32>(loc, setName, fileName, "Stretch");
00292         return 0; // assume all was well
00293     case ARRAY2DSCALARREAL64:
00294         ILOG_DEBUG("new WindowShow<Array2dScalarReal64>(stretch)");
00295         new WindowShow<Array2dScalarReal64>(loc, setName, fileName, "Stretch");
00296         return 0; // assume all was well
00297     case ARRAY2DVEC3UINT8:
00298         ILOG_DEBUG("new WindowShow<Array2dVec3UInt8>(direct)");
00299         new WindowShow<Array2dVec3UInt8>(loc, setName, fileName, "Direct");
00300         return 0; // assume all was well
00301         /*
00302     case ARRAY2DVEC2REAL64:
00303     case ARRAY2DCOMPLEX64:
00304         new WindowShow<Array2dComplex64>(loc, setName, fileName, "LogMagnitude");
00305         return 0; // assume all was well
00306         */
00307     case ARRAY2DVEC3REAL64:
00308         ILOG_DEBUG("new WindowShow<Array2dVec3Real64>(stretch)");
00309         new WindowShow<Array2dVec3Real64>(loc, setName, fileName, "Stretch");
00310         return 0; // assume all was well
00311     default:
00312         ILOG_ERROR("Unknown Array type");
00313         return 1;
00314     }
00315     return 1;
00316 }
00318 } // namespace Application
00319 } // namespace Impala
00321 int
00322 main(int argc, char* argv[])
00323 {
00324     return Impala::Application::mainShow(argc, argv);
00325 }

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:29 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1