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00001 //345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
00002 #ifndef Impala_Visualization_SegmentationDocumentGuiAnno_h
00003 #define Impala_Visualization_SegmentationDocumentGuiAnno_h
00005 //#include "OglGui/SplashScreenWoggel.h"
00007 #include "Persistency/Mpeg7DocRepository.h"
00008 #include "Persistency/SimilarityTableSetRepository.h"
00009 #include "Core/VideoSet/SegmentationDocument.h"
00010 #include "Core/VideoSet/Mpeg7DocWrite.h"
00011 #include "Core/Stream/RgbDataSrcFactory.h"
00012 #include "Core/Stream/RgbDataSrcRaw.h"
00013 #include "Core/Table/SimilarityTableSet.h"
00015 #include "Visualization/SimilarityTimeLineVideo.h"
00016 #include "Visualization/ImageStrip.h"
00017 #include "Visualization/ImageSet.h"
00018 #include "Visualization/DataDocumentGui.h"
00020 #include "OglGui/TextArea.h"
00021 #include "OglGui/Strut.h"
00022 #include "OglGui/Button.h"
00023 #include "OglGui/ValueScrollBar.h"
00024 #include "OglGui/UpDownNumber.h"
00026 namespace Impala {
00027 namespace Visualization {
00029 class SegmentationDocumentGuiAnno :
00030             public DataDocumentGui<Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument>,
00031             public ImagesListener,
00032             public OglGui::ViewListener,
00033             public OglGui::WindowListener,
00034             public OglGui::CheckBoxListener,
00035             public OglGui::ValueScrollBarListener,
00036             public OglGui::UpDownButtonListener,
00037             public OglGui::UpDownNumberListener
00038 {
00039     static const int BUT_POSITIVE               = 100;
00040     static const int BUT_SKIP                   = 101;
00041     static const int BUT_NEGATIVE               = 102;
00042     static const int BUT_SAVE                   = 103;
00043     static const int BUT_BACK                   = 104;
00044     static const int BUT_FORW                   = 105;
00045     static const int BUT_SHOT_POS               = 106;
00046     static const int BUT_SHOT_NEG               = 107;
00047     static const int BUT_LEFT_SHOT              = 108;
00048     static const int BUT_RIGHT_SHOT             = 109;
00049     static const int BUT_SYNC                   = 110;
00050     static const int VIEWSTRIP_PRE              = 111;
00051     static const int VIEWSTRIP_MIN              = 112;
00052     static const int VIEWSTRIP_MAX              = 113;
00053     static const int BUT_NAV_MODE               = 114;
00054     static const int BUT_NAV_BEGIN              = 115;
00055     static const int BUT_NAV_END                = 116;
00056     static const int BUT_RANK_ALL               = 117;
00057     static const int BUT_RANK_NOT_ANN           = 118;
00059     static const int UPDOWNBUT_POSITIVE         = 130;
00060     static const int UPDOWNBUT_SKIPPED          = 131;
00061     static const int UPDOWNBUT_NEGATIVE         = 132;
00062     static const int UPDOWNBUT_UNKNOWN          = 133;
00064     static const int CHBOX_RANK_MODE            = 203;
00065     static const int CHBOX_SHOW_THRESH_SHOTS    = 204;
00066     static const int CHBOX_SHOW_SEG_SHOTS       = 205;
00067     static const int CHBOX_PN_IN_VIDEO          = 206;
00069     static const int UNKNOWN_BIT                = 1;
00070     static const int POSITIVE_BIT               = 2;
00071     static const int SKIPPED_BIT                = 4;
00072     static const int NEGATIVE_BIT               = 8;
00074 public:
00076     typedef std::vector<UCHAR>                      VideoAnnotation;
00077     typedef std::vector<VideoAnnotation*>           VideoAnnotations;
00079     typedef Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument    SegmentationDocument;
00080     typedef Core::VideoSet::Segmentation            Segmentation;
00081     typedef Core::Array::Array2dVec3UInt8           Array2dVec3UInt8;
00082     typedef Core::VideoSet::Mpeg7Doc                Mpeg7Doc;
00083     typedef Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc                RgbDataSrc;
00084     typedef Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcRaw             RgbDataSrcRaw;
00085     typedef Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcFactory         RgbDataSrcFactory;
00086     typedef Core::Table::SimilarityTableSet         SimilarityTableSet;
00088     typedef Visualization::SimilarityTimeLineVideo  SimilarityTimeLineVideo;
00090     typedef SimilarityTableSet::SimTableType        SimTableType;
00091     typedef SimilarityTableSet::RankTableType       RankTableType;
00093     typedef OglGui::TitledWindow                    TitledWindow;
00094     typedef OglGui::Button                          Button;
00095     typedef OglGui::StaticText                      StaticText;
00096     typedef OglGui::TextArea                        TextArea;
00097     typedef OglGui::CheckBox                        CheckBox;
00098     typedef OglGui::UpDownButton                    UpDownButton;
00099     typedef OglGui::UpDownNumber                    UpDownNumber;
00100     typedef OglGui::ValueScrollBar                  ValueScrollBar;
00101     typedef OglGui::Strut                           Strut;
00103     struct AnnoHistory {
00104         int fileIdx;
00105         int frameIdx;
00106         int rankIdx;
00107     };
00109     SegmentationDocumentGuiAnno(OglGui::Window* parent, int wndWidth,
00110                   int wndHeight, SegmentationDocument* segDoc,
00111                   String conceptSet, int maxAnnoPerVideo,
00112                               int controlId) :
00113         DataDocumentGui<SegmentationDocument>(parent, wndWidth, wndHeight,
00114                                               segDoc, controlId, true,
00115                                               false, false, 2, 4, true,
00116                                               false)
00117     {
00118         Init(segDoc, conceptSet, maxAnnoPerVideo);
00119     }
00121     virtual void HandleActivate()
00122     {
00123         mNoAutoNextAnno = true;
00124         AppControlDoc::HandleActivate();
00125         mNoAutoNextAnno = false;
00126     }
00128     virtual void
00129     HandleNewFile()
00130     {
00131         DataDocumentGui<SegmentationDocument>::HandleNewFile();
00132         int oldCurFile = mCurFile;
00133         CheckLoadMpeg7();
00135         if (mAnnoSearching)
00136             return;
00138         // RvB ShotSimilarWnd: oldCurFile because CheckLoadMpeg7 sets curFile
00139         CheckNewVideo(oldCurFile);
00140         HandleNewShot();
00141         if (mRankingMode)
00142             CheckAnnoMax();
00143     }
00145     virtual void
00146     HandleNewShot()
00147     {
00148         if (mAnnoSearching)
00149             return;
00150         mImWnd->RemoveImages();
00151         mImShotWnd->RemoveImages();
00152         mCurShotFrames.clear();
00154         mFrameText->SetText("");
00155         if (!(mKeyframes && mKeyframeSet))
00156             return;
00157         int shot = mSegDoc->CurShot();
00158         if (shot == -1)
00159             return;
00161         // Line below conflicts with annotations
00162         // as annotations only work based on RKF keyframes
00163         // if ((mCurKey = mSegDoc->CurKeyfr())==-1)
00164             mCurKey = mKeyframes->GetShotRKF(shot);
00165         mImWnd->AddImage(mCurKey, mKeyframeSet);
00167         int frame = mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(mCurKey);
00168         int firstFrame = -1, lastFrame = -1;
00169                 int     idx = -1;
00170             if (mCurMpeg7)
00171             {
00172             idx = mCurMpeg7->FindShot(frame);
00173             if (idx != -1)
00174             {
00175                 firstFrame = mCurMpeg7->StartFrame(idx);
00176                 lastFrame  = mCurMpeg7->EndFrame(idx);
00177             }
00178             }
00179         if (firstFrame == lastFrame)
00180         {
00181             if ((shot = FindFrameShot(frame))==-1)
00182                 return;
00183             firstFrame = mShots[shot]+1;
00184             lastFrame  = mShots[shot+((shot<mShots.size()-1) ? 1 : 0)];
00185         }
00186         FillShotSample(firstFrame, lastFrame, frame);
00187         UpdateRelevance();
00188         if (mSimTLV)
00189         {
00190             if (mAllowSlidingChBox)
00191                 mFrameSliding = mAllowSlidingChBox->GetSelected();
00192             if (mFrameSliding)
00193                 mSimTLV->Player()->MoveToFrame(frame);
00194             else
00195                 mSimTLV->Player()->GotoFrame(frame);
00196         }
00197     }
00199     void FillShotSample(int firstFrame, int lastFrame, int curFrame)
00200     {
00201         if (firstFrame > curFrame)
00202             firstFrame = curFrame;
00203         if (lastFrame < curFrame)
00204             lastFrame = curFrame;
00205         if (firstFrame > lastFrame)
00206         {
00207             int tmp = lastFrame;
00208             lastFrame = firstFrame;
00209             firstFrame = tmp;
00210         }
00211         mImShotWnd->RemoveImages();
00212         mCurShotFrames.clear();
00213         if (mRgbDataSrc && firstFrame < lastFrame)
00214         {
00215             if (mShotValueSB)
00216             {
00217                 mShotValueSB->SetVisible(true);
00218                 mShotValueSB->SetMinMaxValue(firstFrame, lastFrame);
00219             }
00221             int nrShotFrames = lastFrame-firstFrame;
00222             if (nrShotFrames > 1)
00223             {
00224                 float step = (nrShotFrames<5)? 1.f : nrShotFrames/4.f;
00225                 for (float i=firstFrame; i<=lastFrame; i += step)
00226                     ToShotWindow(i,((int)i)==curFrame);
00227             }
00228         }
00229     }
00231     void ToShotWindow(int idx, bool isKeyFrame=false)
00232     {
00233         char buf[60];
00234         sprintf(buf,isKeyFrame?"%d (*)" : "%d", idx);
00235         Array2dVec3UInt8* arrIm = GetFrameArrIm(idx);
00236         mImShotWnd->AddImage(arrIm,"Direct",buf,true,false);
00237         mCurShotFrames.push_back(idx);
00238     }
00241     VideoAnnotations* GetVideoAnnotations()
00242     {
00243         return &mVideoAnnotations;
00244     }
00247     Array2dVec3UInt8* GetFrameArrIm(int frameNr)
00248     {
00249         if (!mRgbDataSrc)
00250             return 0;
00252         int imW = mRgbDataSrc->FrameWidth();
00253         int imH = mRgbDataSrc->FrameHeight();
00254             Array2dVec3UInt8* ar =
00255             new Array2dVec3UInt8(imW, imH, 0, 0, 0, false);
00256         mRgbDataSrc->GotoFrame(frameNr);
00257             memcpy( (void *) ar->CPB(0, 0), mRgbDataSrc->DataPtr(), imW*imH*3 );
00258         return ar;
00259     }
00261     virtual void
00262     HandleNewConcept()
00263     {
00264         mNrAnnotated = 0;
00265         mNrPositive = 0;
00266         mNrSkip = 0;
00267         mNrNegative = 0;
00269         CheckLoadVideoAnnotations();
00270         CheckLoadMpeg7();
00271         ConstructShotRanking(!mRankAll);
00272         HandleNewShot();
00273     }
00275     virtual void
00276     HandleLoadConcepts(String fileName, bool handleNew=true)
00277     {
00278         mConceptSet = fileName;
00279         if (mConceptSet.empty())
00280             return;
00281 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00282         String fName = mSegDoc->GetVideoSet()->GetFilePath("Annotations",
00283                                                            mConceptSet,
00284                                                            false, false);
00285         if (fName.empty())
00286         {
00287             ILOG_ERROR("Can't load concept file");
00288             return;
00289         }
00290         mSegDoc->LoadConcepts(fName);
00291 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00292         mSegDoc->LoadConcepts(fileName);
00293 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00294         if (mSegDoc->HasConcepts())
00295         {
00296             mSegDoc->SetConcept(0);
00297             mConceptField->SetText(mSegDoc->GetConcept());
00298             if (handleNew)
00299                 HandleNewConcept();
00300         }
00301     }
00303     virtual void
00304     HandleSaveConcepts(String fileName)
00305     {
00306         mConceptSet = fileName;
00307         if (mConceptSet.empty())
00308             return;
00309 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00310         String fName = mSegDoc->GetVideoSet()->GetFilePath("Annotations",
00311                                                            mConceptSet,
00312                                                            true, false);
00313         if (fName.empty())
00314         {
00315             ILOG_ERROR("Can't save concept file");
00316             return;
00317         }
00318         ILOG_INFO("Saving concepts in " << fileName);
00319         mSegDoc->SaveConcepts(fName);
00320 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00321         mSegDoc->SaveConcepts(fileName);
00322 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00323     }
00325     // Find shot of frame in thresholded shots
00326     int FindFrameShot(int frame)
00327     {
00328         int     i;
00329         for (i=0; i<mShots.size(); i++)
00330             if (mShots[i] >= frame)
00331                 return i==0 ? 0 : i-1;
00332         return -1;
00333     }
00335     // Find shot of frame in segmentation document shots
00336     int FindSegFrameShot(int frame)
00337     {
00338         Segmentation* seg       = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00339         int           firstShot = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00340         int           lastShot  = firstShot+seg->GetNrShotsVideo(mCurFile);
00341         int               i;
00343         for (i=firstShot; i<lastShot; i++)
00344             if (seg->GetStart(i) > frame)
00345                 break;
00346         return i==firstShot ? i : i-1;
00347     }
00349     int FindAdjacentAnnoShot(int curFile, int bit, int shotIdx, bool next)
00350     {
00351         if (curFile == -1) return -1;
00353         Segmentation* seg         = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00354         int           firstShot   = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(curFile);
00355         int           sz          = seg->GetNrShotsVideo(curFile);
00356         int           lastShot    = firstShot+sz;
00357         int           foundShotNr = -1;
00359         for (int i=firstShot; i<lastShot; i++)
00360         {
00361             int   kFrame   = mKeyframes->GetShotRKF(i);
00362             int   frame    = mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(kFrame);
00363             int   val      = (*mVideoAnnotations[curFile])[i-firstShot];
00364             bool  unknown  = (val == 0);
00365             bool  skipped  = (val == SKIPPED_BIT);
00366             bool  positive = (val == POSITIVE_BIT);
00367             bool  negative = (val == NEGATIVE_BIT);
00368             bool  passTest = ((bit==POSITIVE_BIT) && positive ||
00369                              (bit==NEGATIVE_BIT) && negative ||
00370                              (bit==SKIPPED_BIT)  && skipped  ||
00371                              (bit==UNKNOWN_BIT)  && unknown);
00372             if (passTest && next && i > shotIdx)
00373                 return i;
00374             if (i!=shotIdx && passTest && !next)
00375                 foundShotNr = i;
00376             if (!next && i>=shotIdx)
00377                 return foundShotNr;
00378         }
00379         return foundShotNr;
00380     }
00382     int FindAdjacentAnnoShot(int bit, int shotIdx, bool next)
00383     {
00384         return FindAdjacentAnnoShot(mCurFile,bit,shotIdx,next);
00385     }
00387     bool GoToAdjacentAnnoShot(int bit, int shotIdx, bool next)
00388     {
00389         int shot;
00390         if ((shot=FindAdjacentAnnoShot(bit,shotIdx,next))==-1)
00391             return false;
00392         mSegDoc->GotoShot(shot);
00393         AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
00394         return true;
00395     }
00397     int FindNextAnno(int bit, bool next, bool stayInVideo)
00398     {
00399         Segmentation* seg        = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00400         int           nrVideos   = seg->GetNrVideos();
00401         int           curShot    = mSegDoc->CurShot();
00402         int           curFile    = mCurFile;
00403 curFile = mSegDoc->CurFileId();
00404         int           shot;
00406         if ((shot=FindAdjacentAnnoShot(curFile,bit,curShot,next))!=-1)
00407             return curFile * 100000 + shot;
00408         if (stayInVideo)
00409             return -1;
00411         if (next) while (++curFile < nrVideos)
00412         {
00413             int firstShot = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(curFile);
00414             if ((shot = FindAdjacentAnnoShot(curFile,bit,firstShot-1,true))!=-1)
00415                 return curFile * 100000 + shot;
00416         }
00417         else while(--curFile >= 0)
00418         {
00419             int firstShot = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(curFile);
00420             int lastShot = firstShot+seg->GetNrShotsVideo(curFile);
00421             if ((shot = FindAdjacentAnnoShot(curFile,bit,lastShot,false))!=-1)
00422                 return curFile * 100000 + shot;
00423         }
00424         return -1;
00425     }
00427     void GoToNextAnno(int bit, bool next, bool stayInVideo)
00428     {
00429         int res = FindNextAnno(bit,next,stayInVideo);
00430         if (res != -1)
00431         {
00432             AllHandleNewCursor(mSegDoc->CursorToFile(res/100000),false);
00433             mSegDoc->GotoShot(res%100000);
00434             AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT,false);
00435         }
00436     }
00439     void Synchronize(int kf=-1)
00440     {
00441         if (kf==-1) kf = 0;
00442         int frame = mSimTLV ? mSimTLV->Player()->FrameNr() : kf;
00443         int shot = FindSegFrameShot(frame);
00444         int kFrame = mKeyframes->GetShotRKF(shot);
00445         mSegDoc->GotoKeyfr(kFrame);
00446         AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
00447     }
00449     // Shot boundary editing
00450     void AdjustAnnoBoundary(int lData)
00451     {
00452         int frame = mSimTLV->Player()->FrameNr();
00453         int lFrame, rFrame;
00454         int kFrame = ((mCurKey!=-1) ? mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(mCurKey) : 0);
00456         mShotValueSB->GetMinMaxValue(lFrame, rFrame);
00457         if (lData==BUT_LEFT_SHOT)
00458             FillShotSample(frame, rFrame, kFrame);
00459         else
00460             FillShotSample(lFrame, frame, kFrame);
00461     }
00463     void SetRankingMode(bool mode)
00464     {
00465         mRankingMode = mSimSet ? mode : false;
00466         mNavModeBtn->SetText(mRankingMode ? "R" : "S");
00467         PrevNextAnnoControlFeedBack();
00468     }
00470     void GoToCurrentRank()
00471     {
00472         if (mRankedShots.size())
00473         {
00474             mSegDoc->GotoShot(mRankedShots[mCurRankShot]);
00475             AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
00476         }
00477     }
00479     void ToggleNavigationMode()
00480     {
00481         SetRankingMode(mNavModeBtn->GetText() == "S");
00482         if (mRankingMode)
00483             GoToCurrentRank();
00484     }
00486     void NavigateExtremes(bool toStart)
00487     {
00488         int shot = 0;
00490         if (mRankingMode && mRankedShots.size())
00491         {
00492             if ((mCurRankShot = toStart ? 0 : mRankedShots.size()-1)!=-1)
00493                 shot = mRankedShots[mCurRankShot];
00494         }
00495         else
00496         {
00497             Segmentation* seg = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00498             shot =  seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00499             if (!toStart)
00500                 shot += seg->GetNrShotsVideo(mCurFile)-1;
00501         }
00502         mSegDoc->GotoShot(shot);
00503         AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
00504     }
00507 // Event handling stuff
00508     virtual void
00509     ButtonSelectionEvent(Button* src, void* vData)
00510     {
00511         DataDocumentGui<SegmentationDocument>::ButtonSelectionEvent(src, vData);
00512         int lData = (int)((long long) vData);
00513         switch (lData)
00514         {
00515         case BUT_POSITIVE:
00516             DoAnno(1,false);
00517             break;
00518         case BUT_SKIP:
00519             DoAnno(0.5,false);
00520             break;
00521         case BUT_NEGATIVE:
00522             DoAnno(0,false);
00523             break;
00524         case BUT_SHOT_POS:
00525             DoAnno(1,true);
00526             break;
00527         case BUT_SHOT_NEG:
00528             DoAnno(0,true);
00529             break;
00530         case BUT_NAV_MODE:
00531             ToggleNavigationMode();
00532             break;
00533         case BUT_NAV_BEGIN:
00534         case BUT_NAV_END:
00535             NavigateExtremes(lData==BUT_NAV_BEGIN);
00536             break;
00537         case BUT_BACK:
00538             GoBack();
00539             break;
00540         case BUT_FORW:
00541             GoForw(true);
00542             break;
00543         case BUT_SAVE:
00544             CheckSaveMpeg7(false);
00545             break;
00546         case BUT_SYNC:
00547             Synchronize();
00548             break;
00549         case BUT_LEFT_SHOT:
00550         case BUT_RIGHT_SHOT:
00551             AdjustAnnoBoundary(lData);
00552             break;
00553         case VIEWSTRIP_PRE:
00554         case VIEWSTRIP_MIN:
00555         case VIEWSTRIP_MAX:
00556             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripZoomToShowViews(lData-VIEWSTRIP_PRE);
00557         break;
00558         case BUT_RANK_ALL:
00559         case BUT_RANK_NOT_ANN:
00560             ConstructShotRanking(lData==BUT_RANK_NOT_ANN);
00561             SetRankingMode(true);
00562             if (mRankingMode)
00563                 GoToCurrentRank();
00564         break;
00565 /*
00566         case 1234:
00567             HandlePUNS();
00568         break;
00569 */
00570         } // end switch
00572     }
00573     virtual void
00574     HandleNewKey(int c, int state)
00575     {
00576         ILOG_DEBUG("HandleNewKey: " << c);
00577         if (CheckBinding("annoPositive",c,state))
00578             DoAnno(1,false);
00579         if (CheckBinding("annoSkip",c,state))
00580             DoAnno(0.5,false);
00581         if (CheckBinding("annoNegative",c,state))
00582             DoAnno(0,false);
00583         if (CheckBinding("annoShotPositive",c,state))
00584             DoAnno(1,true);
00585         if (CheckBinding("annoShotNegative",c,state))
00586             DoAnno(0,true);
00587         if (CheckBinding("annoBackward",c,state) || (mRankingMode && c==oglLEFT))
00588             GoBack();
00589         if (CheckBinding("annoForward",c,state) || (mRankingMode && c==oglRIGHT))
00590             GoForw(true);
00591         if (c == oglHOME || c == oglEND)
00592             NavigateExtremes(c==oglHOME);
00593         if (CheckBinding("annoTogglePlay",c,state) && mSimTLV)
00594         {
00595             if (mSimTLV->Player()->Playing())
00596                 mSimTLV->Player()->Stop();
00597             else
00598                 mSimTLV->Player()->Play();
00599         }
00600         if (c == 8 || c == 127)
00601         {
00602             if (mAnnoHistoryVSB)
00603                 mAnnoHistoryVSB->SBar()->ChangePos((state&oglControl)?1:-1);
00604             else
00605                 OnAnnoHistoryVSB(mAnnoHistoryPos + ((c==8) ? -1 : 1));
00606         }
00607     }
00609     void OnAnnoHistoryVSB(int value)
00610     {
00611         int sz = mAnnoHistory.size();
00612         if (value < 0 || value > sz || sz==0)
00613             return;
00614         bool goForward = (value == sz);
00615         mAnnoHistoryPos = value -= goForward ? 1 : 0;
00616         mDataDoc->CursorToFile(mAnnoHistory[value].fileIdx);
00617         AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_FILE, false);
00618         if (mSimTLV)
00619             mSimTLV->Player()->GotoFrame(mAnnoHistory[value].frameIdx);
00620         mCurRankShot = mAnnoHistory[value].rankIdx;
00621         Synchronize(mAnnoHistory[value].frameIdx);
00622         if (goForward)
00623             GoForw(false);
00624     }
00626     virtual void
00627     UpDownButtonSelectionEvent(UpDownButton *src, bool isUpBtn, void* userData)
00628     {
00629         int updownBut = (long long) userData;
00630         int bit = 0;
00631         if (updownBut == UPDOWNBUT_POSITIVE)
00632             bit = POSITIVE_BIT;
00633         else if (updownBut == UPDOWNBUT_SKIPPED)
00634             bit = SKIPPED_BIT;
00635         else if (updownBut == UPDOWNBUT_NEGATIVE)
00636             bit = NEGATIVE_BIT;
00637         else if (updownBut == UPDOWNBUT_UNKNOWN)
00638             bit = UNKNOWN_BIT;
00639         if (bit)
00640             GoToNextAnno(bit, isUpBtn, mPrevNextAnnoStayInVideo);
00641     }
00643     virtual void
00644     UpDownNumberChangedEvent(UpDownNumber *src, void* userData)
00645     {
00646         if (src == mStepUpDown)
00647             mStepSize = src->GetValue();
00648         if (src == mShotThresholdUDNr)
00649         {
00650             mShotThreshold = src->Value();
00651             ConstructShots(mShotThreshold);
00652             HandleNewShot(); // To recompute present values
00653         }
00654     }
00656     virtual void
00657     OnValueChanged(ValueScrollBar *src, int value, void* userData)
00658     {
00659         if (mSimTLV && src == mShotValueSB && !mShotValueSBAdjusting)
00660             mSimTLV->Player()->GotoFrame(value);
00661         if (src == mRankVSB && !mRankVSBAdjusting)
00662         {
00663             mCurRankShot = value;
00664             GoToCurrentRank();
00665         }
00666         if (src == mAnnoHistoryVSB && !mAnnoHistoryVSBAdjusting)
00667             OnAnnoHistoryVSB(value);
00668     }
00670     virtual void
00671     CheckBoxEvent(CheckBox *src, bool checked, void* vData)
00672     {
00673         int userData = (long long) vData;
00675         if (userData == CHBOX_RANK_MODE)
00676         {
00677             SetRankingMode(checked);
00678             GoToCurrentRank();
00679         }
00680         if (userData == CHBOX_SHOW_THRESH_SHOTS)
00681             mShowThreshShots = checked;
00682         if (userData == CHBOX_SHOW_SEG_SHOTS)
00683             mShowSegShots = checked;
00684         if (userData == CHBOX_PN_IN_VIDEO)
00685             mPrevNextAnnoStayInVideo = checked;
00686     }
00687 // End of event handling stuff
00691 // Feedback stuff
00692     void DrawFramesLine(SimilarityTimeLine* sTL, int f1,int f2, int w,
00693                         int y1, int y2, ULONG col)
00694     {
00695         if (!sTL)
00696             return;
00697         int fPix = sTL->Unit2Pixel(f1*40);
00698         int lPix = sTL->Unit2Pixel(f2*40);
00699         if (fPix == lPix && y1 == y2)
00700             lPix += 1;
00701         SetLineWidth(w);
00702         SetSolidLineColor(col);
00703         DrawLine(fPix, y1, lPix, y2);
00704         SetLineWidth(1);
00705     }
00707     void
00708     DisplayThreshShots(SimilarityTimeLine* sTL, int y, ULONG col1, ULONG col2)
00709     {
00710         if (!sTL)
00711             return;
00712         int fVisFr   = sTL->FirstVisibleFrame();
00713         int lVisFr   = sTL->LastVisibleFrame();
00714         int fVisShot = FindFrameShot(fVisFr);
00715         int lVisShot = FindFrameShot(lVisFr);
00716         for (int i = fVisShot; i<lVisShot+1 && i<mShots.size()-1; i++)
00717         {
00718             int fFrame = mShots[i]+1;
00719             int lFrame = mShots[i+1];
00720             DrawFramesLine(sTL,fFrame,lFrame,2,y,y,(i%2) ? col1 : col2);
00721         }
00722     }
00724     void
00725     DisplaySegShots(SimilarityTimeLine* sTL, int y, ULONG col1, ULONG col2)
00726     {
00727         Segmentation* seg = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00728         if (!seg || !sTL)
00729             return;
00731         int fVisFr    = sTL->FirstVisibleFrame();
00732         int lVisFr    = sTL->LastVisibleFrame();
00733         int firstShot = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00734         int lastShot  = firstShot+seg->GetNrShotsVideo(mCurFile);
00735         int fVisShot  = FindSegFrameShot(fVisFr);
00736         int lVisShot  = FindSegFrameShot(lVisFr);
00738         for (int i = fVisShot; i<lVisShot+1 && i<lastShot; i++)
00739         {
00740             int fFrame = seg->GetStart(i);
00741             int lFrame = seg->GetEnd(i);
00742             DrawFramesLine(sTL,fFrame,lFrame,2,y,y,(i%2) ? col1 : col2);
00743         }
00744     }
00746     void
00747     DisplayShotRelevances(SimilarityTimeLine* sTL, int y)
00748     {
00749         Segmentation* seg = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00750         if (!seg || !sTL || !mCurMpeg7)
00751             return;
00753         int fVisFr    = sTL->FirstVisibleFrame();
00754         int lVisFr    = sTL->LastVisibleFrame();
00755         int firstShot = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00756         int lastShot  = firstShot+seg->GetNrShotsVideo(mCurFile);
00757         int fVisShot  = FindSegFrameShot(fVisFr);
00758         int lVisShot  = FindSegFrameShot(lVisFr);
00760         for (int i = fVisShot; i<lVisShot+1 && i<lastShot-1; i++)
00761         {
00762             int fFrame = seg->GetStart(i);
00763             int idx = mCurMpeg7->FindShot(fFrame+1);
00764             DrawShotRelevance(sTL, idx, -1, y);
00765         }
00766     }
00768     void ShotControlFeedback(int fFrame, int lFrame, int kFrame)
00769     {
00770         if (!mSimTLV || !mShotValueSB)
00771             return;
00772         // Feedback for Shot Scrollbar
00773         int playFrame = mSimTLV->Player()->FrameNr();
00774         mShotValueSBAdjusting = true;
00775         mShotValueSB->SetValue(playFrame);
00776         mShotValueSBAdjusting = false;
00777         mShotValueSB->SBar()->ButDecr()
00778             ->SetBorderBackground((playFrame<fFrame) ? oglRED : 0);
00779         mShotValueSB->SBar()->ButIncr()
00780             ->SetBorderBackground((playFrame>lFrame) ? oglRED : 0);
00781         // Feedback for adjust shot boundaries
00782         if (!mNoShotEditing)
00783         {
00784             mShotLeftBtn ->SetState(((playFrame<kFrame) && mSimTLV) ? 1 : 0); 
00785             mShotRightBtn->SetState(((playFrame>kFrame) && mSimTLV) ? 1 : 0);
00786         }
00787     }
00789     // Feedback for ranking options and scrollbar
00790     void RankingControlFeedback()
00791     {
00792         if (mRankVSB)
00793         {
00794             if (mRankingMode)
00795             {
00796                 mRankVSBAdjusting = true;
00797                 mRankVSB->SetValue(mCurRankShot);
00798                 mRankVSBAdjusting = false;
00799             }
00800             mRankVSB->SBar()->SetState(mRankingMode ? 1 : 0);
00801             mRankVSB->ValText()->SetState(mRankingMode ? 1 : 0);
00802         }
00803         mRankChBox->SetState(mSimSet?1:0);
00804         mRankChBox->SetSelected(mRankingMode);
00805         mRankAllBtn->SetBorderBackground(mRankAll?oglTrLIGHTGREEN:0);
00806         mRankNotAnnoBtn->SetBorderBackground(mRankAll?0:oglTrLIGHTGREEN);
00807     }
00809     void HandleUpDownState(UpDownButton* udBtn, int state, bool doParent=false)
00810     {
00811         udBtn->UpButton()->SetState(state);
00812         udBtn->DownButton()->SetState(state);
00813         udBtn->SetState(state);
00814         if (doParent)
00815             udBtn->GetParent()->SetState(state);
00816     }
00818     void PrevNextAnnoControlFeedBack()
00819     {
00820         if (mNoPrevNextControl)
00821             return;
00822         int state = !mRankingMode;
00823         HandleUpDownState(mPositiveUDBtn,state,true);
00824         HandleUpDownState(mSkippedUDBtn,state,true);
00825         HandleUpDownState(mNegativeUDBtn,state,true);
00826         HandleUpDownState(mUnknownUDBtn,state,true);
00827     }
00829     void DrawShotRelevance(SimilarityTimeLine* sTL, int idx, int kFrame, int y)
00830     {
00831         if (idx == -1 || !mCurMpeg7)
00832             return;
00833         float relevance = mCurMpeg7->Relevance(idx);
00834         ULONG col = RelevanceColor(relevance);
00835         int fFrame = mCurMpeg7->StartFrame(idx);
00836         int lFrame = mCurMpeg7->EndFrame(idx);
00837         DrawFramesLine(sTL, fFrame, lFrame, 2, y, y, col);
00838         if (kFrame != -1)
00839             DrawFramesLine(sTL, kFrame, kFrame, 1, y, y-6, col);
00840     }
00842     // Called when the SimTimeLineVideo is displayed
00843     virtual void WindowDisplayEvent(OglGui::Window *src, void* userData)
00844     {
00845         SimilarityTimeLine* sTL = (SimilarityTimeLine*) src;
00846         int y                   = sTL->GetAxisY();
00847         int kFrame              = mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(mCurKey);
00848         int fFrame              = -1;
00849         int lFrame              = -1;
00851         // Draw line between shot boundaries
00852         if (!mCurShotFrames.empty())
00853         {
00854             fFrame = mCurShotFrames[0];
00855             lFrame = mCurShotFrames[mCurShotFrames.size()-1];
00856             DrawFramesLine(sTL, fFrame, lFrame, 2, y-18, y-18, 0xffffff00);
00857         }
00859         ShotControlFeedback(fFrame,lFrame,kFrame);
00860         if (mShowThreshShots)
00861             DisplayThreshShots(sTL, y-24,0xff808000, 0xffb0b000);
00862         if (mShowSegShots)
00863             DisplaySegShots(sTL,y-27,0xffb0b0ff,0xff8080ff);
00864         if (mCurMpeg7)
00865         {
00866                int idx = mCurMpeg7->FindShot(kFrame);
00867                DrawShotRelevance(sTL, idx, kFrame, y-20);
00868         }
00869     }
00871     virtual void DisplayFunc()
00872     {
00873         DataDocumentGui<Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument>::DisplayFunc();
00875         char buf[100];
00876         sprintf(buf, "NrAnno: %d Pos %d Skip %d Neg %d V(%d)", mNrAnnotated,
00877                 mNrPositive, mNrSkip, mNrNegative, mNrAnnoPerVideo);
00878         mNrAnnoTxt->SetText(buf);
00879         RankingControlFeedback();
00880     }
00881 // End of feedback stuff
00884 private:
00886     int Relevance2Bit(float rel)
00887     {
00888         if (rel < 0.01)
00889             return NEGATIVE_BIT;
00890         if (rel > 0.99)
00891             return POSITIVE_BIT;
00892         else
00893             return SKIPPED_BIT;
00894     }
00896     void RelevanceStats(double rel, int delta)
00897     {
00898         if (rel < 0.01)
00899             mNrNegative += delta;
00900         else if (rel > 0.99)
00901             mNrPositive += delta;
00902         else
00903             mNrSkip += delta;
00904     }
00906     void AnnoStats(int idx, double relevance)
00907     {
00908         if (idx == -1)
00909         {
00910             mNrAnnoPerVideo++;
00911             mNrAnnotated++;
00912         }
00913         RelevanceStats(relevance,1);
00914     }
00916     bool InAnnoHistory(AnnoHistory* aH)
00917     {
00918         for (int i=0; i<mAnnoHistory.size(); i++)
00919         {
00920             AnnoHistory *annoH = &mAnnoHistory[i];
00921             if (annoH->fileIdx == aH->fileIdx &&
00922                 annoH->frameIdx == aH->frameIdx &&
00923                 annoH->rankIdx == aH->rankIdx
00924                )
00925                 return true;
00926         }
00927         return false;
00928     }
00930     void ToAnnoHistory(int fileIdx, int frameIdx, int rankIdx)
00931     {
00932         AnnoHistory annoHist = {fileIdx, frameIdx, rankIdx};
00933         if (!InAnnoHistory(&annoHist))
00934         {
00935             mAnnoHistory.push_back(annoHist);
00936             mAnnoHistoryPos = mAnnoHistory.size();
00937             if (!mAnnoHistoryVSB)
00938                 return;
00939             mAnnoHistoryVSBAdjusting = true;
00940             mAnnoHistoryVSB->SetMinMaxValue(0,mAnnoHistoryPos);
00941             mAnnoHistoryVSB->SetValue(mAnnoHistoryPos);
00942             mAnnoHistoryVSBAdjusting = false;
00943         }
00944     }
00946     bool CheckAnnoMax()
00947     {
00948         Segmentation* seg       = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00949         int           firstShot = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00951         bool annoMax = mNrAnnoPerVideo >= mMaxAnnoPerVideo ||
00952                        FindAdjacentAnnoShot(UNKNOWN_BIT,firstShot-1,true)==-1;
00953         if (annoMax && mRankingMode && !mNoAutoNextAnno)
00954         {
00955                         mCurFile;
00956                         if (!mSegDoc->GotoNextVideo())
00957                                 return true;
00958                         mCurFile;
00959                         //mCurFile = mSegDoc->CurFileId();
00960             int res = FindNextAnno(UNKNOWN_BIT, true, false);
00961             if (res != -1)
00962                 AllHandleNewCursor(mSegDoc->CursorToFile(res/100000),false);
00963         }
00964         return annoMax;
00965     }
00967     void DoAnno(double relevance, bool isShot)
00968     {
00969         if (!mSegDoc->HasCurShot() || !mCurMpeg7)
00970             return;
00971         String  name      = FileNameBase(mKeyframes->GetName(mCurKey));
00972         int     frameNr   = mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(mCurKey);
00973         bool    empty     = mCurShotFrames.empty();
00974         int     sz        = mCurShotFrames.size();
00975         int     shotStart = (empty||!isShot) ? frameNr : mCurShotFrames[0];
00976         int     shotEnd   = (empty||!isShot) ? frameNr : mCurShotFrames[sz-1];
00978         int oldIdx = mCurMpeg7->FindShot(frameNr);
00979         if (oldIdx!=-1)
00980             RelevanceStats(mCurMpeg7->Relevance(oldIdx),-1);
00982         char buf[80];
00983         sprintf(buf, "%s_frame%d_%d", name.c_str(),shotStart,shotEnd);
00984         int idx = mCurMpeg7->ReplaceAnnotationEx(mSegDoc->GetConcept(),
00985                                                  isShot?buf:name,
00986                                                  frameNr,shotStart,
00987                                                  shotEnd,relevance,1);
00989         Segmentation* seg = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00990         int shot = FindSegFrameShot(frameNr) - seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00991         (*mVideoAnnotations[mCurFile])[shot] = Relevance2Bit(relevance); 
00993         mCurMpeg7Changed = true;
00994         ToAnnoHistory(mCurFile, frameNr, mCurRankShot);
00995         AnnoStats(idx, relevance);
00996         UpdateRelevance();
00997         if (!CheckAnnoMax() || !mRankingMode)
00998             GoForw(false);
00999     }
01001     void
01002     GoBack()
01003     {
01004         if (mRankingMode)
01005         {
01006             if (!mRankedShots.size())
01007                 return;
01008             if ((mCurRankShot-=mStepSize) < 0)
01009                 mCurRankShot = 0;
01010             int newShot = mRankedShots[mCurRankShot];
01011             if (newShot != mSegDoc->CurShot())
01012             {
01013                 mSegDoc->GotoShot(newShot);
01014                 return AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
01015             }
01016         }
01017         else if (mSegDoc->GotoPrevShot(mStepSize))
01018             return AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
01019     }
01021     void
01022     GoForw(bool withinVideo)
01023     {
01024         if (mRankingMode)
01025         {
01026             int sz = mRankedShots.size();
01027             mCurRankShot += mStepSize;
01028             if (mCurRankShot > sz-1)
01029             {
01030                 mCurRankShot = sz ? sz-1 : 0;
01031                 if (!withinVideo && mSegDoc->GotoNextVideo())
01032                     return AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_FILE,false);
01033             }
01034             if (mCurRankShot >= 0 && mCurRankShot < sz)
01035             {
01036                 int newShot = mRankedShots[mCurRankShot];
01037                 if (newShot != mSegDoc->CurShot())
01038                 {
01039                     mSegDoc->GotoShot(newShot);
01040                     return AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
01041                 }
01042             }
01043             CheckSaveMpeg7(false);
01044             return;
01045         }
01046         if (mSegDoc->GotoNextShot(mStepSize))
01047             return AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_SHOT, false);
01048         if (withinVideo)
01049             return;
01050         if (mSegDoc->GotoNextVideo())
01051             return AllHandleNewCursor(Core::Database::LEVEL_FILE, false);
01052         CheckSaveMpeg7(false);
01053     }
01055     void
01056     UpdateRelevance()
01057     {
01058                 if (!mCurMpeg7)
01059                         return;
01060         int frame = mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(mCurKey);
01061         int idx = mCurMpeg7->FindShot(frame);
01062         mCurRelevance = (idx == -1) ? 0.5 : mCurMpeg7->Relevance(idx);
01063         String typeString;
01064         if (mCurRelevance < 0.01)
01065             typeString = "negative";
01066         else if (mCurRelevance > 0.99)
01067             typeString = "positive";
01068         else
01069             typeString = "skip";
01070          if (idx == -1)
01071              typeString = "unknown";
01073         bool isShot = false;
01074         if (idx != -1 && mCurShotFrames.size() != 0)
01075         {
01076             int fFrame = mCurMpeg7->StartFrame(idx);
01077             int lFrame = mCurMpeg7->EndFrame(idx);
01078             if (fFrame != lFrame)
01079                 isShot = true;
01080         }
01081         mShotText->SetTextColor(isShot?RelevanceColor(mCurRelevance):oglBLACK);
01082         mImShotWnd->SetBorderBackground(isShot?RelevanceColor(mCurRelevance):0);
01083         mFrameText->SetTextColor(RelevanceColor(mCurRelevance));
01084         mShotText->SetText("shot " + (isShot ? typeString : "unknown"));
01085         mFrameText->SetText(isShot ? "" : ("fr " + typeString));
01086     }
01088     ULONG RelevanceColor(float relevance)
01089     {
01090         if (relevance < 0.01)
01091             return oglTrRED;
01092         if (relevance > 0.99)
01093             return oglTrDARKGREEN;
01094         return oglBLACK;
01095     }
01097     void
01098     CheckLoadMpeg7()
01099     {
01100         if ((mCurFile == mSegDoc->CurFileId()) &&
01101             (mCurConcept == mSegDoc->GetConceptIdx()))
01102         {
01103             return;
01104         }
01105         CheckSaveMpeg7(true);
01106         mCurFile = mSegDoc->CurFileId();
01107         mCurConcept = mSegDoc->GetConceptIdx();
01108         if ((mCurFile == -1) || (mCurConcept == -1))
01109             return;
01110         String vidName = mVidSet->GetFile(mCurFile);
01111         String concept = mSegDoc->GetConcept();
01112         // ILOG_INFO("Loading " << concept << " for " << vidName);
01113 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
01114         String fName = mVidSet->GetFilePathMpeg7Anno(mCurFile,mConceptSet,
01115                                                      concept+".xml",false,true);
01116         if (fName.empty())
01117         {
01118             int nrFr = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation()->GetNrFramesVideo(mCurFile);
01119             int fractions = 25; // todo: derive from video data
01120                         mConceptSet;
01121             mCurMpeg7 = new Mpeg7Doc(vidName, vidName, nrFr, fractions, false,
01122                                      mConceptSet, concept);
01123         }
01124         else
01125         {
01126             mCurMpeg7 = new Mpeg7Doc(fName, mVidSet->GetDatabase());
01127             mCurMpeg7->SetConceptSet(mConceptSet);
01128         }
01129 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
01130         String container = mConceptSet + "/" + mVidSet->GetContainerFile(mCurFile);
01131         typedef Persistency::Mpeg7DocLocator MP7Loc;
01132         MP7Loc loc(mVidSet->GetLocator(), MP7Loc::MPEG7_ANNOTATION, container,
01133                    concept + ".xml");
01134         if (!Persistency::Mpeg7DocRepository().Exists(loc))
01135         {
01136             int nrFr = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation()->GetNrFramesVideo(mCurFile);
01137             int fractions = 25; // todo: derive from video data
01138                         mConceptSet;
01139             mCurMpeg7 = new Mpeg7Doc(vidName, vidName, nrFr, fractions, false,
01140                                      mConceptSet, concept);
01141         }
01142         else
01143         {
01144             mCurMpeg7 = Persistency::Mpeg7DocRepository().Get(loc);
01145             mCurMpeg7->SetConceptSet(mConceptSet);
01146         }
01147 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
01148     }
01150     void
01151     CheckSaveMpeg7(bool doDelete)
01152     {
01153         if (mCurMpeg7 && mCurMpeg7Changed)
01154         {
01155             ILOG_INFO("Saving " << mSegDoc->GetConcept(mCurConcept) << " for "
01156                       << mVidSet->GetFile(mCurFile));
01157             Core::VideoSet::Mpeg7DocWrite(mCurMpeg7, mSegDoc->GetVideoSet(),
01158                                           mCurFile);
01159             if (doDelete)
01160             {
01161                 delete mCurMpeg7;
01162                 mCurMpeg7 = 0;
01163             }
01164         }
01165         mCurMpeg7Changed = false;
01166     }
01168     void ClearVideoAnnotations()
01169     {
01170         for (int i = mVideoAnnotations.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
01171             delete mVideoAnnotations[i];
01172         mVideoAnnotations.clear();
01173     }
01175     void CheckLoadVideoAnnotations()
01176     {
01177         int oldCurFile      = mCurFile;
01178         int conceptIdx      = mSegDoc->GetConceptIdx();
01180         if (conceptIdx == -1 || conceptIdx == mCurConcept)
01181             return;
01182         ClearVideoAnnotations();
01183         Segmentation* seg = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
01184         int nrVideos = seg->GetNrVideos();
01186         ILOG_INFO("Reading Mpeg7 video annotations for concept "
01187                   + mSegDoc->GetConcept(conceptIdx));
01188         mSegDoc->CursorToDir(0);
01189         do {
01190             CheckLoadMpeg7();
01191             printf("Video annotation %d of %d   \r",mCurFile,nrVideos);
01192             int firstShot   = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
01193             int sz          = seg->GetNrShotsVideo(mCurFile);
01194             int lastShot    = firstShot+sz;
01195             VideoAnnotation* vidAnno = new VideoAnnotation(sz);
01196             mVideoAnnotations.push_back(vidAnno);
01197             for (int i=firstShot; i<lastShot; i++)
01198             {
01199                 int   kFrame   = mKeyframes->GetShotRKF(i);
01200                 int   frame    = mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(kFrame);
01201                 int   idx      = mCurMpeg7->FindShot(frame);
01202                 bool  unknown  = (idx==-1);
01203                 float rel      = unknown ? 0.5 : mCurMpeg7->Relevance(idx);
01204                 bool  positive = rel > 0.99;
01205                 bool  negative = rel < 0.01;
01206                 bool  skipped  = !unknown && !positive && !negative;
01207                 if (skipped)
01208                     (*vidAnno)[i-firstShot] = SKIPPED_BIT;
01209                 if (positive)
01210                     (*vidAnno)[i-firstShot] = POSITIVE_BIT;
01211                 if (negative)
01212                     (*vidAnno)[i-firstShot] = NEGATIVE_BIT;
01213             }
01214         } while (mSegDoc->CursorNextFile());
01215         mCurFile = -1;
01216         AllHandleNewCursor(mSegDoc->CursorToFile(oldCurFile), false);
01217     }
01219     void CheckNewVideo(int oldCurFile)
01220     {
01221         if (mRgbDataSrc && oldCurFile == mSegDoc->CurFileId())
01222             return;
01224         mNrAnnoPerVideo = 0;
01225         mCurFile = mSegDoc->CurFileId();
01227         ConstructNewVideoSimSet();
01229         if (mRgbDataSrc)
01230             delete mRgbDataSrc;
01231         mRgbDataSrc = 0;
01233         Core::Database::RawDataSet* dataSet = mSegDoc->GetDataSet();
01234 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
01235         String videoName =
01236             dataSet->GetFilePathVideoData(mCurFile,false,false);
01237         String rawName =
01238             dataSet->GetFilePathFrames(mCurFile,"images_jpg.raw",false,false);
01239         mRgbDataSrc = OpenRgbDataSrc(rawName, videoName);
01240 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
01241         ILOG_ERROR("Todo : CheckNewVideo");
01242         String videoName;
01243         String rawName;
01244 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
01246         if (!mSimTLV && !mNoSimTLV && mShotSimSet)
01247             CreateSimTLV();
01249         if (mSimTLV && mShotSimSet)
01250         {
01251             RgbDataSrc *rgbDataSrc = OpenRgbDataSrc(rawName, videoName);
01252             mSimTLV->OpenVideo(rgbDataSrc, videoName);
01253             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->DocW(4*rgbDataSrc->LastFrame());
01254             mSimTLV->SetSimilarityTableSet(mShotSimSet);
01255             rgbDataSrc = OpenRgbDataSrc(rawName, videoName);
01256             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripRgbDataSrc(rgbDataSrc);
01257             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripShow(true);
01258         }
01259         ConstructShots(mShotThreshold);
01260         mCurRankShot = 0;
01261         if (mRankingMode && !mNoAutoNextAnno)
01262             GoToCurrentRank();
01263         else
01264             HandleNewShot();
01265     }
01267     RgbDataSrc* OpenRgbDataSrc(String rawName, String videoName)
01268     {
01269         RgbDataSrc *rgbDataSrc = 0;
01270 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
01271         if (!rawName.empty())
01272             rgbDataSrc = new RgbDataSrcRaw(rawName);
01273         else if (!videoName.empty())
01274         {
01275             RgbDataSrcFactory& f = RgbDataSrcFactory::Instance();
01276             rgbDataSrc = f.Construct(RgbDataSrcFactory::SRC_LAVC_WITHIDX,
01277                                      videoName, mVidSet->GetDatabase());
01278         }
01279 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
01280         ILOG_ERROR("Todo : OpenRgbDataSrc");
01281 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
01283         if (!rgbDataSrc || !rgbDataSrc->Valid())
01284         {
01285             ILOG_ERROR("Opening RgbDataSrc failed");
01286             if (rgbDataSrc)
01287                 delete rgbDataSrc;
01288             return 0;
01289             }
01290         return rgbDataSrc;
01291     }
01293     void ConstructShots(float threshold)
01294     {
01295         mShots.clear();
01296         mShots.push_back(-1);
01297         SimTableType* simTable  = mShotSimSet->GetSimTable(0);
01298         int sz = simTable->Size();
01299         for (int i=0; i<sz; i++)
01300         {
01301             if (simTable->Get1(i) > threshold)
01302                 mShots.push_back(i);
01303         }
01304         if (mShots[mShots.size()-1] != sz-1)
01305             mShots.push_back(sz-1);
01306     }
01308     void CreateSimTLV()
01309     {
01310         OglGui::TitledWindow*
01311             tWnd = new TitledWindow(this,2,0,W()-4,396,"TimeLineVideo");
01312         mSimTLV = new SimilarityTimeLineVideo(tWnd->ContentPane(),0,0,
01313                                               W()-10,364, mShotSimSet,15);
01314         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->SetWindowListener(this);
01315         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ShowClassify(false);
01316         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->SetSimColor(0,0xffffff00);
01317         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->CurrentViewOnTop(2);
01318         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripMinViewWidth(12);
01319         mSimTLV->ScaleChildren();
01320         tWnd->ContentPane()->ScaleChildren();
01322         StaticText* TBar = mSimTLV->TitledTimeLine()->TitleText();
01323         new Strut(TBar,160,1);
01324         // Synchronize with nearest shot
01325         mSyncBtn = new Button(TBar, 50, 21, "Sync", 4, true);
01326         mSyncBtn->SetButtonListener(this, BUT_SYNC);
01327         // Frame Sliding Animation
01328         mAllowSlidingChBox =
01329             new CheckBox( TBar, 70, 21, "Sliding", true, 4);
01330         if (!mNoViewStripControl)
01331         {
01332             // ViewStrip Options
01333             StaticText* vStripTxt =
01334                 new StaticText(TBar,160,21,"ViewStrip",false,true);
01335             vStripTxt->SetBorderType(BEV_ETCHED);
01336             InBoxButton(vStripTxt,62,32,"Pre",VIEWSTRIP_PRE);
01337             InBoxButton(vStripTxt,94,32,"Min",VIEWSTRIP_MIN);
01338             InBoxButton(vStripTxt,126,32,"Max",VIEWSTRIP_MAX);
01339         }
01340         new Strut(TBar,10,1);
01341         RectCheckBox(TBar,150,21,"Show Seg Shots",
01342                      CHBOX_SHOW_SEG_SHOTS); 
01343         RectCheckBox(TBar,160,21,"Show Thresh Shots",
01344                      CHBOX_SHOW_THRESH_SHOTS);
01345     }
01347     void ConstructNewVideoSimSet()
01348     {
01349         Core::Database::RawDataSet* dataSet = mSegDoc->GetDataSet();
01350 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
01351         Util::Database* db = dataSet->GetDatabase();
01353         String simNames =
01354             dataSet->GetFilePathSimilarityData("Frames", "streamConcepts.txt",
01355                                                "no_model", "direct", mCurFile,
01356                                                "names.txt", false, false);
01357         if (mShotSimSet)
01358             delete mShotSimSet;
01359         mShotSimSet = SimilarityTableSet::MakeFromFile(simNames, db);
01361         // Obtain ranking similarities. Artificial randomizing access in mRankingMode
01362         simNames = dataSet->GetFilePathSimilarityData
01363             ("Keyframes",mRankSet,mRankModel,mRankFeature,mCurFile,
01364              "names.txt",false,false);
01365         if (mSimSet)
01366             delete mSimSet;
01367         mSimSet = 0;
01368         if (!simNames.empty())
01369             mSimSet = SimilarityTableSet::MakeFromFile(simNames, db);
01370 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
01371         typedef Persistency::SimilarityTableSetLocator SimLoc;
01372         SimLoc loc(dataSet->GetLocator(), false, "Frames", "streamConcepts.txt",
01373                    "no_model", "direct", dataSet->GetContainerFile(mCurFile));
01374         if (mShotSimSet)
01375             delete mShotSimSet;
01376         mShotSimSet = Persistency::SimilarityTableSetRepository().Get(loc);
01378         // Obtain ranking similarities. Artificial randomizing access in mRankingMode
01379         loc = SimLoc(dataSet->GetLocator(), false, "Keyframes", mRankSet,
01380                      mRankModel, mRankFeature,
01381                      dataSet->GetContainerFile(mCurFile));
01382         if (mSimSet)
01383             delete mSimSet;
01384         mSimSet = 0;
01385         mSimSet = Persistency::SimilarityTableSetRepository().Get(loc);
01386 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
01387         ConstructShotRanking(!mRankAll);
01388     }
01390     int FindRankedShot(int shot)
01391     {
01392         int sz = mRankedShots.size();
01393         for (int i=0; i<sz; i++)
01394             if (mRankedShots[i] == shot)
01395                 return i;
01396         return -1;
01397     }
01399     bool PassTest(int filter, bool unKnown, bool pos, bool neg, bool skip)
01400     {
01401         if ( ((filter & UNKNOWN_BIT)  && unKnown) ||
01402              ((filter & POSITIVE_BIT) && pos)     ||
01403              ((filter & NEGATIVE_BIT) && neg)     ||
01404              ((filter & SKIPPED_BIT)  && skip)
01405            )
01406             return true;
01407         return false;
01408     }
01410     bool ToRankedShots(RankTableType* rankTable, int i, int filter)
01411     {
01412         int frame    = QuidId(rankTable->Get1(i));
01413         int shot     = FindSegFrameShot(frame);
01414         int firstKey = mKeyframes->GetFirstKeyframeShot(shot);
01415         int lastKey  = firstKey + mKeyframes->GetNrKeyframesShot(shot);
01416         int keyfr    = mKeyframes->GetFrameId(frame, firstKey, lastKey);
01417         if (keyfr==-1 || !mKeyframes->IsRKF(keyfr))
01418             return false;
01420         int firstFrame = -1, lastFrame = -1;
01421         int idx = mCurMpeg7->FindShot(frame);
01422         if (idx != -1)
01423         {
01424             firstFrame = mCurMpeg7->StartFrame(idx);
01425             lastFrame = mCurMpeg7->EndFrame(idx);
01426         }
01427         bool unKnown = (idx == -1);
01428         float relevance = unKnown ? 0.5 : mCurMpeg7->Relevance(idx);
01429         bool positive = relevance > 0.99;
01430         bool negative = relevance < 0.01;
01431         bool skipped = !unKnown && !positive && !negative;
01432         if (PassTest(filter,unKnown,positive,negative,skipped))
01433         {
01434             if (FindRankedShot(shot) == -1){
01435                 mRankedShots.push_back(shot);
01436                 return true;
01437             }
01438         }
01439         return false;
01440     }
01442     void ConstructShotRanking(bool exclAnnotatedMode)
01443     {
01444         mRankedShots.clear();
01445         mCurRankShot = 0;
01446         mRankAll = !exclAnnotatedMode;
01448         if (!mSimSet)
01449             return;
01451         int tableNr = (mSimSet->NrTables()==1) ? 0 : mCurConcept;
01452         RankTableType* rankTable = mSimSet->GetRankTable(tableNr);
01454         int nShots = 0;
01455         int sz = mSimSet->TableSize();
01456         for (int i=0; i<sz; i++)
01457         {
01458             int filter = exclAnnotatedMode ? UNKNOWN_BIT :
01460             if (ToRankedShots(rankTable, i, filter))
01461                 nShots++;
01462         }
01463         if (mRankVSB)
01464             mRankVSB->SetMinMaxValue(0,nShots-1);
01465     }
01467     void HandleConceptsFromFile()
01468     {
01469         mConceptFileField->SetText(mConceptSet);
01470         HandleLoadConcepts(mConceptSet, false);
01472         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
01473         String conceptStr = options.GetString("concept");
01474         if (!conceptStr.empty())
01475         {
01476             for (int i=0 ; i<mDataDoc->NrConcepts() ; i++)
01477             {
01478                 if (conceptStr == mDataDoc->GetConcept(i))
01479                 {
01480                     mDataDoc->SetConcept(i);
01481                     mConceptField->SetText(mDataDoc->GetConcept());
01482                     mConceptField->ResetCaret();
01483                     break;
01484                 }
01485             }
01486         }
01487         if (mDataDoc->GetConceptIdx() != -1)
01488             HandleNewConcept();
01489     }
01491     Button* KbButton(char* str, int w, int h, String keyStr, int userData)
01492     {
01493         char buf[40];
01494         sprintf(buf, "%s (%s)", str, mKeyBindings[keyStr].c_str());
01496         Button* but = new Button(this,w,h,buf,4,true);
01497         but->SetButtonListener(this,userData);
01498         return but;
01499     }
01501     UpDownButton*
01502     PrevNextAnnoShot(OglGui::Window* parent, strconst str, int userData)
01503     {
01504         StaticText* txt = new StaticText(parent,50,24,str);
01505         txt->SetAlign(oglLeftAlign);
01506         UpDownButton* upDownBtn = new UpDownButton(txt,15,2,36,22,true,2);
01507         upDownBtn->SetUpDownButtonListener(this, userData);
01508         upDownBtn->SetBorderType(0);
01509         upDownBtn->SetRepeatMode(false); // Op duration disturbes repeatmode
01510         return upDownBtn;
01511     }
01513     Button*
01514     InBoxButton(OglGui::Window* parent, int x, int w, strconst str, int lData)
01515     {
01516         Button *btn
01517             = new Button(parent,x,2,w,parent->H()-4,str,BEV_ETCHED,true);
01518         btn->SetButtonListener(this,lData);
01519         btn->ScaleTo(parent);
01520         btn->SetAllowScaling(false);
01521         return btn;
01522     }
01524     CheckBox*
01525     RectCheckBox(OglGui::Window* parent, int w, int h,String str,int lData)
01526     {
01527         int pW = parent->W();
01528         int pH = parent->H();
01529         CheckBox* cb = new CheckBox(parent,w,h,str,false,1);
01530         cb->SetCheckBoxListener(this,lData);
01531         cb->SetBoxFrameType(4);
01532         cb->SetRoundedCheck(false);
01533         return cb;
01534     }
01536     void GuiNavigation()
01537     {
01538         Button* but;
01539                 char    buf[40];
01541         OglGui::Window* navWnd = new OglGui::Window(this,270,24);
01542         // Navigation mode
01543         mNavModeBtn = new Button(navWnd,0,0,18,24,"R",4,true);
01544         mNavModeBtn->SetButtonListener(this,BUT_NAV_MODE);
01545         // To Start [HOME]
01546         but = new Button(navWnd,20,0,14, 24,"[",4,true);
01547         but->SetButtonListener(this,BUT_NAV_BEGIN);
01548         // Backward
01549                 sprintf(buf,"Backward (%s)", mKeyBindings["annoBackward"].c_str());
01550         but = new Button(navWnd,34,0,94,24,buf,4,true);
01551         but->SetButtonListener(this, BUT_BACK);
01552         but->SetRepeatMode(true);
01553         // StepSize
01554         mStepUpDown = new OglGui::UpDownNumber(navWnd,128,0,34,24,1,12,false,0);
01555         mStepUpDown->SetUpDownNumberListener(this);
01556         mStepUpDown->SetBorderType(BEV_ETCHED);
01557         mStepUpDown->SetRange(1,999);
01558         // Forward
01559                 sprintf(buf,"Forward (%s)", mKeyBindings["annoForward"].c_str());
01560         but = new Button(navWnd,162,0,94,24,buf,4,true);
01561         but->SetButtonListener(this, BUT_FORW);
01562         but->SetRepeatMode(true);
01563         // To End [END]
01564         but = new Button(navWnd,256,0,14,24,"]",4,true);
01565         but->SetButtonListener(this,BUT_NAV_END);
01566     }
01568     void GuiVideoShotControl()
01569     {
01570         if (mNoSimTLV || mNoShotControl)
01571             return;
01573         // Adjust left boundary
01574         if (!mNoShotEditing)
01575         {
01576             mShotLeftBtn = new Button(this,12,24,"|",4,true);
01577             mShotLeftBtn->SetButtonListener(this, BUT_LEFT_SHOT);
01578         }
01579         // Scroll over shot
01580         mShotValueSB = new ValueScrollBar(this,160,24,0,100,50,2);
01581         mShotValueSB->SetValueScrollBarListener(this);
01582         // Adjust right boundary
01583         if (!mNoShotEditing)
01584         {
01585             mShotRightBtn = new Button(this,12,24,"|",4,true);
01586             mShotRightBtn->SetButtonListener(this, BUT_RIGHT_SHOT);
01587         }
01588         if (!mNoShotThreshold)
01589         {
01590             // Dynamic shot threshold
01591             StaticText* sTxt = new StaticText(this, 70, 24, "thr:");
01592             sTxt->SetAlign(oglLeftAlign);
01593             mShotThresholdUDNr =
01594                 new UpDownNumber(sTxt,22,0,48,24,0.2f,12,false,0);
01595             mShotThresholdUDNr->SetUpDownNumberListener(this);
01596             mShotThresholdUDNr->SetIncrement(0.01f);
01597             mShotThresholdUDNr->SetBorderType(4);
01598             mShotThresholdUDNr->SetRange(0.1f,0.6f);
01599         }
01600     }
01602     void GuiRankingControl()
01603     {
01604         int sz = mNoRankSlider ? 160 : 290;
01605         OglGui::Window* rankWnd = new OglGui::Window(this,sz,24);
01606         // Rank mode
01607         mRankChBox = new CheckBox(rankWnd,0,0,130,24,"Rank",false,4);
01608         mRankChBox->SetCheckBoxListener(this, CHBOX_RANK_MODE);
01609         // Rank all shots including annotated ones
01610         mRankAllBtn = InBoxButton(mRankChBox,60,32,"All",BUT_RANK_ALL);
01611         // Rank only shots without annotation
01612         mRankNotAnnoBtn = InBoxButton(mRankChBox,92,36,"!Ann",BUT_RANK_NOT_ANN);
01613         if (!mNoRankSlider)        // Ranking scrollbar
01614         {        
01615             mRankVSB = new ValueScrollBar(rankWnd,130,0,160,24,0,100,0);
01616             mRankVSB->SetValueScrollBarListener(this);
01617         }
01618     }
01620     void GuiAnnotationControl()
01621     {
01622         Button* but;
01623         but = new Button(this, 140, 24, "Save Annotation",4,true);
01624         but->SetButtonListener(this, BUT_SAVE);
01626         new Strut(this, 4000, 1);
01627         KbButton("Positive",110,24,"annoPositive",BUT_POSITIVE);
01628         KbButton("Skip",110,24,"annoSkip",BUT_SKIP);
01629         KbButton("Negative",110,24,"annoNegative",BUT_NEGATIVE);
01630         new Strut(this, 100, 1); // Cause newline
01632         new Strut(this, 16, 1);
01633         KbButton("Shot Positive",160,24,"annoShotPositive",BUT_SHOT_POS);
01634         KbButton("Shot Negative",160,24,"annoShotNegative",BUT_SHOT_NEG);
01635     }
01637     void GuiAnnoHistoryControl()
01638     {
01639         mAnnoHistoryVSB = 0;
01640         mAnnoHistoryPos = 0;
01641         if (mNoAnnoHistoryControl)
01642             return;
01643         StaticText* txt = new StaticText(this,210,24,"AnnoHistory:");
01644         txt->SetAlign(oglLeftAlign);
01645         mAnnoHistoryVSB = new ValueScrollBar(txt,90,0,120,24,0,1,0);
01646         mAnnoHistoryVSB->SetValueScrollBarListener(this);
01647     }
01649     void GuiPrevNextAnnotatedControl()
01650     {
01651         if (mNoPrevNextControl)
01652             return;
01653         // PrevNextAnno P|S|N|U  (Pos|Neg|Skip|unknown)
01654         OglGui::Window* prevNextWnd = new OglGui::Window(this,340,24);
01655         prevNextWnd->SetBorderType(BEV_ETCHED);
01656         mPNInVideoCB
01657             = new CheckBox(prevNextWnd,108,22,"StayInVideo",true,0);
01658         mPNInVideoCB->SetCheckBoxListener(this, CHBOX_PN_IN_VIDEO);
01659         mPositiveUDBtn = PrevNextAnnoShot(prevNextWnd,"P", UPDOWNBUT_POSITIVE);
01660         mSkippedUDBtn  = PrevNextAnnoShot(prevNextWnd,"S", UPDOWNBUT_SKIPPED);
01661         mNegativeUDBtn = PrevNextAnnoShot(prevNextWnd,"N", UPDOWNBUT_NEGATIVE);
01662         mUnknownUDBtn  = PrevNextAnnoShot(prevNextWnd,"U", UPDOWNBUT_UNKNOWN);
01663         PrevNextAnnoControlFeedBack();
01664     }
01666     void InitGUI()
01667     {
01668         GuiName("AnnoControl");
01669         mNrAnnoTxt =  new StaticText(this,340,22,"NrAnno: ");
01671         mImWnd = new ImagesWindow(this, 360, 290, true);
01672         mImWnd->SetViewSize(352,280);
01674         mImShotWnd = new ImagesWindow(this, W()-380, 290, true);
01675         mImShotWnd->SetBorderType(BEV_ETCHED);
01676         mImShotWnd->SetViewSize(176,140);
01678         GuiNavigation();
01680         // Relevance texts
01681         mFrameText  = new TextArea(this, 100, 24, "<empty>",false);
01682         mShotText   = new TextArea(this, 100, 24, "<empty>",false);
01684         new Strut(this,1,1);
01685         GuiVideoShotControl();
01686         new Strut(this,15,1);
01687         GuiRankingControl();
01688         new Strut(this, 20, 1);
01689         GuiAnnotationControl();
01690         GuiAnnoHistoryControl();
01691         GuiPrevNextAnnotatedControl();
01692         //Button* btn = new Button(this,60,24,"PUNS");
01693         //btn->SetButtonListener(this,1234);
01694         HandleConceptsFromFile();
01695     }
01697     void ReadKeyBindings()
01698     {
01699         InitKeyBinding("annoForward","0");
01700         InitKeyBinding("annoBackward", "9");
01701         InitKeyBinding("annoPositive", "1");
01702         InitKeyBinding("annoSkip", "2");
01703         InitKeyBinding("annoNegative", "3");
01704         InitKeyBinding("annoShotPositive", "6");
01705         InitKeyBinding("annoShotNegative", "7");
01706         InitKeyBinding("annoTogglePlay", " ");
01707     }
01709     void HandleCmdOptions()
01710     {
01711         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
01712         mConceptFeature = options.GetString("conceptFeature");
01713         mConceptModel = options.GetString("conceptModel");
01714         mRankSet = options.GetString("rankSet");
01715         mRankFeature = options.GetString("rankFeature");
01716         mRankModel = options.GetString("rankModel");
01717         mFrameSliding = options.GetBool("annoFrameSliding",false);
01718         mNoSimTLV = options.GetBool("annoNoTimeLineVideo", false);
01719         mNoShotControl = options.GetBool("annoNoShotControl", false);
01720         mNoShotEditing = options.GetBool("annoNoShotEditing", false);
01721         mNoShotThreshold = options.GetBool("annoNoShotThreshold", false);
01722         mNoRankSlider = options.GetBool("annoNoRankSlider", false);
01723         mNoAnnoHistoryControl = options.GetBool("annoNoHistoryControl", false);
01724         mNoPrevNextControl = options.GetBool("annoNoPrevNextControl", false);
01725         mNoViewStripControl = options.GetBool("annoNoViewStripControl",false);
01726         //mWoggelOnLoadAnnotations = options.GetBool("annoWoggelOnLoadAnnotations",false);
01727     }
01729     void
01730     InitVars(SegmentationDocument* segDoc, String conceptSet, int annoPerVideo)
01731     {
01732         mSegDoc                 = segDoc;
01733         mConceptSet             = conceptSet;
01734         mMaxAnnoPerVideo        = annoPerVideo;
01736         mVidSet                 = mSegDoc->GetVideoSet();
01737         mKeyframes              = mSegDoc->GetKeyframes();
01738         mKeyframeSet            = mSegDoc->GetImSetKeyframes(false);
01740         if (!mKeyframeSet)
01741             mKeyframeSet        = mSegDoc->GetImSetKeyframes(true);
01743         mNrAnnoPerVideo         = 0;
01744         mNrAnnotated            = 0;
01745         mNrPositive             = 0;
01746         mNrSkip                 = 0;
01747         mNrNegative             = 0;
01748         mStepSize               = 1;
01750         mCurFile                = -1;
01751         mCurConcept             = -1;
01752         mCurMpeg7               = 0;
01753         mCurKey                 = 0;
01755         mRgbDataSrc             = 0;
01756         mShotSimSet             = 0;
01757         mSimSet                 = 0;
01758         mSimTLV                 = 0;
01760         mCurRankShot            = 0;
01761         mRankingMode            = true;
01762         mRankAll                = false;
01763         mRankFilterBits         = UNKNOWN_BIT;
01765         mShotThreshold          = 0.2f;
01766         mShotValueSB            = 0;
01767         mAnnoSearchRecursLevel  = 0;
01769         //mTitledPUNS             = 0;
01771         mRankVSB                = 0;
01772         mRankVSBAdjusting       = false;
01773         mAnnoHistoryVSBAdjusting = false;
01774         mPrevNextAnnoStayInVideo = true;
01775         mAnnoSearching          = false;
01776         mShowSegShots           = false;
01777         mShowThreshShots        = false;
01778         mCurMpeg7Changed        = false;
01779         mNoAutoNextAnno         = false;
01780     }
01783     void
01784     Init(SegmentationDocument* segDoc, String conceptSet, int maxAnnoPerVideo)
01785     {
01786         HandleCmdOptions();
01787         ReadKeyBindings();
01788         InitVars(segDoc,conceptSet,maxAnnoPerVideo);
01789         mNoAutoNextAnno = true;
01790         InitGUI();
01791         AllHandleNewCursor(segDoc->CursorToDir(0),false);
01792         mNoAutoNextAnno = false;
01793     }
01795     VideoAnnotations                mVideoAnnotations;
01796     std::vector<AnnoHistory>        mAnnoHistory;
01797     std::vector<int>                mShots;
01798     std::vector<int>                mCurShotFrames;
01799     std::vector<int>                mRankedShots;
01801     SegmentationDocument*           mSegDoc;
01802     Core::VideoSet::VideoSet*       mVidSet;
01803     Core::VideoSet::Keyframes*      mKeyframes;
01804     Core::ImageSet::ImageSet*       mKeyframeSet;
01805     Core::VideoSet::Mpeg7Doc*       mCurMpeg7;
01806     SimilarityTableSet*             mShotSimSet; // ShotBoundaries
01807     SimilarityTableSet*             mSimSet;     // Concept similarities+ranking
01808     RgbDataSrc*                     mRgbDataSrc;
01810     ImagesWindow*                   mImWnd;
01811     ImagesWindow*                   mImShotWnd;
01812     StaticText*                     mNrAnnoTxt;
01813     TextArea*                       mFrameText;
01814     TextArea*                       mShotText;
01815     CheckBox*                       mAllowSlidingChBox;
01816     CheckBox*                       mPNInVideoCB;
01817     CheckBox*                       mRankChBox;
01819     SimilarityTimeLineVideo*        mSimTLV;
01820     ValueScrollBar*                 mRankVSB;
01821     ValueScrollBar*                 mShotValueSB;
01822     ValueScrollBar*                 mAnnoHistoryVSB;
01823     UpDownNumber*                   mStepUpDown;
01824     UpDownNumber*                   mShotThresholdUDNr;
01825     UpDownButton*                   mPositiveUDBtn;
01826     UpDownButton*                   mNegativeUDBtn;
01827     UpDownButton*                   mSkippedUDBtn;
01828     UpDownButton*                   mUnknownUDBtn;
01830     Button*                         mNavModeBtn;
01831     Button*                         mRankAllBtn;
01832     Button*                         mRankNotAnnoBtn;
01833     Button*                         mShotLeftBtn;
01834     Button*                         mShotRightBtn;
01835     Button*                         mSyncBtn;
01837     String                          mRankSet;
01838     String                          mRankFeature;
01839     String                          mRankModel;
01840     String                          mConceptModel;
01841     String                          mConceptFeature;
01842     String                          mConceptSet;
01844     double                     mCurRelevance;
01845     float                      mShotThreshold;
01847     int                        mCurFile;
01848     int                        mCurConcept;
01849     int                        mCurKey;
01850     int                        mCurRankShot;
01851     int                        mMaxAnnoPerVideo;
01852     int                        mStepSize;
01853     int                        mNrAnnoPerVideo;
01854     int                        mNrAnnotated;
01855     int                        mNrPositive;
01856     int                        mNrSkip;
01857     int                        mNrNegative;
01858     int                        mAnnoSearchRecursLevel;
01859     int                        mRankFilterBits;
01860     int                        mAnnoHistoryPos;
01862     bool                       mRankAll;
01863     bool                       mShotValueSBAdjusting;
01864     bool                       mRankVSBAdjusting;
01865     bool                       mAnnoHistoryVSBAdjusting;
01867     bool                       mNoSimTLV;
01868     bool                       mNoShotControl;
01869     bool                       mNoShotEditing;
01870     bool                       mNoShotThreshold;
01871     bool                       mNoRankSlider;
01872     bool                       mNoAnnoHistoryControl;
01873     bool                       mNoPrevNextControl;
01874     bool                       mNoViewStripControl;
01875     //bool                       mWoggelOnLoadAnnotations;
01877     bool                       mRankingMode;
01878     bool                       mShowSegShots;
01879     bool                       mShowThreshShots;
01880     bool                       mPrevNextAnnoStayInVideo;
01881     bool                       mAnnoSearching;
01882     bool                       mNextAnnoFound;
01883     bool                       mCurMpeg7Changed;
01884     bool                       mFrameSliding;
01885     bool                       mNoAutoNextAnno;
01887     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
01888 };
01890 ILOG_VAR_INIT(SegmentationDocumentGuiAnno, Visualization);
01892 } // namespace Visualization
01893 } // namespace Impala
01895 #endif

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