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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_Trec_Collection_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_Trec_Collection_h
00004 #include "Persistency/Mpeg7DocRepository.h"
00005 #include "Core/VideoSet/Keyframes.h"
00006 #include "Core/VideoSet/Segmentation.h"
00007 #include "Core/VideoSet/Mpeg7Doc.h"
00008 #include "Core/ImageSet/ImageSet.h"
00010 namespace Impala
00011 {
00012 namespace Core
00013 {
00014 namespace Trec
00015 {
00018 class Collection : public Util::XmlDoc
00019 {
00020 public:
00022     typedef VideoSet::Segmentation Segmentation;
00023     typedef VideoSet::Keyframes Keyframes;
00024     typedef VideoSet::Mpeg7Doc Mpeg7Doc;
00026 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00027     Collection(String fileName, Util::Database* db)
00028     {
00029         ReadData(fileName, db);
00030     }
00031 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00032     Collection(const Persistency::FileLocator& loc)
00033     {
00034         ReadData(loc);
00035     }
00036 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00038     // inquiry
00040     int
00041     NrVideoFiles()
00042     {
00043         return mId.size();
00044     }
00046     void
00047     WriteVideoSet(String setName, String use, String clipsKeys)
00048     {
00049 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00050         VideoSet::VideoSet* vidSet = new VideoSet::VideoSet(mDb, setName, false);
00051 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00052         VideoSet::VideoSet* vidSet = new VideoSet::VideoSet(setName);
00053 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00054         Segmentation segm(vidSet, "");
00055         Keyframes keyframes(vidSet, "");
00056         int videoId = 0;
00057         int offset = 0; // hack to skip devel video's in test keyframelist
00058         for (int v=0 ; v<NrVideoFiles() ; v++)
00059         {
00060             if ((!use.empty()) && (mUse[v] != use))
00061             {
00062                 if (use == "test")
00063                     offset = v + 1;
00064                 continue;
00065             }
00067             vidSet->AddFile(mFileName[v], ".", ".");
00069 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00070             Mpeg7Doc mp7doc(mSrcDir + MakeString(mId[v]) + ".mp7.xml", mDb);
00071             Mpeg7Doc* mp7 = &mp7doc;
00072 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00073             String fileName = mSrcDir + MakeString(mId[v]) + ".mp7.xml";
00074             Persistency::Mpeg7DocLocator loc(fileName);
00075             std::cout << "loc = " << loc << std::endl;
00076             Mpeg7Doc* mp7 = Persistency::Mpeg7DocRepository().Get(loc);
00077 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00078             ILOG_INFO("video " << mFileName[v] << " shots " << mp7->NrShots());
00079             int lastFrame = 0;
00080             for (int s=0 ; s<mp7->NrShots() ; s++)
00081             {
00082                 if (mp7->StartFrame(s) != lastFrame)
00083                 {
00084                     ILOG_ERROR("shot " << s << " has gap (previous shot end "
00085                                << lastFrame << ", this shot start " <<
00086                                mp7->StartFrame(s) << "), adjusting start");
00087                     segm.Add(videoId, lastFrame, mp7->EndFrame(s),
00088                              mp7->ShotName(s));
00089                 }
00090                 else
00091                 {
00092                     segm.Add(videoId, mp7->StartFrame(s), mp7->EndFrame(s),
00093                              mp7->ShotName(s));
00094                 }
00095                 lastFrame = mp7->EndFrame(s) + 1;
00096                 if (clipsKeys.empty())
00097                 {
00098                     int shotId = segm.Size() - 1;
00099                     for (int k=0 ; k<mp7->NrKeyframes(s) ; k++)
00100                     {
00101                         String name = mp7->KeyframeName(s, k) + ".jpg";
00102                         keyframes.Add(videoId, shotId, mp7->KeyframeFrame(s, k),
00103                                       name);
00104                     }
00105                 }
00106             }
00107 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00108 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00109             delete mp7;
00110 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00111             videoId++;
00112         }
00113         if (!clipsKeys.empty())
00114             ReadKeyframesClips(&segm, &keyframes, clipsKeys, offset);
00115 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00116         vidSet->SaveVideoSet();
00117         bool binary = true;
00118         segm.Save("segmentation", binary);
00119 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00120         Persistency::Locator baseLoc = vidSet->GetLocator();
00121         bool binary = true;
00122         Persistency::VideoSetRepository().Add(baseLoc, vidSet);
00123         Persistency::SegmentationLocator sLoc(baseLoc, "segmentation");
00124         Persistency::SegmentationRepository().Add(sLoc, &segm);
00125 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00127         keyframes.RemoveDuplicates();
00128         for (int i=0 ; i<keyframes.Size() ; i++)
00129         {
00130             int frame = keyframes.GetFrameNr(i);
00131             int shotId = keyframes.GetShotId(i);
00132             int start = segm.GetStart(shotId);
00133             int end = segm.GetEnd(shotId);
00134             if ((frame < start) || (frame > end))
00135             {
00136                 ILOG_ERROR("keyframe " << i << ": frame " << frame <<
00137                            " outside shot " << start << " - " << end);
00138             }
00139         }   
00140 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00141         keyframes.Save("keyframes", binary);
00142 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00143         Persistency::KeyframesLocator kLoc(baseLoc, "keyframes");
00144         Persistency::KeyframesRepository().Add(kLoc, &keyframes);
00145 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00146         keyframes.WriteImageSets();
00147     }
00149 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00150     void
00151     WriteTo(std::ostream& os)
00152     {
00153         for (int i=0 ; i<NrVideoFiles() ; i++)
00154         {
00155             os << mId[i] << " = " << mFileName[i] << ", use " << mUse[i]
00156                << ", source " << mSource[i] << std::endl;
00157             Mpeg7Doc mp7(mSrcDir + MakeString(mId[i]) + ".mp7.xml", mDb);
00158             mp7.WriteTo(os);
00159         }
00160     }
00161 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00163 private:
00165     /* file excerpt:
00167 <?xml version"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
00168 <VideoFileList>
00169    <VideoFile>
00170       <id>1</id>
00171       <filename>20041116_110000_CCTV4_NEWS3_CHN.mpg</filename>
00172       <use>test</use>
00173       <source>CCTV4.NEWS3</source>
00174       <filetype>MPEG-1</filetype>
00175    </VideoFile>
00177     */
00178     void
00179 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00180     ReadData(String fileName, Util::Database* db)
00181     {
00182         mDb = db;
00183         mSrcDir = FileNamePath(fileName);
00184         Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = db->GetIOBuffer(fileName, true, true, "");
00185         Persistency::XmlFileReader reader;
00186         DOMDocument* doc = reader.Read(fileName, ioBuf);
00187 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00188     ReadData(const Persistency::FileLocator& loc)
00189     {
00190         mSrcDir = FileNamePath(loc.GetName());
00191         typedef Persistency::RepositoryInFileSystem FS;
00192         Persistency::File file = FS::GetInstance().GetFile(loc, false, false);
00193         Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = file.GetReadBuffer(true, "");
00194         Persistency::XmlFileReader reader;
00195         DOMDocument* doc = reader.Read(loc.GetName(), ioBuf);
00196 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00197         delete ioBuf;
00198         DOMNodeList* vList = reader.FindElementsByName(doc, "VideoFile");
00199         for (XMLSize_t i=0 ; i<vList->getLength() ; i++)
00200         {
00201             DOMNode* video = vList->item(i);
00202             DOMNodeList* children = video->getChildNodes();
00203             for (XMLSize_t j=0 ; j<children->getLength() ; j++)
00204             {
00205                 DOMNode* child = children->item(j);
00206                 DOMNode* grandChild = child->getFirstChild();
00207                 if (!grandChild)
00208                     continue;
00209                 String name = XMLCh2String(child->getNodeName());
00210                 String val = XMLCh2String(grandChild->getNodeValue());
00211                 ILOG_DEBUG("read " << name << " = " << val);
00212                 if (name == "id")
00213                     mId.push_back(atol(val));
00214                 else if (name == "filename")
00215                     mFileName.push_back(val);
00216                 else if (name == "use")
00217                     mUse.push_back(val);
00218                 else if (name == "source")
00219                     mSource.push_back(val);
00220             }
00221         }
00222     }
00237     void
00238     ReadKeyframesClips(Segmentation* segm, Keyframes* keyframes,
00239                        String clipsKeys, int offset)
00240     {
00241         std::vector<String> lines;
00242 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00243         Util::DatabaseReadString(std::back_inserter(lines), clipsKeys, mDb, true);
00244 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00245         Persistency::FileLocator loc(clipsKeys);
00246         typedef Persistency::RepositoryInFileSystem FS;
00247         Persistency::File file = FS::GetInstance().GetFile(loc, false, false);
00248         file.ReadStrings(std::back_inserter(lines), true);
00249 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00250         ILOG_DEBUG("clipsKeys nr lines = " << lines.size());
00251         int curShot = -1;
00252         int lastShot = -1;
00253         for (int i=0 ; i<lines.size() ; i++)
00254         {
00255             Util::StringParser p(lines[i]);
00256             int frameNr = atol(FileNameBase(p.GetString(' ')));
00257             int vidId = atol(p.GetString('_'));
00258             if (vidId - 1 < offset)
00259             {
00260                 ILOG_DEBUG("skipping " << vidId - 1);
00261                 continue;
00262             }
00263             int shotId = atol(p.GetString('_'));
00264             int shotSub = atol(p.GetString(' '));
00265             String imName = FileNameTail(p.GetString(' '));
00266             ILOG_DEBUG("frameNr = " << frameNr << ", vid = " << vidId <<
00267                        ", shot = " << shotId << ", imName = " << imName);
00268             if (shotId != lastShot)
00269             {
00270                 curShot++;
00271                 lastShot = shotId;
00272                 if (curShot > segm->GetNrShots())
00273                 {
00274                     ILOG_ERROR("Too many keyframes");
00275                     return;
00276                 }
00277             }
00278             if ((vidId - 1 - offset) != segm->GetVideoId(curShot))
00279                 ILOG_ERROR("ReadKeyframesClips: wrong vidId on line" << i);
00280             if ((frameNr < segm->GetStart(curShot)) ||
00281                 (frameNr > segm->GetEnd(curShot)))
00282             {
00283                 ILOG_ERROR("ReadKeyframesClips: frame " << frameNr <<
00284                            " outside shot [" << segm->GetStart(curShot)
00285                            << "," << segm->GetEnd(curShot) << "], line nr = "
00286                            << i << ", curshot = " << curShot);
00287             }
00288             keyframes->Add(vidId - 1 - offset, curShot, frameNr, imName);
00289         }
00290     }
00292 public:
00294     // data
00296 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00297     Util::Database*     mDb;
00298 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00299     String              mSrcDir;
00300     std::vector<int>    mId;
00301     std::vector<String> mFileName;
00302     std::vector<String> mUse;
00303     std::vector<String> mSource;
00305     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00307 };
00309 ILOG_VAR_INIT(Collection, Impala.Core.Trec);
00311 } // namespace Trec
00312 } // namespace Core
00313 } // namespace Impala
00315 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:26 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1