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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_ImageSet_ImageSet_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_ImageSet_ImageSet_h
00004 #include "Persistency/ImageSetsRepository.h"
00005 #include "Persistency/ImageRepository.h"
00006 #include "Persistency/ImageArchiveRepository.h"
00007 #include "Basis/Timer.h"
00008 #include "Util/Cache.h"
00009 #include "Core/Array/Arrays.h"
00010 #include "Core/Array/ReadFile.h"
00011 #include "Core/Array/MakeFromData.h"
00012 #include "Core/Array/ImageArchiveFile.h"
00013 #include "Core/Database/RawDataSet.h"
00015 namespace Impala
00016 {
00017 namespace Core
00018 {
00019 namespace ImageSet
00020 {
00023 class ImageSet : public Database::RawDataSet
00024 {
00025 public:
00027     typedef Persistency::ImageSetsRepository ImageSetsRepository;
00029     ImageSet(String setName) :
00030         Database::RawDataSet(setName),
00031         mSetId(-1)
00032     {
00033         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00034         mUseArchive = false;
00035         mUseFileArchive = false;
00036         mUseSplitArchive = false;
00037         int cacheSize = options.GetInt("imCacheSize", 128);
00038         mArchives.SetSize(cacheSize);
00039         mQuidClass = QUID_CLASS_IMAGE;
00040         ImageSetsRepository::GetInstance().Register(this, GetSetName());
00041     }
00043 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00044     ImageSet(Util::Database* db, String setName, bool readSet) :
00045         Database::RawDataSet
00046             (db, setName,
00047              readSet ? db->GetFilePath("ImageData", setName, false, false) : ""),
00048         mSetId(-1)
00049     {
00050         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00051         mUseArchive = false;
00052         mUseFileArchive = false;
00053         mUseSplitArchive = false;
00054         int cacheSize = options.GetInt("imCacheSize", 128);
00055         mArchives.SetSize(cacheSize);
00056         mQuidClass = QUID_CLASS_IMAGE;
00057         ImageSetsRepository::GetInstance().Register(this, GetSetName());
00058     }
00059 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00061     int
00062     GetSetId()
00063     {
00064         if(mSetId == -1)
00065             mSetId = ImageSetsRepository::GetInstance().GetId(GetSetName());
00066         return mSetId;
00067     }
00069     Persistency::ImageLocator
00070     GetImageLocator(int fileId)
00071     {
00072         return Persistency::ImageLocator
00073             (GetLocator(), GetContainerDirOfFile(fileId), GetFile(fileId));
00074     }
00076     Quid
00077     GetQuidImage(int fileId)
00078     {
00079         return MakeQuidImage(GetSetId(), fileId);
00080     }
00082     virtual String
00083     QuidToString(Quid quid, bool elaborate)
00084     {
00085         QuidObj qObj(quid);
00086         if (!elaborate)
00087             return qObj.ToString();
00088         String setName = "unknown";
00089         if ((qObj.Set() != 0) && (qObj.Set() == GetSetId()))
00090             setName = GetSetName();
00091         return "Q(" + QuidClassToString(qObj.Class()) + "," + setName + "," +
00092             GetFile(qObj.Id()) + ")";
00093     }
00095     void
00096     SetImageSrc(bool useArchive, bool useFileArchive, bool useSplitArchive)
00097     {
00098         mUseArchive = useArchive;
00099         mUseFileArchive = useFileArchive;
00100         mUseSplitArchive = useSplitArchive;
00101         if (mUseFileArchive)
00102             mUseArchive = true;
00103         if (mUseSplitArchive)
00104         {
00105             mUseFileArchive = true;
00106             mUseArchive = true;
00107         }
00109         if (mUseArchive)
00110         {
00111             String prefix("");
00112             if (mUseSplitArchive)
00113                 prefix = "split ";
00114             else if (mUseFileArchive)
00115                 prefix = "file ";
00116             ILOG_INFO("Reading " << prefix << "archive");
00117             Timer timer(1);
00118             if (mUseSplitArchive)
00119             {
00120                 for (int i=0 ; i<NrDirs() ; i++)
00121                 {
00122                     if (GetArchive(i) == 0)
00123                         mUseArchive = false;
00124                 }
00125                 return;
00126             }
00127             else
00128             {
00129                 if (GetArchive(0) == 0)
00130                     mUseArchive = false;
00131             }
00132             ILOG_INFO("time: " << timer.SplitTime());
00133         }
00134     }
00136     bool
00137     GetUseArchive()
00138     {
00139         return mUseArchive;
00140     }
00145     Array::Array2dVec3UInt8*
00146     GetImage(int fileId)
00147     {
00148         Array::Array2dVec3UInt8* im = 0;
00149         if (mUseArchive)
00150         {
00151             int dirId;
00152             int imIdx;
00153             if (mUseSplitArchive)
00154             {
00155                 dirId = GetDirIdOfFile(fileId);
00156                 imIdx = fileId - GetFirstFileId(dirId);
00157             }
00158             else
00159             {
00160                 dirId = 0;
00161                 imIdx = fileId;
00162             }
00163 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00164             Array::ImageArchiveFile* ar = GetArchive(dirId);
00165 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00166             Array::ImageArchive* ar = GetArchive(dirId);
00167 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00168             if (ar)
00169                 im = ar->ReadImage(imIdx);
00170         }
00171         else
00172         {
00173 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00174             String path = GetFilePathImageData(fileId, false, false);
00175             if (!path.empty())
00176                 ReadFile(im, path, GetDatabase());
00177 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00178             Persistency::ImageLocator loc = GetImageLocator(fileId);
00179             im = Persistency::ImageRepository().Get(loc);
00180 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00181         }
00182         return im;
00183     }
00187     Array::Array2dScalarUInt8*
00188     GetImageData(int fileId)
00189     {
00190         UInt8* dataPtr=0;
00191         size_t dataSize=0;
00192         if (mUseArchive)
00193         {
00194             int dirId;
00195             int imIdx;
00196             if (mUseSplitArchive)
00197             {
00198                 dirId = GetDirIdOfFile(fileId);
00199                 imIdx = fileId - GetFirstFileId(dirId);
00200             }
00201             else
00202             {
00203                 dirId = 0;
00204                 imIdx = fileId;
00205             }
00206 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00207             Array::ImageArchiveFile* ar = GetArchive(dirId);
00208 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00209             Array::ImageArchive* ar = GetArchive(dirId);
00210 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00211             if (ar)
00212                 dataPtr = ar->GetImageData(imIdx, dataSize);
00213         }
00214         else
00215         {
00216 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00217             String path = GetFilePathImageData(fileId, false, false);
00218             Util::Database* db = GetDatabase();
00219             Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = db->GetIOBuffer(path, true, false, "", 0, true);
00220             if (!ioBuf)
00221             {
00222                 ILOG_ERROR("Unable to open file " << path);
00223                 return 0;
00224             }
00225 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00226             Persistency::ImageLocator loc = GetImageLocator(fileId);
00227             Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf =
00228                 Persistency::ImageRepositoryInFile().GetReadBuffer(loc);
00229 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00230             dataSize = ioBuf->Size();
00231             dataPtr = new UInt8[dataSize];
00232             Int64 nrRead = ioBuf->Read(dataPtr, dataSize);
00233             delete ioBuf;
00234             if(nrRead != dataSize)
00235                 ILOG_ERROR("not all data read from ioBuf");
00236         }
00237         Array::Array2dScalarUInt8* im =
00238             Array::MakeFromData<Array::Array2dScalarUInt8>(dataPtr, dataSize, 1);
00239         delete dataPtr;
00240         return im;
00241     }
00243     int
00244     Diff(ImageSet* arg)
00245     {
00246         if (NrFiles() != arg->NrFiles())
00247         {
00248             ILOG_ERROR("Diff: nrFiles differs: " << NrFiles() << " vs " <<
00249                        arg->NrFiles());
00250             return 1;
00251         }
00252         int nDiff = 0;
00253         for (int i=0 ; i<NrFiles() ; i++)
00254         {
00255             if (GetAsPath(i) != arg->GetAsPath(i))
00256             {
00257                 ILOG_DEBUG("File " << i << " differs " << GetAsPath(i) <<
00258                            " vs " << arg->GetAsPath(i));
00259                 nDiff++;
00260             }
00261             else if (GetQuidImage(i) != arg->GetQuidImage(i))
00262             {
00263                 ILOG_DEBUG("Quid " << i << " differs " << GetQuidImage(i)
00264                            << " vs " << arg->GetQuidImage(i));
00265                 nDiff++;
00266             }
00267         }
00268         if (nDiff > 0)
00269             ILOG_ERROR("Found " << nDiff << " differences");
00270         return nDiff;
00271     }
00273 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00274     // Any data part based on id's
00280     String
00281     MakeDirId(String base, String subDir, int fileId, bool makeDbFile)
00282     {
00283         String dbFile = (makeDbFile) ? GetFile(fileId) : ".";
00284         return mDb->MakeDir(base, subDir, GetSectionOfFile(fileId),
00285                             GetDirOfFile(fileId), dbFile);
00286     }
00293     String
00294     GetFilePathId(String base, String subDir, int fileId,
00295                   bool useDbFileDir, bool useDbFile, String suffix,
00296                   bool toWrite)
00297     {
00298         String dbFileDir = (useDbFileDir) ? GetFile(fileId) : "";
00299         String fName = (useDbFile) ? GetFileBase(fileId) : "";
00300         return mDb->GetFilePath(base,  subDir, GetSectionOfFile(fileId),
00301                                 GetDirOfFile(fileId), dbFileDir,
00302                                 fName + suffix, toWrite, false);
00303     }
00305     // I/O part
00307     void
00308     SaveImageSet()
00309     {
00310         mDb->MakeDir("ImageData", "");
00311         Save(mDb->GetFilePath("ImageData", mSetName, true, false));
00312     }
00314     void
00315     UpdateImageSet()
00316     {
00317         mDb->MakeDir("ImageData", "");
00318         String fName = mDb->GetFilePath("ImageData", mSetName, true, true);
00319         if (fName.empty()) // try force override thru read
00320             fName = mDb->GetFilePath("ImageData", mSetName, false, false);
00321         Save(fName);
00322     }
00323 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00325 private:
00327 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00328     Array::ImageArchiveFile*
00329     GetArchive(int dirId)
00330     {
00331         Array::ImageArchiveFile* res = 0;
00332         if (mArchives.GetElement(dirId, res))
00333             return res;
00335         if (mUseSplitArchive)
00336         {
00337             int fileId = GetFirstFileId(dirId);
00338             String fName = GetFilePathImageArchive(fileId, "images.raw", false,
00339                                                    false);
00340             if (fName.empty())
00341                 return 0;
00342             res = new Array::ImageArchiveFile(fName, !mUseFileArchive,
00343                                               GetDatabase());
00344             mArchives.AddElement(dirId, res);
00345             return res;
00346         }
00347         String fName = GetFilePathImageArchive(GetSetNameBase() + ".raw", false,
00348                                                false);
00349         if (fName.empty())
00350             return 0;
00351         res = new Array::ImageArchiveFile(fName, !mUseFileArchive, GetDatabase());
00352         mArchives.AddElement(0, res);
00353         return res;
00354     }
00355 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00356     Array::ImageArchive*
00357     GetArchive(int dirId)
00358     {
00359         Array::ImageArchive* res = 0;
00360         if (mArchives.GetElement(dirId, res))
00361             return res;
00363         if (mUseSplitArchive)
00364         {
00365             String container = GetContainerDir(dirId);
00366             Persistency::ImageArchiveLocator loc(GetLocator(), false,
00367                                                  container, "images.raw", 0);
00368             res = Persistency::ImageArchiveRepository().Get(loc);
00369             mArchives.AddElement(dirId, res);
00370             return res;
00371         }
00372         String arName = GetSetNameBase() + ".raw";
00373         Persistency::ImageArchiveLocator loc(GetLocator(), false, "", arName, 0);
00374         res = Persistency::ImageArchiveRepository().Get(loc);
00375         mArchives.AddElement(0, res);
00376         return res;
00377     }
00378 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00380     int mSetId;
00381     bool mUseArchive;
00382     bool mUseFileArchive;
00383     bool mUseSplitArchive;
00384 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00385     Util::Cache<int, Array::ImageArchiveFile*> mArchives;
00386 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00387     Util::Cache<int, Array::ImageArchive*> mArchives;
00388 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00390     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00391 };
00393 ILOG_VAR_INIT(ImageSet, Impala.Core.ImageSet);
00395 } // namespace ImageSet
00396 } // namespace Core
00397 } // namespace Impala
00399 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:13 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1